Saturday, October 05, 2024


Went to Pennington to meet niece Joan for lunch, then strolled through the lovely and peaceful graveyard of the Presbyterian church. This is historic, so it seems more fitting to call it that, rather than "cemetery." How old is the congregation? Three hundred and fifteen years, just a year younger than the settlement of Queenstown, its first name: 

Here's niece Joan, as we strolled around the graveyard:

Passed through Ewing on the way home and saw the house where my family and I lived for 41 years. Had a bite to eat, then changed and went to the BIG DANCE:
Did I dance? Better believe it--more than I have in maybe sixty years. It was great fun and it was past ten before I fell into bed. Slept soundly, as I have been most of the time here in my home state.

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Ellen and Greg got here about 11:30 and while Greg went to Peets for coffee, El reported on her doctor visit; happily, things are going well...