Thursday, October 31, 2024


Put in a color wash, then showered and washed my hair. I'm always pleased to realize it will dry while I'm having breakfast, then I can fold and put away after.

Made lunch and took off at 11:00 to meet Diane, going early, so I could stop in the library to read for a bit. I was anxious to hear about the CMT conference she attended, but was sorry to hear it wasn't at all what she had hoped. To begin with, there were only twenty people there and only one had the same type of condition Diane has. She did talk to one of the doctors, but sadly, was told they didn't know of any research going on at this type. Although neuropathy isn't uncommon, the hereditary kind Diane has, very much is. Anyway, the meeting was a disappointment to her and she also is having trouble with Lupe, whom she pays to drive her outside the area. I won't go into the problems, but they could be serious. 

However, as always, we had a good convivial meet-up for about three hours. Said goodbye close to 3:00 and walked to the bank to deposit the check I got from Community Memorial Hospital--I had somehow overpaid for my emergency room visit a few months ago. Also got some cash to have around--I like to keep smaller bills for tips and so on. 

After the bank, I walked down to Ralph's Supermarket for fresh shrimp and a few other items. Bused from there to the mall, so I could get the 10 bus home.*

Ellen called about 6:00 and we had a good long chat. She said that Greg's housemate, Carl, had been at the peace presentation on Sunday. Darn, I've never met him; if I had, I would have enjoyed seeing him there--he's Caucasian, but follows the Buddhist way and has gone on pilgrimages to Nepal. 

* I can take the 6 and the 21, too, but they turn at Victoria Avenue, which means I have to walk two blocks further to get home. However, the 10 runs only every hour or so. I know it's silly, but I always consider the universe is on my side if I'm lucky enough to get the 10 bus!  😉

Wednesday, October 30, 2024


 A kind of domestic day, but not dull or dreary--I enjoyed it. Went to Von's in the morning for oatmeal, IPA, and apples. I then saw some nice cabbage and realized I hadn't made cabbage fritters for some time. And wait, what was that over there, also in produce? Carrots! I definitely wanted them, too. However, what with what I had already, I didn't think I could pull my cart if I added them. Therefore, I walked home, put the first cart-ful stuff away, then went back to buy the rest. 

Had lunch, then spent several hours absorbed in food prep. I scrubbed and trimmed the carrots, added three tangerines, cinnamon, and a little water, and popped them in the slow cooker. To the spinach, I added olive oil, vinegar, and garlic, then simmered it in the microwave--had a large bowl for lunch. I sliced the tomatoes to have them ready for sandwiches and washed, cored, and seasoned three apples. Microwaved , then refrigerated them to have for evening snacks. As for the cabbage, I couldn't quite decide whether to use it for fritters or cooked with apples, so I stored it in the fridge and will  prepare later.

While I was in the middle of all this, Suzanne stopped in and I was happy to take a break. We chatted and she caught me up on her big family (not quite as big as mine, but pretty impressive). She's going to Idaho on Friday morning for her nephew's wedding and asked if I'd take her rent check to the office that day. I will and I guess I'll take mine, too. I've never paid by check before, but I'm still not clear on what kind of procedures they have for this. Guess I could just send it electronically as I used to, but I want to see if a simple check will be easier. Suzanne and I also talked about my possible future move, about which I'm now having second thoughts. Just have to sort things out...

Lib lunch today with Diane--I hope the wind dies down, as the Santa Ana's have really been strong. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Monday: Sammy And The Lady

I mailed in my ballot, which covered local affairs. Interestingly, I understand that in other states, postage is charged; here, it's free.

Having found my gate opener remote, I went to the office and gave them a check for ten bucks (for making the keys) and they gave me back the check for sixty, which I destroyed. Last Friday at T.O.P.S., Lennie had mentioned that Trinity Lutheran would be undergoing renovations in a week or so and I said they could meet in the all-purpose room here. I asked Kim if that was okay and, yes, it is. However, the other question I asked: if, after my lease is up, I should go month-to-month, what does that entail? Damn, as I should have known, it would mean a hefty increase in rent--probably ten percent.

Called SCAN Transportation and booked a ride to Primary Medical for Thursday.

E-mailed Diane that I was anxious to hear about her experience with the CMT (neuropathy) group last weekend and we made a date for lib lunch tomorrow. The CMT type, which she has, has no cure and no treatment.

About 1:00, I heard a terrific racket on my outside wall and remembered management had send out an email to the effect that fire extinguisher would be installed next to each apartment. Considering that a year ago, we were all given fire extinguishers to put under the kitchen sink, that seems excessive, but I assume it's one of those CYA things. Anyway, I finally got around to recognizing  Halloween and last minute, put out my decorations. Humph, my Sammy Skelton is cuter than the fire extinguisher: 

His companion, the lady of the dead, is on my door:

Made lunch and bused to town to et it; it was very quiet, typical of a Monday. Went to the library and returned the two books on Elvis, neither of which I finished; I just lost interest. Took out Dilettante, by the "deputy editor" of Vanity Fair, about the the only magazines I enjoy. Author was with the mag for twenty-five years and I like celebrity gossip. 

Got the 10 bus home and spent about an hour doing cryptograms--oh, I'll fall out of love with them one of these days, but for now, they're my favorite.

Monday, October 28, 2024


Interesting day and a good one in more ways than one (see later). I took the 16 bus to Ojai, Ellen picked me up and we went to Sea Fresh for lunch. I was delighted that Greg had asked to join us and he met us there. We had a good time, as ever, comfortable with each other, and babbling away.

After, Greg drove home and El took me to the Ojai Retreat Cultural Center. It's in a lovely area, with views like this front one all around:


There were only about twenty people there, most pretty long in the tooth, but the presentation was interesting. It was given by Lisa and Brian Berman, German Jews, as they identified themselves, who live in Ojai: 
Their peace group went first to Auschwitz in Poland, then to Japan, visiting Tokyo, Mount Fuji, and finally, Hiroshima. They opened with this slide: 
They showed many others, including this from Hiroshima:
I was enchanted by the information connected to the screen on this one: 
It's a "peace pole" that stands at the cultural center, similar to the one at the Bermans' home. Next to it is a tree that grew from seeds taken from Hiroshima just after the atom bomb was dropped. They believe the fact that a tree grew from the seeds in a sign of hope for the world. It's too bad  Harris, Trump and all the rest of the child killers didn't show up.

El picked me up, we stopped into a store, then she took me to the bus stop. This is a nice place with a bench, a little hut-like arrangement, and foliage all around. She waited with me until the 16 came, then we said goodbye.

Now here's the other good part: As mentioned here, I had lost my keys on Wednesday and had to get others made at the office. What I was just too embarrassed to mention was that on Friday, when I came back from T.O.P.S., again I couldn't find my keys. I had another new set made and what's worse, I had also lost my remote that opens the gates and it cost me fifty bucks for a new one; I shelled out seventy bucks all together. Okay, back to the story: Got off the bus yesterday (Sunday) and--couldn't find my keys OR the remote!  I was ready to throw in the towel and declare myself incompetent until I dug around the compartment in my purse and discovered a very small hole in the lining. Yes, that's where I found all three sets of keys and the two remotes! Happy day and shortly, I'm going to go to the office, tell them I found the remote, and ask to get my fifty bucks back for the new one. Life is good!

Sunday, October 27, 2024


Back in the groove pretty much, I gathered together the homeowners insurance documents, completed the mercantile license form, copied all, then walked to the P.O. to send it certified mail. Got home with a load off my mind. 

I called Noreen to see how things were with her unwanted house guest. Luckily, Michelle seems to be in touch with a shelter and also, she got a three-thousand-dollar grant for housing, so I hope that means she'll soon leave Noreen's. 

Talked to Ellen and we made our plans for today. I'll bus to Ojai, arriving at 11:00, she'll pick me up and we'll go to Sea Fresh for an early lunch. We'll then hang out until she drives me to the Ojai Retreat Cultural Center to see the presentation by the Berman couple about their trip to Japan and the peace gathering. It's from 2:00 to 3:30 (or 4:00, I'll have to check on that); after, El will pick me up and drop me off so I can bus home. 

As for yesterday, I packed my lunch and bused to town to eat in my usual spot across from the mission. It occurred to me that I've posted a few pictures of the mission, but not of the park across from it, so here's a portion of it, as of yesterday: 

Went from there to the transit center and Target to get three of their big, big grapefruits (I don't know why other places don't contact their supplier), plus some bananas. Home, after I showered and washed my hair, I sectioned off my grapefruit, and had some of my ground turkey stir-fry for dinner. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Friday With It's Ups And Downs And Up Again

Tiny, inconsequential movement with the weight thing: At home, I was down .04 to 127.6, at T.O.P.S. up .01 to 128.6.  (Hey, I think the world is still turning.) Sharon wore a kind of Indian/Zebra outfit with earrings Bobbi had made for her, so I had to take some pictures:

My pal, Lora, also looked smashing, so I acted as photog for her, too:
I'll miss her when her house in finished in Arizona and she and Todd move there. 

Home, and something upsetting happened on which I don't want to elaborate. After that, I was feeling down, so I made a sandwich, took an IPA and a book, and ate out in the middle. It was very quiet, everybody at work or school, and I enjoyed it. I then went back and took a nap of about an hour. I attribute being sleepy to the fact that I had only half the coffee I usually drink with breakfast, having been occupied with something else.  

I perked up later and dealt with several pounds of chicken thighs by oiling, seasoning, and baking them via my favorite method: a very low (300 deg.) temp for an hour and ten, then 425 for twenty to brown the top. Comes out so tender and good and I had a large one and nothing up for dinner. 

Friday, October 25, 2024


For some reason, I was feeling a little down in the morning. I was gathering together the homeowners insurance I needed to send to Little Egg and it seemed such a chore, especially because my damn printer is now taking several minutes to copy and print each page. 

Cheered up after lunch, although I had to take the bus to get to the audiologist's office. The person there said the audiologist had gone home sick, but she'd help me--and she did. She cleared the aid that was giving me a problem and that did the trick. She also advised me to come in every three months to have it done; I don't remember being told that before, but I may have forgotten.

Took the 10 home right when school was letting out, but that didn't really bother me. I enjoy looking at the high school kids and overhearing--snooping--what they say to each other. Home, I picked up my Halloween cards, all filled out and  stamped, for children, grandchildren, nd great-grands. Well, yeah, some are in their sixties, but so what? Took them to the mail slot on my way to Von's, stopping at CVS first for my Ramipril and a sleep-aid I've been taking. 

Home, I called to get a referral to the dermatologist as I think I have more Basel cell on my nose. It's so annoying that I have to see the doc or the P.A. or maybe then janitor first, but I made an appointment for 1:00 on the thirty-first--BOO!  

Emailed son P. to thank him, my DIL, and my grandson for the Halloween card and mentioned that I was embarrassed I had spelled his name with an "u." I was surprised and amused when he wrote back that that it can be spelled in various way, with or without the "u," so no prob. Of course, Japanese did not originally use Arabic letters, so my grandson's name would (and still does, they learn both) look like this:  æ›´æ–°--I think I'll stick with my version.

Ellen called and we had a good long talk. I asked if she wanted to go to the peace gathering on Sunday in Ojai. She doesn't, but said if I take the bus, she'll meet me and drive me up to the site. I'll ask if Cheryl wants to go first, then maybe take her  up on it. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024


 As noted on Tuesday's entry, I had no internet in the morning. I had slept until 7:00, didn't have breakfast until almost 9:00 and wanted to leave for my lunch date with Diane by 11:00. I packed her present in my cart, along with my keep-cold thing for my IPA, and walked to Telephone to get the 11 bus. I just made it and wouldn't you know, Diane was on it, too, and we got to Urbane Café early, where we both had the salmon bowl (actually, it think their take on salmon is uninspired). I treated for her birthday which was actually on October third, but she was in Vegas then with her two sisters.

Naturally, we talked and talked. I was so interested in hearing, and so pleased for her, that she will attend a CMT conference this Saturday in Marina Del Ray. Diane, ever the optimist, is going to approach some of the doctors there to offer herself as a kind of advocate/educator. I hope she gets some interested responses. We sat and talked for several hours, as ever, then she bused home on the 11 and I took the 6, then the 10 home. 

While waiting for the bus, I called SCAN' Transportation to be picked up and taken to my audiologist appointment today. However, I found I was 32 minutes late in calling--it has to be within 24 hours--so annoying and I hadn't known that before, but the hell with it, it's easy enough for me take the bus.  

When I approached my front door, I went to take my keys out of my purse and found I didn't have them. I certainly had them on my way out in the morning, so much have somehow dropped them on my way to Telephone. I went to the office and they were able to make me a new set (one for the door, one for my mailbox) in a half-hour, so it wasn't a disaster, anyway, just another annoyance.

Lorraine called asking about Jim. She's going to see her friend at the same place over the weekend and I  debated with myself whether to ask to go, but didn't--not sure. I got a Halloween card from the eleven-year-old in Tokyo--must obscure his face, I'm afraid, as his father won't allow it to be on the Internet:

Darn--for several years now, I've added a "u" to his name and it isn't spelled that way!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


 Did a bleach wash, then started on the lemon squares I decided to make and bring to the covered dish. Several years ago, I had read advice from some celebrity chef or other: don't make for company or for other than family a dish you hadn't made before.

I should have listened, but after all, I cook and bake a fair amount, and how hard could lemon squares be?  Well, they're not difficult, but "hard" is the operative word. For some reason, the crust part turned out to be harder--or stiffer, or something--than I think they should have been. Even so, I paced them up and stowed them in my carryall. 

Lora picked me up a little early, so we drove up into the hills and she showed me where she had lived when she was unmarried. Got to Dudley House after and settled in. I was chagrinned to realize how sparse attendance was. There seem to be few and few people who attend each year since COVID hit and last night, incredibly, only twenty showed up.  

It was fun, though, and I know Lora had a good time, too. After we ate, as ever, Connie K. and a young woman impersonated "Anna and Adelaide of San Bonaventura in 1905. Their performance was taken from memoirs of an actual early Ventura resident; it was very enteraining:

Home at about 8:30 and on Wednesday morning, when I went to top off this entry, I had no internet. Called Yondoo Communications and was told yes, they were having a problem here because of some missed connections or screwed-up mechanical part or because the Russians committed sabotage or whatever.  Okay, so continued on next day...


Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Walked to Wal-Mart in the morning to get ingredients for the lemon squares I plan to make t bring to the Dudley House covered dish today. It was a beautiful day, in the high seventies and sunny. Got my stuff and bused home. I had laid in a big supply of frozen lunches, so I had one (parm chicken and spaghetti), then showered and washed my hair. 

After, I spent more time trying to get pertinent information on apartments in Jersey. I get the impression they're all owned by the same big corporation and frankly, their web sites stink. However, one in Manchester caught my eye and I may pursue it in the future--and for the future.

Lunched, showered, and washed my hair, preparing for Soaring Spirits dinner. Took the 21 to Telephone, then the 11 to the Barnes & Noble shopping center. I was early, of course, and browsed at Kohl's for a time, then B&N until 6:00 when I walked across to the Stone Fire Grille. I had what I often do, a kid's pizza and a hazy IPA. Had a good time with the regulars. Gayle told me her daughter works at the Lion's Den, a restaurant that just opened at the Von's shopping center across from me. Maybe I'll suggest that's where I'll take Suzanne and Vickie for lunch (just as a thank-you for dropping me off and picking me at the Sheraton). Enjoyed talking to Glenda, too, an avid pickleball player at the age of 83. As ever, Vera took me home; got in about 7:30.

Good new: I slept until the phone alarm went off at 7:00.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Sunday With Books And Spooks

 A quiet, but pleasant day. The Sunday crossword was challenging, but I got all but one and topped it off with some cryptograms. Did a few things afterward so important I can't remember what they were, then packed my lunch and bused to town. On the bus, a youngish guy sat next to me and chatted. I found him interesting, as he confided that he had epilepsy, but God has helped him play the guitar and preach anyway. (Or as the illiterate say, "anyways"--AAGH!). He introduced himself as "Jeff," quoted chapter and verse of the bible, and said he's written a book of poetry called Come to the Sea And View God's Imagination. I was actually able to find it on Amazon:

Anyway, it was a diversion I enjoyed, heretic though I am.

Got off in town and browsed around, then bought these three books at The Coalition Thrift Store:

I guess it's pretty evident I have reading tastes that cover a wide range (from the ridiculous to the sublime?). I do think Dr. Gawande's book is an apt follow-up to Dr. Kalanithi's When Breath Becomes Air.  They're both sort of a philosophical take on that old bugaboo, what's out there, besides us?

In front of the same place, I was menaced by a monster that even talks! It was horrifying:

However, I was able to get away from him and eat my lunch at my favored spot across from the mission. For a Sunday, town was pretty quiet, although Pirano's was well filled. They have a singer/guitar player on Sundays and I was well within range--nice: 

I left about 2:30; got off at the transit center and went to BevMo to replenish my supply of IPAs.
Home, I got on the Internet to research apartments available in a certain area of Jersey--this is a long-term project, of course. I was amazed at the rents; at several nice places, they're actually considerably lower for a two-bedroom than what I pay here for one here. On the other hand, the snow and ice...

Ellen called after dinner and we had a good chat. Happy day, she said her knee is improving every day and she was able to take a twenty-five minute walk yesterday 

Sunday, October 20, 2024


 I've been trying to change my get-up time and hope to make it a standard 6:00 AM. However, I awoke yesterday and today at 5:00, too early. The problem is that I then get sleepy at night and can't slay up after 9:00 or. Will keep working on it.

After breakfast, I did a bit of paper/computer work and hulled, sliced, and Stevia-ed a pound of strawberries, then popped them in the freezer for later. Looked over my recipes to try to decide what to make for the Dudley House Covered Dish Supper on Tuesday. I found a good recipe for lemon squares, so maybe I'll make them--they'll be easier to carry than a hot dish, anyway. 

After, I packed my lunch and bused to the Target on Telephone.* As I often do, I started off walking the mile and some down Victoria to catch the 11 bus on Telephone. However, it was so hot--it got up to 83--that I decided that was foolhardy, so turned back after about a half-mile and took the 6 bus to Telephone, then the 11 to Target. Bought some Halloween cards there, as well as some nice teriyaki salmon. Ate my lunch on the bench (in the shade) outside the Target shopping center, then bused, getting in at 4:00.  

* I admit I was curious about Noreen's unwanted housemate, so wanted to check her out. However, I didn't see a cashier name Michelle, so maybe I missed her, or she was off, or she works in the Target at the mall. None of my beeswax, anyway.

Saturday, October 19, 2024


Noreen called me at 6:30 (we're both early risers) to suggest lunch and I enthusiastically agreed. Since I'm booked so much of next week, we decided on yesterday. Although I don't get home until after 10:00 from T.O.P.S. and breakfast then, she and I meet at 12:30 and I'm well able to eat again at that time. 

As for T.O.P.S., I managed to gain back close to the 1.8 pounds I lost last week: At home, I was 1.4 up, to 128, at T.O.P.S., .05 more than that. The meeting was one of our usual therapy sessions, this time leader Lennie introduced aging and death. Sounds morose, but it really wasn't. I introduced to topic in literature, citing When Breath Becomes Air.  Farmerette Bev brought me three nice little succulent plants, which I'll eventually put in the ground. 

Home, ate breakfast, did my crosswords and cryptograms, then Suzanne dropped in to show me pictures of her new little great-nephew. Good grief, he's been named Huxley, of all things--it's a brave new world, isn't it? (Only the literate will get the allusion.) She asked if I'd take her rent check to the office, as she won't be here on November 1; she's going to a cousin's second wedding (Sister Gerald must be spinning in her grave.)  

I then took my cart and bused to town. I was a tad early, so stopped at the library to return When Breath Becomes Air, then went on the half-block to Dargan's to meet Noreen.

I'm always happy to see her. As I've mentioned here before, she's one of the kindest, least self-centered, most self-effacing person I've ever met. Unfortunately, what she told me may be an example of her character, which sometimes causing problems. It seems that one of her T.O.P.S. group (she attends a different chapter) has moved into her house--and now Noreen doesn't know how to get her, Michelle,  to leave. How can that be? Well, there are complicated circumstances: the woman has a job, but as a clerk at Target, so makes little, so presumably, can't afford to rent. She had been living with another member of T.O.P.S., but they had an argument and she left. Good-hearted Noreen offered to take her in and now, it seems, she can't bring herself to ask her to leave. She asked if I had any ideas to remedy the situation. I suggested she pick a time to talk to Michelle and, without being nasty or heavy-handed, ask what her plans are, then gently tell her she was welcome to stay for another, say, two weeks, but would have to work toward that end date. If Michelle isn't gone when the date nears, Noreen needs to get more emphatic about it. Sounds good, right? But I'm afraid Noreen doesn't have it in her to stand up for herself.   

Now we're not talking about a frail elderly woman here--Michelle is in her  fifties and in good health. Noreen mentioned that she also talks incessantly, puts on her own shows on T.V. and has some other unfortunate traits. As happens with mild-natured people, Noreen, almost never having a back and forth conversation. I hope my friend gets rid of this parasite, but it's doubtful. We'll see how this works out.

We said goodbye after 3:00 and I headed back to the library. Took out two books on Elvis, a current interest, but am disappointed in the larger one, as it's in a kind of daily diary format. The other's called Don't Ask Forever: My Love Affair With Elvis, which tells you all you need to know about those who jump on the celebrity band wagon.

Friday, October 18, 2024


Changed the bed, washed the sheets, and re-made during breakfast (I seem to always do it this way). After, I spent time researching rentals in Jersey for a possible move sometime in the future. This would be only part of the year; ideally, I'd be back here during several of the winter months. 

Went over to Von's (something I seem to do almost daily--I'm in a rut!) for their 10 for $10 specials and strawberries. I felt a little down for some reason, maybe because it was cloudy and overcast all day. To cheer up, I  packed a sandwich, a book, and an IPA and ate in the middle area. Because I seem to be in a decadent phase, I then watched a half-hour of a documentary on Elvis--it was mediocre. I then took a short nap--talk about decadent!  I think my mood was affected by the fact that since Monday when Ellen and Greg were here and a few phone calls, I haven't had much contact with family or friends. Okay, next week is shaping up better:

Monday: Dinner with the Soaring Spirits gang

Tuesday: the Dudley House covered dish with Lora 

Wednesday: Lunch with Diane at the Urbane Café

Thursday: getting my right hearing aid adjusted at HEAR USA (well, that ain't no fun)

After dinner, I got a call from Victoria Care Center. about Jim's progress and things seem fairly okay. The woman (it wasn't the social worker I've talked to before) said his wounds are healing on knees, ankles, and arm. Her English was difficult to understand, so I didn't ask many questions, just thanked her for calling.  

Literary Notes: I'm re-reading two books that I value very highly. One is When Breath Becomes Air, by Paul Kalanithi, M.D., who was the chief resident in neurosurgery at Stanford. He was a high achiever all his life: Yale under- and graduate degrees, M.D. from Stanford, and so on, married to the L. of his L.--he had about all life has to offer. Then he developed cancer and died at 37. As this book shows, he was also a wonderfully profound writer and thinker on life's unanswerable questions.  When I finished it--each time--I felt a personal loss. 


Paul Kalanithi, M/D.

The other book is War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning, by Chris Hedges. This is about the fourth time I've read it over ten or so years. Hedges is one of my favorite writers and thinkers and this book is one of the reasons why. He also writes for many of the pacifist on-line journals to which I subscribe, including Consortium News and SheerPost. 

Chris Hedges

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Wednesday And Trump--HA!

A good and productive day, although it was surprisingly cool and overcast, even a bit drizzly. (Seems ironic that my stay in Jersey was almost all under sunny skies.) Did some food prep: washed and cored my three pounds of apples, seasoned them with the usual, and popped them in the oven. I reserved one for after dinner and set up the rest two-by-two in the freezer for later. Hard-boiled four eggs for sandwiches in the next few days. Took the pound of ground turkey from the freezer, defrosted and cooked it up, then returned it to the freezer. Soon, I'll get onions, sweet peppers, and other veggies to add. 

While I was doing this, I heard from my great-nephew, Betty's grandson, Finn, 23. who is touring Europe and has been for some time. I don't know how he finds his way around, but he's managed to go to several different countries on his own., He's now headed for Alsace-Lorraine, where our antecedents were from. We've been texting back and forth via Instagram for several days, which I enjoy so much.  

I got a call from Tony C., the gardener to say he was going over to look at the ailing Japanese maple at 8 Sweetwater. Called me back later to say he'd try to save it by spraying, which would cost me fifty bucks. I told him to go ahead, but was a little miffed to say I should add $3.13 for tax. I thought that was bush-league, but didn't say anything and sent him a check. I also sent my tenant, Lori, the water bill (the water company won't put it in anyone's name but the homeowner, although the other utilities do) and mentioned what Tony would do. 

Also wrote out a birthday card for Cheryl, the pal who picks me up every week for T.O.P.S., then discovered I had used all my stamps. No prob, I walked to the P.O. to get more. On my way, I passed Von's and was amused to see this:

There was lots of wonderful merchandise:
Wowee, you can buy yourself a lovely tee there, too:

I chatted with the young man with the display; clearly, he was being paid, as he wasn't a Trump fan. Like me, he wasn't a Harris fan, either. We kind of agreed it's the system that stinks and it's immaterial to those we bomb who wins the charade.

Stopped at Von's for a few frozen dinners--I've down most of the freezer--and a Mr. Eraser. Had some yummy breaded shrimp for dinner, along with leftovers--yam and leftover string beans. Called Ellen and was happy to hear she and her knee are progressing well.

I've been able to sleep until about 6:00 since I started taking the OTC ZZZ-Quil, but I'm a little uneasy about taking a sleep aid every night. Maybe I'll try going without it if I have a particularly active day. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 Packed my lunch, took my cart, and hustled off to meet Diane by the library. She teased me about my sending error of Sunday (not sending, that is), then we settled down to good talk. Of course, she heard all about my Jersey sojourn and I heard about her meeting her sisters in Vegas for three days. That was to celebrate her birthday and darn, I forgot I had gotten something for her from Laurita Winery. Will bring it next time I see her.

We parted about 3:00 and I decided to walk to Victoria Care Center about 1.5 miles to see Jim. He was in bed and watching some news show about the situation in Ukraine, Palestine, and around the world. He's very frail, as he has been and seem a bit less oriented than when I saw him last. Luckily, he said he had gotten "some" of his mail; he had been concerned bout that. It's very had to understand him, as he speaks so softly, plus there was no place for me to sit, so I thought I'd leave after ten minutes or so. To my surprise, Jim said, "don't go," so I stayed about a half hour longer. I'll drop in again next week or so.

I was interested to see that someone had sent him flowers. I looked at the card and saw it was from Burrows Real Estate. I think the owners of Jim's apartment use them to manage, so good--I assume they know where he is. When I asked about his mail, he said "a friend" had brought some of it. When I left Jim, I went to talk to the social worker to see if there was anything new, but it was after 4:30 and she was gone for the day. She'll call me tomorrow.  

When I was at Jim's bedside, Kim from the office here called to cancel our 1:00 meeting for today. Why? Because I was gong to bring my laptop over and she was going to walk me through the Bilt rent payment thing, to which I wasn't looking forward. Shee called to ask if I had seen the note at my door--no, because I had been out most of the day. She then announced that the apartment complex has been sold--it's now owned by FPI Management, Inc. of Folsom, CA. Hey, it won't effect much in my life, for now, anyway. so it's fine with me and now I don't have to get into the BILT thing. Of course, FPI has its own annoying system, which tenants will be inflicted with later. 

Bused home from there and stopped at Von's for apples as I want to make applesauce. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Ellen and Greg got here about 11:30 and while Greg went to Peets for coffee, El reported on her doctor visit; happily, things are going well with the surgery recovery. She brought an ice machine, which she said was given to her--I assume it was covered by insurance--specifically designed for knee surgery. You put ice and cold water in the tank, which flows through a hose to a kind of flat contraption to wrap around the knee. El also lay down on my bed and did her daily exercises for the leg while we brought each other up to date on our recent doings. 

Greg came back at 1:00 and we went to Steven's Greek for lunch. It was, as ever, great fun to be with them--we had plenty to talk about. They came back to my place and both lay down for a short nap. While they did, I swept the patio, dead-headed the geraniums, and cleared the pine needles from the succulents. El's P.T. appointment was in Oxnard at 3:15, so they left about 3:00. I'm so glad she's progressing so well, and so grateful to Greg for taking such good care of her.

Ordered my calcium citrate complex from Amazon and refill of Ramipril (for blood pressure) from Express Scripts. I had called the doc to get some before the full Rx comes and within an hour, CVS texted me to come in and pick them up. I hope I'm nearing the end of things I have to do to compensate for being away for two weeks. 

Now here's a puzzle: When I was in Jersey, I got a note asking me to call the Public Guidance Office about possible assistance for Jim. I waited until yesterday to do so, and when I did, the woman I reached said he wasn't listed in their office, as they work only with those with conservatorships. I assume that means people who have been declared incompetent to care for themselves. The part I don't understand is who wrote the note and who suggested I call them. I'll follow up tomorrow, I guess.

TODAY, I'm meeting Diane for lib lunch and I made sure I sent a confirmation!  In response, that naughty girl said she's bring extra wine to reward me. 😄

Monday, October 14, 2024

Sunday--And Is My Face Red...

Why's that? Read on:

Got up at 5:00 and did a color wash during breakfast. After fooling around with this and that, I packed my lunch and set off over the foot bridge to meet Diane at the library. As I was leaving, I ran into Leah upstairs and we chatted for a bit, so I didn't get to our rendezvous until 11:59. Diane wasn't there yet, which was odd, as she's usually early. I sat and waited for her...and waited...and waited. At 12:20, I called her and it went to voice mail. At this point, I was alarmed as the last time Diane didn't show up, she had had a seizure and was in the hospital. Finally, after calling her again, I called the office where she lives and left a message asking that somebody check on her (but I don't think the office is staffed on Sundays). Anyway, she finally called me about 12:30, saying I had never responded to her suggestion for lunch. AAGH! I looked and there's so "sent" message from me to her. I know I had written it out, but forgot to hit "send." Okay, we made a make-up date for tomorrow and this time, we'll both show.   

Anyway, I stayed to eat my lunch--why not?--then stopped in the library which, happily, is open until 2:00 on Sundays. Sat reading for a half hour or so, then took out the book and bought another. I didn't feel like going home after, so bused to the mall and Target (two days in a row) for olive oil and butter spray. Home at 4:00.

Ellen and Greg will be here today and, I hope, we'll go to lunch in between her appointments--looking forward to that, of course.  

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Saturday--She Said My Name...*

My two weeks in Jersey and Pennsy were great, but it's still nice to be back in the familiar, tried and true. Of course, I'm still catching up with all the "paper" (read "computer") work that seems to increase with time. Nevertheless, I indulged myself by packing my lunch, busing to town, and eating at my favored spot across from the mission. There was a fair amount of people in town, enough to make it festive, but not uncomfortable. I saw a bride about to make her grand entrance to be married at the mission:

There were a number of tents with vendors along Main Street and one was promoting a show at the New Art City, a small theatre in town. The show is by a stand-up comedian named Bill Posley who's doing something called "The Day I Accidentally Went To War." Interested, I asked the man in the tent if it had a pacifist angle. He equivocated about it and this led to a ten-minute discussion. Of course, he urged me to attend and gave me this discount come-on:

I considered it, but when I saw "honoring the veteran experience" and looked up this guy, I saw he's anything but, a pacifist, so thanks but no thanks. However, it was kind of interesting to talk to the guy.

From there, I bused to the mall and Target to pick up grapefruit and the disposable plastic glasses I favor when I pack a lunch. Home, I put together a stir-fry with my usual ground turkey and chopped onions and peppers, plus Italian seasoning. This time, I added a can of diced tomatoes and it turned out really good.  

Just put in a load of wash, but it's 6:00 am, so I won't run it yet, as I don't want to disturb Leah upstairs. Meeting Diane today for our lib lunch and I'm looking forward to that. 

 * Text from niece Carolyn on Friday: "My mom just said your name clear as day." I wrote back, "Tell her I said 'I love Betty.'"  I miss her so much.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


I was down 1.8 at home to 125.6 and down 1.4 at T.O.P.S. to 126.6. Meeting meandered all over the place, as ever, but it was nice to be there after a two-week hiatus.

Home, breakfast, then I plunged again into getting back to normal. Called the office and made a date with Kim for Wednesday at 1:00 to get up to speed on the Bilt thing. Wrote notes--yes, I actually hand-wrote them and sent them by snail mail. One was to my son's mother-in-law in Japan sending sympathy on the death of her husband; son will have to translate. The other was to Lisa, a part of our family not blood-related, but I think very highly of her. She fashions sea glass and other tumbled glass into lovely ornaments and wall hangings and gave me this cute little guy:


Lisa has a website and seems to do well with her business. She's also a pickleball player as everybody the universe seems to be except me.

Also spent time on food prep: Went to Von's for a number of things to restock the larder, including three big apples, which I cored, seasoned (Stevia and cinnamon), and cooked in the microwave. I'll have them for evening snacks.  E-mailed nephew Wes to ask if he wanted me to send him back the Ventnor book and got a nice note in response to keep it until I see him.

Ellen called and we talked for a long time. She'll be here on Monday, thanks to Greg, in between her doctor and P.T. appointments, then we three will go to lunch. I'm so looking forward to seeing her. 

I got an invitation to the Dudley House covered dish on October 22nd. I've gone for the last six or seven years and taken Jim with me. Unfortunately, that's not possible this time and, to be realistic, probably never will be again. I guess I'll ask a friend to go; otherwise, I may just have to take the Access Van. 

I'll call the Public Guardian Office and the Care Center on Monday to follow up on the Jim situation. 

Friday, October 11, 2024


Hoo-boy, I spent most of the day on the chores that had piled up while I was gone. Although I didn't get to bed until 11:00 Wednesday night, I got up yesterday at 5:00 am. Oddly, I didn't really feel any jet lag or tiredness. I dealt with various, including getting a start on the documents that have to go to Little Egg for the mercantile license. Texted Lori that Tony, the gardener, had called to say he'll look at the Japanese maple and see if it might be treated or would have to be removed. 

I went over to the office to discuss the damn new Bilt arrangement they have for rent payment Of course, I don't have to participate; I could authorize BOA to send the rent itself automatically, but that means the utility bill, which varies from month to month, so I would have to do it separately. I spoke to Kim, the "assistant community director" (grandiose title!) and, in fact, was impressed with her professionalism. She suggested I make an appointment to see her, bring my laptop, and she'll help with the Bilt registration thing. I said I had heard the complex was going to be sold and she confirmed it. Hey, I don't care as long as I can do my thing here. Went from there to Von's for broccoli, frozen blueberries, and plant milk, then continued my catching up labors and, believe me, they're far from finished.

Ellen called to say she has doctors' appointments on Monday and suggested she come here in-between (possibly to lie down, as she's still recovering from the knee surgery), then we could go to dinner at Lure Fish House with Greg. Sounds good and we'll do that.

T.O.P.S. this morning and I'm quite sure I've gained. Although I was very active in Jersey, I also went out to eat a lot; I'll soon see how bad the damage is.     

Thursday, October 10, 2024


Home again, home again, jiggety-jig. 

It was a long day--it always is from one coast to the other, of course, but I weathered it pretty well. Got up at 7:00, gathered and packed my belongings, had breakfast, and left at 11:00.  That sentence can be read in a flash, but naturally, it was a fair amount of work. It would have been no prob, except for one thing: I couldn't find my debit card. 

Lately, I've been using it virtually all the time, rather than using a credit card, as I like to keep track of in-and-out funds easily. Usually, I pay, ask for a receipt, then stick both in my wallet. On Monday, I treated for lunch--three meals at a restaurant somewhere near Bordentown--and, I thought, did the same. However, neither were in my wallet, purse, or anywhere else. The restaurant was called, but they didn't see it, so I reported it stolen and will get another. I hadn't bought another card with me, but had seventy or so in cash, but I wasn't too concerned.  

Ninety minutes or so to PHL airport, kisses goodbye, and had lunch at the Irish Pub (a mediocre hot dog and a good IPA) sat around for an hour or so (I don't mind this, as I love to observe the passing parade). The plane was completely full, as the one from Cal was, but there was little turbulence and I almost enjoyed it.

Happy day: when I got to the LAX baggage claim area, I found a cart rental--eight bucks and they take cash. I put in a ten and was charmed to receive two half-dollar coins, one bronze.  Considering I had two heavy suitcases, my laptop, and my purse, it was wonderful. There were come complications with the Airporter pickup (you need to be at the "Ride Share" area, but I got it and was conveyed to Oxnard Airport, the first stop. As planned, I called Suzanne from there, and she was waiting when I got to the Sheraton in Ventura.

Home, I just had a few pretzels and a glass of Crystal Lite, got the coffee set up for the morning, and took some citrus out for breakfast, then went to bed at 11:00. Oddly, I awoke at 5:00 and felt well rested, so got up then. I miss, miss, miss those I saw in Jersey, but it's still good to be the home I've made for myself here. 

Today, I'll devote to going over to unpacking, visiting Von's for essentials, and other mundane chores. T.O.P.S. tomorrow, so will call Cheryl to pick me up and be back to the good life I've made here.   

Wednesday, October 09, 2024


 Pickleball and lots of fun. 9:30 to about noon, it was in the community with a terrific group of people. Lunch after, the it was a kid pickup in Bordentown and on to Rancocus for more PC.

Now Wednesday, 8:00 pm. No time for more.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024


Betcha can't guess what was on the agenda yesterday...

Yes, it was back to beautiful Seaside Park on another lovely day. Strolled around at the bay, then the  beach for good walks.  

Stopped after at the supermarket for fresh shrimp, stir-fried them for dinner, then headed to a community meeting at 7:00.

This is my last full day here and I'll miss so much about it, but at the same time, I like where I live and I'm lucky enough to have loved ones in both states. 

Monday, October 07, 2024


Finally met in person my tenants of five months, Lori and her mother, Prudence. If I had sat down before they moved in and wrote up my wish list for who I wanted, I couldn't have done better. Lori, who is a graduate of Penn State, is a regional manager for a decorating and furniture firm. She has a son and he and his wife  gifted her first grandchild, a girl, just a month ago. Lori's other child is a daughter who is studying for her masters degree in, of all places, Dublin, Ireland. Lori's mother, who's nicknamed "Pru," is 2 years younger than I am, slender and attractive, and quite a talker. 

The house is just spotless and beautifully arranged by Lori. There are a fair number of antiques, but it isn't antigue-y looking, just comfortable and homey. Lori had some small baked goods to offer us after she gave us the tour, then we chatted longer for a bit.

I was glad to see my old neighbor and long-time friend, Susan, at her house across the street and went over to chat for a bit. One of these days, I hope she'll visit her friend, Pat, who lives near L.A. and we'll get together.

After our goodbyes to Lori and Pru, we stopped at Acme for dinner fixings, as company is coming.

I was happy to get a Message from Don S., my son Mike's friend, asking if I was available to meet while I'm here. I wrote back to see if we could meet for lunch today 

On the way back from Little Egg, I ran into an old friend:


                                             THE JERSEY DEVIL !  

Luckily, I escaped and got away without harm.  

A family dinner topped off the day beautifully--lots of good food, including a great meat loaf and yummy yams--and best, time with those I love. We had a lot of fun playing a cut throat game of Taboo, also. 

Incidentally, after some gray and rainy days, the weather has turned beautiful. It's been all blue skies and sunshine here and that's my favorite kind.   

Sunday, October 06, 2024


An active, varied day. Picked up a kid in Bordentown, then attended some rousing contests in Ewing at MBPC (Mercer Bucks Pickleball Club). After that, it was over to Robbinsville and one of the most spectacular complexes I've ever seen--or even imagined--the Hindu temple in Robbinsville:

These pictures don't even begin to suggest the magnitude and magnificence of the place. We spent several hours there, marveling at it, inside and out. I understand it's the largest Hindu temple in the country; I can't believe there'd be a larger one in the world.

Today, it's down (or over) to my house in Little Egg to meet my tenants, then preparing for company for dinner. Having a ball.

Saturday, October 05, 2024


Went to Pennington to meet niece Joan for lunch, then strolled through the lovely and peaceful graveyard of the Presbyterian church. This is historic, so it seems more fitting to call it that, rather than "cemetery." How old is the congregation? Three hundred and fifteen years, just a year younger than the settlement of Queenstown, its first name: 

Here's niece Joan, as we strolled around the graveyard:

Passed through Ewing on the way home and saw the house where my family and I lived for 41 years. Had a bite to eat, then changed and went to the BIG DANCE:
Did I dance? Better believe it--more than I have in maybe sixty years. It was great fun and it was past ten before I fell into bed. Slept soundly, as I have been most of the time here in my home state.

Friday, October 04, 2024


Continuing to have a fine time. In the morning, I looked at a house, stopped at CVS for Ny-Quill, took a stroll, chatted and laughed, and otherwise enjoyed my stay in beautiful south Jersey. After, it was Bordentown for a pick-up, Malvern, Pa for a drop-off, then to Rancocas for pickleball. 

What's intriguing is the price of gas here. The average--I looked it up--is $4.79 in Ventura. Here in south jersey? This: 

Thursday, October 03, 2024


 Went to Laurel Memorial yesterday. The azaleas on either side are overgrown, but are still there:

Here I am at the grave; my own name is inscribed on it, too, of course:

Also buried there are my children's grandparents:
And my twin sister's husband and son:

Earlier, I picked up the rental mercantile license I need to submit because of my house being rented. Stopped at Stop 'n' Shop for salmon and so on, it was delicious for dinner.

Ellen called and it was so good to hear she's progressing so well. She's doing the exercises from the visiting P.T. and Greg is continuing to be such a help and support.

I was also surprised and delighted to get a call from Muckie after dinner. I talk to her every month or so, but it's been a while and we needed to keep up. We were on the phone for almost an hour and I was glad to hear the cancer hasn't progressed and, aside from fatigue, she's doing well.

Pat niece, Amy, asked if we might be able to get together--not sure, as we have a pretty full schedule, but maybe. Meeting my niece, Joan, for lunch today. 

Wednesday, October 02, 2024


News of the day: PICKLEBALL.  In the morning, it was in the community where I'm visiting. Later, it was it was pickleball about 45 minutes away in Rancocas, NJ: 

It's great fun to watch and I even took a three-minute turn with the paddle, but I doubt if my opponent (or anyone else 😄) was impressed with my prowess. 

In between the athletic contests, it was Bordentown, which is always enjoyable--and interesting. 

I slept well, which I'm happy I've been doing here. Today, it's down to Little Egg Harbor to meet my tenants in person, plus some other visits. 

Tuesday, October 01, 2024


                                    Early on, guess where?                                                                             


Yep, Seaside Park, NJ, and a nice walk on the boardwalk skimming the great Atlantic:
A Jersey girl at the Jersey shore:

At 5:00, it was pickleball in Waretown, which was lots of fun to watch.  The players were a great group of people, almost all of whom used to be called "middle aged," but that I now consider mere kids--the fifties to seventies group. Home about 7:30, had a late dinner. Today: more pickleball; we'll leave at 9:30 for a nearby court, then go to Rancocas at 5:00 for games with extended family.
Younger daughter, Ellen, underwent surgery yesterday for a damaged kneecap. Happily, she is recovering well and was discharged in the late afternoon. Two physical therapists attended her  and one will visit her at home today and each day thereafter for some time. Thanks to her good friend, Greg, who is caring for her, we got periodic updates from the time she checked in. Later, Ellen herself called and we are all much relieved at how well she's doing.  Greg has moved in with her temporally and will stay with her until she heals--we're so grateful to him!  


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...