Sunday, December 31, 2023


Busy day again, so a quick rundown: I spent a good two hours after breakfast assembling, arranging, and wrapping the Christmas gifts for Mike and family, who will arrive today in Santa Barbara.  Happily, Ellen called to say they'd be coming to her place tomorrow, New Year's Day, where we'll all assemble. Gifts include catnip mice for Singaporeans Snickerdoodle and Malibu, plus Ellen's Gwennie and Cessy:
In the green plastic container is homemade peanut butter candy--like Reese's, but mine are better.

After that, I walked to The Market with my cart for olive oil, three pounds of tomatoes, and some other stuff. I had intended to pick up items at Wal-Mart, too, but decided more would be too hard to get home, so I'll get them at Target today. Had lunch, then prepared my usual oven-roasted "stewed" tomatoes; also cooked up the kabocha squash I bought the other day. What a chore--it has such a hard rind, it was hard to cut. However, I managed and had some for dinner. 

Greg texted me to ask if it was okay to invite Jim to come tomorrow; Ellen's okay with that. I said fine by me, and called Jim, who would like to, so he'll come here first and we'll be picked up about 10:00.


On Facebook, I saw the four-generation picture below. The older woman is my late husband, Pat's, sister-in-law, Regina, widow of his brother, Bill. With them are his brother, Mike's son, Dennis, and his daughter, plus her baby. What interests me, though, is the picture in the background.    

The caption says: "4 generations...actually 6 generations since the picture sitting on the ledge behind them are Den's grandmother and great-grandmother." (Pic posted on Facebook, March, 2016)
If those are Den's antecedents, then they're my children's, also.* I have very few pictures or other artefacts fro Pat's background, so I messaged the poster to ask if I can have a copy of it--and any others she  may have. 


Notes to myself: 
1. Cricket (my phone server) notified me that my card for payment was rejected. That's because I had it on the debit car I lose on the plane to New Mexico. Notified them with the new card number. I hope there aren't others. 
2. I was offered, then approved, for a new credit card from BOA. If I charge a thousand in the first three months, they'll credit me with $200.00. I"ve done this thee times before and, therefore, have made $600, so why not chalk up a bit more?

* Uh-oh. It just occurred to me that they could be Regina's birth family, not Bill's, so no relation to my children. Well, I guess I'll find out. 

Saturday, December 30, 2023


Met Diane for lunch at our regular place near the library and we had our usual, including two and a half hours of talk. About an hour in, we were approached by two men (one not pictured) who asked if we wanted to acknowledge--or be acknowledged by--Jesus and be prayed over. Diane responded in the affirmative, as it's right down her alley and I--guess what!--said "no." Well, at least he didn't push, but asked his assistant to do the honors for Diane. That actually took about ten minutes; while the guy shown held his hand on Diane's head, the other enthusiastically intoned ritualistic words. After, Diane thought I was offended, but certainly not; I found it interesting and amusing. After all, hadn't I been prayed over in an identical manner through a lot of my life, often "in tongues" i.e., Latin, via the Catholic Church? For decades, I accepted that as a kind of direct line to the supernatural and even if I no longer do, I still seen nothing offensive about it, as long as participants are willing.
Home and took a short nap, then delved into Facebook and the other social media message that I've been neglecting. Mike and family are now in San Francisco (will be in Santa Barbara tomorrow), but sent these from Lake Tahoe: 
Violet and Vivian at Glacier Way Hiking Trails and Mike, below, ditto.

I can't understand why "Tommy" is on Mike's hat. Did he steal it?
A fuller Lake Tahoe scene above.

Friday, December 29, 2023


In the morning, I went back and forth to Von's, cleaned the bathroom, vacumned, and otherwise prepared for my company. They came at noon, Val bringing a salad and Suzanne olives. We first sat in the living room and chatted for a time, then sat down to lunch. It was good: turkey breast and tomato slices on rolls, deviled eggs, and the sides mentioned, plus drinks. The homemade ice cream went over big and Suzanne brought some chocolates, too. Wish I had thought to do a selfie, but didn't.

Val is interesting. In early her seventies, she's divorced, is Black, three children, and has two master's degrees, and a doctorate in education. Lives in Pittsburgh and still works part-time at a sexual abuse bureau for the city. She's leaving on New Year's Eve day.   

Cleaned up, then walked over the footbridge to the library, to drop off a book, then back. That was good because, with all the traveling, socializing, I've gotten a fair amount of movement in, but not much of the more vigorous kind. Just took a TV dinner out of the freezer--pad thai--and settled down. 

I need to make an appointment at The Townehouse to see what kind of money they want for a one-bedroom. I don't mean for now--or many never, if I get hit by a bus or something--but I've been urged to consider the future and I guess--reluctantly--I'll have to do that. Also want to go through my stuff and settle on a time to have the crapola donated. There's plenty I probably sell instead, but am not sure if I feel like going through the hassle. We'll see.

I got a notice from So-Fi to the effect that my rent is going up by $161 a month when my lease is up in February. It's highway robbery, of course, but since I've given up the getting another room, I'll just pay it. I can afford it and it's may be less expensive than comparable places. Most important, it's convenient for bussing, supermarket-ing, and getting my hair and nails done. 

Now it's 5:15 (am). Think I'll get in touch with Diane and see what's going on with her.

Thursday, December 28, 2023


Did a load of wash early on, then prepared for my little luncheon today. I was glad Vickie responded in the positive, so it'll be she and Suzanne, Leah's mother, Val (for Valerie? I'll ask), and me. I'll just have sandwiches and a few sides; Val asked what she could bring, so I told her a small salad. Suzanne did the same, and I suggested pickles or something. Think I'll add deviled eggs, so that will be plenty. For dessert, I made y signature ice cream and went over to Von's for heavy cream.  Bought a few more items, but darn, I forgot turkey lunchmeat. Ran into Lorraine while I was there and she asked me to meet for a chat at 2:00, and I did that. We had a nice talk of forty-five minutes or so and I received yet another offer for a birthday lunch. She mentioned Aloha--sounds good. 

Got the turkey breast, came home, and made the ice cream. Looks as if it came out beautifully, but I'll know that for sure in a few hours after it's been in the freezer overnight. Boiled the eggs and straightened up. 

Called Cheryl to learn we don't have T.O.P.S. tomorrow, which is fine by me. Called Stella just to see how she's recovering from her surgery and left a message.   

After dinner, I turned my attention to the chicken thighs I roasted the other day. Had one for dinner and wrapped the others to stow in the freezer. Looked through my placemat and napkin collections (why do I have so many?) and, instead of going with a Christmas theme,* selected pale yellow mats and blue napkins. I'll use the French street scene luncheon plates.  

Aside from all that: Mike and family were at the site of the infamous Donner party cannibalism. However, the first picture (Vivian in foreground) shows them there in 2015; note the commemorative statue in the background. The second picture was taken yesterday, with Violet in about the same spot Vivian was eight years ago. Quite a contrast weather-wise. 


*Years ago, in one of those vapid women's magazines, I read this: "There's nothing so over as Christmas." Truer than true and now you have to put all the crap away.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


This will be sketchy, as I don't quite remember what all went on yesterday aside from packing up and shipping out.  After a greatly enjoyable Christmas season, we more or less went back to normal:  Greg went to work and we loaded up Ellen't car with my suitcases, presents, and extra blankets, then took off about 11:00. I asked El if we could go to WinCo first, as I needed paper towels and other stuff; she did, and stocked up herself. It took us a number of trips from the car to my place, but we got it all in. Had lunch, then Angel Ellen tackled the problem adding entries to this blog.

I won't go into it (I don't even remember what-all she did), but a major part entailed that old situation with my other email address. Anyway, she spent an hour or more trying this and that., until she finally succeeded. As for me, my part consisted mostly of weeping, wailing and wringing my hands--I was a lotta help--but finally, whatever she did worked. However, that seems to have effected my gmail, too, and I'm worried about trying to change it myself. Can't decide what to do, if anything.

I walked El to her car about 3:00 (3:30? 4:00?) with my grateful thanks and we ran into Val, mother of Leah, the young woman who lives above me. She's visiting from Pittsburgh and I've been wanting to have her for lunch. We arranged it for Thursday and I invited Suzanne (who will be back from her sister's today), too. Will see if Vickie could run over; she works at home, but gets of lunch break. It turned out that Leah has to work, so it would just be the four of us.

Now I have to turn my attention to loads of wash, cleaning up a bit, and deciding what to feed tomorrow's guests. I think just sandwiches, maybe a salad, and I'll make ice cream for dessert. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Monday--Christmas Day

I've been having dreadful technical problems with this blog--all entirely of my own doing, but the result is, it'll be short and really messed up.

We had a lovely day, of course. After a yummy breakfast of Ellen's terrific homemade burritos, we settled down to open presents at our leisure.  Lots of good things were bestowed and received, but, as ever, the best part of Christmas was being with those I love.

Oh, and seeing others I love, too: The Tokyo Trio--Mom, Dad, and ten-year-old--arranged a Zoom meeting, which included, of course, Mike and his family, who marked the holiday in Lake Tahoe:

Later, finding that the Ojai Von's was open (owner must be Ebenezer Scrooge), I walked the mile or so to get decaf coffee which I had forgotten (I make half and half). After lunch, we three gals went for a walk in the hills, enjoying the wonderful Ojai scenery, including some wandering streams:

We saw a peculiar cactus plant that had curled around itself:
Amusingly, one of our party remarked that three woman were enjoying an outing, while a man was slaving away making dinner for them. Yes, while we were luxuriating in California beauty, Greg was making made one of his superb--and original--dinners for us. Got back to El's and were served a salad, plus other sides, and an excellent, creamy (but not from daily, from pureed vegetables), kind of soup/stew. So good. 

To be honest, I don't quite remember what we did after, but I know I went to bed early and slept well after a wonderful time with family. 

Monday, December 25, 2023

Sunday--Christmas Eve 2023

 I hate to disappoint my legions of fans, but today's and tomorrow's entries will be truncated. 

Yesterday, I changed the bed, washed the bedclothes, finished up packing and gift-wrapping, had lunch, and was picked up at 1;00 to be whisked to Ellen's. After admiring El's Christmas decor...

...we took a brisk walk of a mile or so. Home, El put out a cheese plate, she and I indulged in Margaritas, others had water, then we all sat down to a yummy ham dinner. After, we had a great game of gin rummy, a favorite pastime. All this was, of course, accompanied by good talk and great hilarity. 

I don't know how all the following white space got there and I tried and tried to fix it, but can't--damn! 

Sunday, December 24, 2023


Still very busy. It occured to me that it was stupid to buy as many vegetables as I did, as I'll be a Ellen's probably over two nights. So I blanched the cauliflower to ready it for later roasting; chopped the broccoli and froze it raw; boiled the potatoes, froze some and had some with dinner; froze a portion of the cabbage and had the rest for lunch, and--well, I think there was something else, but can't remember what.

After lunch, I tackled the gift organizing and wrapping. I then realized--AAGH!--the one I had ordered hadn't come yet--and it was for somebody here. What to do? What I did was run over to Hallmark, which has some interesting (and pricey) items. I found something that I actually like better than the one I ordered, so bought it and will return the other. 

Muchie called to wish me a belated and we talked for an hour and fifteen minutes. She said she had run into Alice Wayland, who is now 90. She looks wonderful and I remember her as a kind, sweet-hearted person. I went all through St. James and Holy Spirit with her sister, Cassie, who, sadly, died fairly young--I think in her fifties. How I'll miss Muckie when she's gone, but happily, so far, the cancer is stable and I hope it stays that way for a long time to come. 

Got a nice card from Julie with a "birthday lunch soon promise," so that makes three coming up--from her, Noreen, and Jim. Hey, there's nothing I'd rather do--aside from win the lottery, that is. Also, I'll be picked up today and whisked to Ellen's for Christmas.

Mike messaged that he nd family have reached Lake Tahoe, where they'll spend Christmas; he sent pics of the girls:


Violet seems to be having fun, but Vivian? Just enduring her kid sister's antics, I guess.

Saturday, December 23, 2023


Well, I had a great time in New Mexico, but now I'm back and, for a time, must keep my nose to the grindstone. Did two loads of wash--whites and colors--and had them dried, folded, and put away early on. That's quick and easy to type, but it took awhile. 

It's amazing how many birthday wishes I--via every avenue available, it seems (in person, regular and e-mail, Facebook, text, Message, phone), and I spent several hours doing my best to acknowledge them all. Called Carolyn Bowman, who had Messaged me hers, and we talked for quite a while, her peculiarities more evident than ever and, considering she's only 62, that's alarming. 

Walked over to Von's to replenish my veggie supply. I surprised myself at all I got, including fresh broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, apples, potatoes, and Kabocha squash. Also picked up some frozen food:  creamed spinach, green beans and almonds, plus something called "antioxidant blend," which simply contains a few veggies in olive oil. Rock cornish hens were on sale, so I bought two of them. I think I'll eat vegan as long as I'm still here and not at Ellen's and, as much as possible, will prepare and freeze what I can.  

As soon as I got home, I cut up the cabbage, apples, and half of a large orange, then put them in the slow cooker. With the ground turkey stir-fry and carrots, I had gotten out of the freezer, that made a good dinner.

Happy day: For the first time in I-don't-know-how-long, I slept soundly. Didn't awake until almost six  and I feel wonderfully invigorated. That's great, as now I have to turn my attention to organizing and and wrapping  gifts, packing for Ellen's, and food for later prep.

P.S. Jeanne Painter sent me the funniest "date gone wrong" video, which I'll try to put on here once I figure out how.  

Friday, December 22, 2023

Thursday--A Day That Will Live--Well, Who Knows How Long...*

Back in Ventura and what a great time in New Mexico! It's a stunningly beautiful state and driving hundreds of miles through it, travelers see lovely vistas all the way.  Here are a few glimpses:

In addition, we drove through areas with hundreds of hugely high wind turbines:
A very interesting part of the drive was this "searching for aliens" station, way, way out in the desert:
I couldn't get a good picture of the huge structures aimed up at the stratosphere, so I'll add theirs:
Stopped in Buckeye, next to Phoenix, overnight and had an interesting experience. After hours of driving, turned in early, but were awakened at 10:30 by the absolutely deafening fire alarm. Called the desk, but got no answer. Were guests going to be incinerated? No, as it turned out, a police officer came into the hallway (where people from other rooms had also gathered) to tell us it was a malfunction and there  was no fire, but we needed to evacuate while they checked further. Quickly half-dressed and waited for twenty minutes or so outside, where this was the scene:

We were then told we could safely go back to our rooms. Did so and fell soundly asleep for the rest of the night. 

Arrived back in Ventura about 2:00 to experience a phenomenon almost as remarkable as the towering peaks of the southwest: rain, and it had been going on for days.  

*That cryptic quote refers to the fact that as of yesterday, it's been EIGHTY YEARS since I graduated from Holy Spirit High School. I've received a multitude of birthday cards, gifts, and phone calls and other felicitations from loved ones, liked ones, and just happily-acquainted-with ones and I appreciate them all. I was taken out for my birthday to Spring Garden Chinese (my choice) and that was good, too. As for any little philosophical gems, nah, not my style. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Good, brisk walk in the morning, always with expansive views above the beautiful village of Alto. Five miles from Ruidoso, Alto is high up in the Rocky Mountains of southeastern New Mexico. Towering above is the Sierra Blanca at 11,981 miles above sea level. No wonder I got out of breath!          


It was wonderful to hobnob with the horses, deer, and elk who roam the area, but I was perfectly satisfied that the other locals snubbed me:


Last night, there was company and an early birthday cake--good fun. Today, it's back to my adopted state and Christmas celebrations with those I love.  How lucky can you get? 😊

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Still having a ball in New Mexico. As a California girl, I find the weather a bit cool, but the brilliant sunshine makes it invigorating. Went on the river walk, along with these chums: 

Various activities followed, including shopping at some interesting venues, out to dinner for bratwurst and tacos (we lean toward the international), viewing the display at Wingfield Park: 


Monday, December 18, 2023


New Mexico: Weather has been bright and sunshiny, but most of the day, considerably cooler than Ventura.Went to an athletic event and these visitors from the hills were a few yards away: 

Later, driving home, saw these guys strolling around:
In the adjoining town, shopped on the main street (not "Main Street):
Walked the path around beautiful Lake Alto: 

Sunday, December 17, 2023


 New Mexico is a magical place. Here I am photographing the wild horses that roam around: 

And driving in the hills, the sight of beautiful Sierra Blanca: 

Went to Carrizozo to a photography museum. There, they have a world map with push pins showing where visitors have come from:  

Bought these to commemorate the visit:

Saturday, December 16, 2023


Plane flight wasn't bad--only an hour and a half, then got picked up and stopped at Applebee's for dinner. Slept well and it's now 5:10 am.

A neat thing that happened yesterday--besides getting here in this beautiful place--was the trip to LAX via the Airporter. A girl named Catherine and I struck up a conversation. It turned out that she just graduated from Thomas Aquinas College, in Ojai, and that she works as a server at Lure. I go there often and love their sand dabs. I gave her my card, as I often do with compatible people I meet. She remarked on the fact that I teach acting and when a woman sitting behind us heard that, she joined the conversation. It turns out that she teaches acting, also, but in a professional capacity. She has a masters in theatre arts and teaches in the Oxnard school district. When she heard I was with Fractured Actors and that auditions are coming up for a new show, she was very interested and said she'd email me. I suggested she look up FA's website and Facebook page, also. As for me, I think I'll get in touch with Shannon or Erica and see if there might be any small part for me. Hillary also sings, and that would surely interest F.A., too.


Friday, December 15, 2023


When I got up yesterday, I realized I had packed much too much for my trip. I don't know what I was thinking, but I had filled my large suitcase, that holds a ton, plus the carry-on that isn't even that small, either. I thought of asking Suzanne if she had more of a medium size, but then remembered she's leaving on the 23rd to have Christmas with her sister in Massachusetts or Iowa or one of the Godforsaken places. She might be an early packer, so I didn't want to ask. What to do?

What I did was to put on my jacket, grab my cart, and take first the 6, then the 11 bus to check out Target. Nearby, though, is Ross, so I stopped there first and found a reasonably roomy, but not too big, suitcase for 45 bucks. Bought it and--with some difficulty, since I was maneuvering two things on wheels--bused home. Transferred much of what I had packed into the new one and was pleased to see it all fit. I'm not sue if it can be a carry-on on not, but I don't care. I'll have only that, my purse, and my laptop carrier--much more manageable.  

I greatly dislike coming home to a messy place, so stripped the bed, washed and re-made, dry-mopped the hard floors, scoured the sink, and boiled some spinach. After seasoning, I put them in the freezer--well, not all of them, just the spinach 😁. 

Received more Christmas cards, and also, an invitation from Sharon for her husband's seventy-fifth birthday in January. Called her to respond in the positive. I also called Jeanne Painter and we had a good, old-buddies talk. She'll be in Jersey for Christmas, along with John, who will celebrate his ninety-fifty birthday shortly.

I opened the birthday present Vickie gave me the other day and here I am wearing it:

Vickie said she thought of me and my long-time human resources gig when she saw it. Funny!

So-o-o, assuming the plane stays up (and for me, that's a big assumption), I'll be in New Mexico when next I post. 

Thursday, December 14, 2023


I'm going to cut this short, as I had a l-o-o-o-n-g day. Revised and copied my Christmas card/letter, addressed and stamped forty-two envelopes (I didn't even realize I knew that many people!) and walked to the P.O. to mail them and the small package for the little girls in Jersey. All that took until after 2:00, then I had lunch and dove into packing. Damn, there's so much to take, including meds and stuff, not to mention clothes. Then there's so much to do, such as suspending newspaper delivery, giving Suzanne my key to collect my mail, and cleaning the apartment (I can't bear to come back from a trip to a messy place).   

A side note: Mike had borrowed my larger suitcase when he was here last summer, as he had to make a short trip to Cupertino up north. Ellen had stored it in her shed for me and these were still on when she brought it over: 

You can be sure his poor old Mum ain't goin' first; she'll be stuffed into steerage with the rest of the peons. 

Got four more Christmas cards, including from my old pal from 20 years ago at Rider, Dave Perry. Also a large and lovely, handmade bookmark from Suzanne for my birthday:
That decoration is not printed on; it's formed from a pattern of tiny beads; it's so attractive, I hate to hide it in a book. Also got an "I love HR" (referring to my career in human resources) shirt from Vickie, along with twenty bucks; I wish she hadn't added that, but we'll go out to lunch some day. I took a picture of myself with the shirt on, which I wanted to send Vickie, but for some reason, my phone balked and it wouldn't go. Texted my thanks, instead. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...