Saturday, October 18, 2008

Still sticking close to home. Did the daily wash, assisted Pat, and ventured out for a short foray to Acme. Stopped at friend Julie's on the way to discuss the newsletter I used to do for our community. High point of the day was a web cam call from Mike; saw beautiful Vivian and darling Violet, as well as pretty Paula. Was told Vivi may have the family myopia. They have an appointment for the opthomologist soon.
Gore Vidal, quoting Morris Berman:
"...under the ‘boy emperor’ George W. Bush...we have entered the Dark Ages in earnest, pursuing a short-sighted path that can only accelerate our decline. For what we are now seeing are the obvious characteristics of the West after the fall of Rome: the triumph of religion over reason; the atrophy of education and critical thinking; the integration of religion, the state, and the apparatus of torture—a troika that was for Voltaire the central horror of the pre-Enlightenment world...."
Rings a bell, no?
Later: Just got weighed in and I'm up four-tenths of a pound. I haven't deviated from my system, so this may reflect less activity in staying around home, and/or salt, and/or whatever, as it's such a slight gain. I'm now at 128.2, with 71.4 off--perfectly okay, but I'll continue to weigh in weekly until the scale stays the same or shows a loss.

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I started off the morning with some annoying problems with Amazon Japan re Christmas gifts, but I don't want to go into detail.  Left at...