Saturday, October 11, 2014

Veggies and Printer

Spent the entire morning, from just after breakfast until noon, preparing the vegetable bonanza from the farm.  I had a few things left from last week, including a nice acorn squash which I halved and cooked in the microwave.  I combined many of the tomatoes (regular, heirloom, sauce, cherry) with onions, garlic, and a big green pepper in the Crock Pot.  Stir-fired chard and kale with seasonings to have later.  Made a huge salad with my three kinds of lettuce (not iceberg, though, never iceberg), added tomatoes, chicken, and feta, and hard-boiled eggs.
Called Bob and we made a date for him to come over on Monday. I have a list of tips and pointers for him re acting and so on.  I want to be very careful to avoid puncturing his fragile ego; I'll praise his good, strong voice first, then gently ease into the things that can make him a better performer.
Talked to Adele C. about my class on Tuesday.  I then discovered--woe is me--my printer isn't working. Checked the wires and they seem to be connected.  Tried disconnecting, then plugging back in--no luck.  I'm so frustrated about this; I have to print up material for the eleven people in my class!  Sent an emergency e-mail to my four advisers; heard back from two so far. My friend/adviser suggested I get a zip drive, transfer what I need from my documents, and get the documents printed elsewhere.  Rushed out to Staples and got one; will try it tomorrow.  I'm just afraid it won't work or I won't know how to do it right.
A funny thing happened at Shop-Rite, where I went after Staples.  I got a few items and the young--oh, so young and what would I give to be that young again--cashier chirped, "That's nineteen-thirty-six."  I laughed and told her that was the year I was born.  For some reason--I can't imagine why--that tiny coincidence gave me a lift.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...