Friday, October 24, 2014

Prince Igor and the Farm

Got up to find a message from Mary Ann, asking if I could come for lunch (and the Prince Igor opera) yesterday, instead of Friday, as originally planned.  Agreed, but said I had to leave by 2:45, in order to get up to my friend's, then go to the farm.
Mary Ann served lunch, then we saw the Prince on stage at the Met.  Seemed odd that it differed quite a bit from the film version. Presumably, the latter was jazzed up from the original for audience appeal. I should be embarrassed to say--but I'm not--I like the film one better.  Guess I've just been ruined by Hollywood.
Left at the appointed time, got to my friend's, and we drove up to the farm.  Got our goodies in the barn--carrots, bok choy, chard, lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, turnips, peppers, and a few others.  It had rained off and on all day and we decided to eschew the muddy, muddy, horribly muddy fields and not pick.  Drove off and we were back at my friend's by a bit after 5:00.  We divided up the spoils and I took off.
Had the broccoli and eggplant for dinner, then wrote and sent off a few more e-mail messages to my cast for The Shadow.  Hope they can all come for full rehearsal on the fifth and just ours on Tuesday.
I got a darling Halloween card from the precious pumpkin in Tokyo and his parents.  So sweet, an original by Mommy, of course, and one of the cutest ever!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...