Thursday, October 23, 2014

Things Hanging Over and Okinawa

"Heavy, heavy, what hangs over?"
I remember my mother saying that.  I think it has to do with an ancient game that involves guessing an object held over one's head. As a child, I was intrigued by the phrase: It seemed oddly exciting and even vaguely sinister.
Yesterday, I dealt with a load of obligations that were hanging over my head.  I washed, chopped, sliced, slow-cooked, fast-boiled, and otherwise prepared the beets, cauliflower, eggplant, lettuce, and tomatoes I had gotten last week from the farm, mindful that I'll get more today.
Also assembled into working piles paperwork related to my major November projects:  Listen to This!  rehearsal and the Acting for Everyone session.  Sent an e-mail with flyer attachment about L. to T! to John P., leader of our Players & Playwrights; he'll assimilate to members.  Composed a message to the A. for E. people to inform them we'll meet at Shalom House next month; will send today.  I need to contact the radio show group, too, and remind them of rehearsal at the Community Center.
I was delighted to find several new videos of the Tokyo Tot on Google +.  Here he was, showing off his prowess in rushing around, climbing stairs, pointing at objects, pushing push-toys, sitting on a sofa with Daddy, and otherwise going about his important thirteen-month-old business. How I love to see him grow!
Late in the gloomy, overcast day, I drove to Manahawkin to pick up various items, including Halloween cards for my seven little pun'kins.
WIDER:  I don't know what's wrong with those pesky Japanese. They have the opportunity to have a lovely new American base on their soil and they resist it.  Ungrateful wretches.


Jim Wetzel said...

Thanks for that link, Mimi. Sounds to me as if the Okinawans have several problems: (1) they're not Japanese. but under Japanese power; and (2) the Japanese are US puppets. That latter problem affects people all over the world, sad to say.

Mimi said...

Jim, I had forgotten that Okinawans are not actually Japanese. Thanks for the reminder.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...