Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I shall now draw a shade over the unpleasant events of yesterday, except to say--
The damn tooth is out (reminds me of the bard: "out, damn tooth!"), after hours of travail.  Got to the dentist's office at the appointed time of 9:00 am, but to my surprise, the idea was not to pull it then, but to make a mold of my partial, send it to Waretown to have an artificial tooth put where the ailing one had been, then replace it immediately after the extraction.
I wasn't happy over that, but had no choice.  I had made a date to meet Jim and his wife for lunch, but called and we decided on breakfast at 8:00, an hour and a half from now.  Bob was due at 10:00 for a coaching session, but I called and we postponed it an hour.
I had been told I'd be called about 3:00 to come back in, but that didn't happen and it was 4:30.
Well, there's no point in going through the extraction.  It was no fun, but wasn't quite as bad as I had anticipated.  Doc immediately put the partial back in and it still feels strange, but not too bad.
Couldn't eat much, so made myself a can of revolting Campbell's tomato soup.
I laugh when I hear about people seriously checking "expiration" dates.  I know I bought this when Pat was alive and he's been gone five years.  Funny, after I ate it, I had this rash all over my body and an upset stomach, and I've been having hallucinations...ha!
Skipped the wine. took a Percocet (thanks, Jim), and slept like a babe.  I'm sure my recovery was hastened by a "visit" from The Little Japanese Sweetheart, Mr. K., which I enjoyed last evening.
So--ordeal over, I hope, and I'm off to meet my old pal, Jimmy Downes, whom I haven't seen for fifty-five years.


iloveac said...

I believe except for antibiotics expiration dates apply to quality. Antibiotics lose effectiveness. Dairy products and the like grow bacteria over time. Can't think of any reason tomato soup would be outdated, but then 5 years is a long time---glad you found it to be AOK---- so far. Joking about the 'so far'.

Mimi said...

Pat, As people did for millions of years, I rely on my nose and sense of taste to judge if something is better discarded than eaten or drunk. Certainly, I know dairy products should be used quickly. My only point is that people so easily assume the manufacturers put expiration dates on as an aid to consumers. Could it possibly be to get them to throw things away and buy more? Well, it's silly even to discuss--different strokes for different folks; fine by me if others take such things seriously; I don't and prefer to play it by ear--or nose.

Jim Wetzel said...

I'm glad that extraction is behind you. I've had one. No actual pain, but there's serious weirdness in listening to your dentist talking to your tooth in much the same way I talk to parts of my truck when doing repair work ("C'mon, you stupid thing [grunt, grunt], come OUT of there!"). Of course, with my truck, I generally have to remind it of two things: (1) I always win; and (2) I know where the junkyard is. Generally, that latter threat is effective.

Yes, for sure, the best extractions are the ones that are over with. Cheers!

Mimi said...

Oh, you engineers, you all talk to your trucks. And does it ever occur to you to consider your bike's feelings? Don't leave your bike out of the conversation!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...