Friday, October 17, 2014

Phone and the Show

Oh, me, oh, my, if it isn't one thing, it's another.  Now my landline phone has conked out.
Hmm...maybe a serial killer cut the wires, but I don't think so.  I think both handsets just ran out of battery juice, as they seem to do every few months. Besides, the set is eleven years old and when I remembered that, I rushed off to Radio Shack.  Didn't like their prices, so got a new phone (two handsets) at Wal-Mart for under fifty bucks. Asked if my friend will install it today when she brings my farm goods.
Back from Manahawkin, I pulled together my director notes for rehearsal tonight, with specifics for most of the players.  Also wrote a short playlet for my acting class.  I want to start my class actually acting next time; this month was just a warm-up, but hey, I'm not teaching English lit.  I'll write up four more plays, as different as possible, and have two students in each, then critique.
Gave Susan the ornamental pepper before our walk and she was very appreciative.  Called Naomi P. on the cell and after we talked for several minutes, I realized she was in Florida, not around the corner as I had thought.  She told me they've moved down there for good.  I found out her  nephew isn't the Paul C. Steelman Elva asked about, but we had a nice chat.  Will call and tell Elva when the other phone is operational.
Went to rehearsal with Frank.  I was thrilled to see Ron K. there; rushed over to him and cried, "I need another man!" He had been cast in another play, but luckily agreed to be Spike in mine (he was pleased to be told he'd be a lowlife hood).  That's the beauty of this kind of show: You can cast people in several roles and, as long as they can change voices a bit, get away with it.
Rehearsal went well, although we didn't have the players--George and Julie S., and Aline--who are in Sound of Music.  Luckily, that closes on Sunday.

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