Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mini-Rehearsal and The Shadow Government

Happy day: George called!  (Geez, you'd think I had been waiting for a boyfriend.)  He acted as if naught was amiss (I can't help it, I tell you!) and said "sure, I'll be at your house tonight," as if I hadn't been frantically trying to get him for days.  But so what, he got back to me and all is forgiven.
Early in the day, I went to Wal-Mart for medication and a bunch of other stuff, including crackers.  Spread my lovely Brie on some and had that for lunch; yum, so good.
A few months ago, I had adapted Nigel Dennis' short story, The Pukey, into a play and I've decided to use it in my acting course.  I revised it a bit and printed it out.  Published 54 years ago, it's intrigued me for years.  I want my class to delve into it to discuss its symbolism and imagery.
Met Aline at the library when she got off 5:00 and we went to Mystic Casino for dinner.  Took her home after and treated her to the new videos of Mr. K., whom she calls "my baby."
The guys--Chuck, Ron, Bob, and the elusive George--came at 7:00 and we had a good session running through the script.  I kept them only a scant hour; we'll all meet on the fifth for a true rehearsal.
Just got an e-mail from Mary, asking if Aline and I will read an old-time commercial for Grove's Emulsified Nose Drops.  Sure, it'll be great fun.
Have to take my car to the shop this morning; Frank will follow and take me home.  I don't think I'm going to like the verdict.  
WIDER:  From Philip Giraldi, writing about Tom Engelhardt's new book, Shadow Government:
 Every American and many foreigners are now victims of an Orwellian universe of unending warfare coupled with constant surveillance and multifaceted manipulation that together make 1984 seem amateurish...Tom Engelhardt looks at every country where the US boot has trod and notes that without exception each is worse off now than before. Invasions, bombing, regime change, kidnappings, secret wars and assassinations do not make many friends, even when the news is being managed in such a way as to represent such actions as necessary for national or even global security. 
Read more at:

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...