Wednesday, October 08, 2014

The Show and The Floor

Dagnab it, as grandpa used to say, neither Steve S. nor Mike B. can be in Blind Beggar.  I'll probably have to move people (men) around and double up; luckily, you can do that when it's supposed to be a radio show.  Trying to fill in, I called Judy and got the phone number of her friend, Bob.  I had met him at the flea market and he said he'd like to get involved in the company.  This kind of thing--a no memorizing role--is perfect for him as a novice.  Called him and happy day, he wants to participate.  It's a bit off-putting that he doesn't have a computer (he's not that old!), but I told him I'd print out a script for him.
Determined to tackle the kitchen floor, I swept, then used the Pine Sol practically full strength.  It actually did pretty well, although it was very strenuous.  I was afraid to actually kneel, so had to just bend down, first scrubbing the grout lines, then the tiles, then rinsing several times with water.  What a chore and I haven't even done all of it, but it does look more presentable.
Talked to Aline and told her I just had too much to do to spend the whole day gallivanting, so offered to pick her up for lunch only. However, she wanted to go to a movie at the Boscov Mall, so did that instead.  We made a date for breakfast today; will go to Dockside shortly.
Went to the SOCH thrift shop in Manahawkin and was pleased to get what I think is an appropriate dress (dark print and drape-y) for the thirties or forties matron I'll be in the show.  I'll add big jewelry and am thinking of setting my hair with pin curls to suggest a hair style of that era; in other words, a bad perm.
Dropped a load of heavy art books off at the library and I have more in my trunk.  Rode down to Graveling Point about 6:30, as I often do.  The water was wildly wonderful--full moon last night.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...