Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Car and Terrorism

As agreed, Frank followed me to Pat's Automotive about ten and I left my poor baby Buick.
Actually, being forced to stay home, I got a lot done.  Cored, pared, and sliced the apples I had picked the other day--there seemed to be fourteen bushels, but I may be exaggerating--added sugar, cinnamon, and lemon juice, and made some lovely applesauce. Took a bowl next door to Frank and Barb.  Washed, dried, and folded clothes; swept and mopped the kitchen floor; revised some of my acting class materials.
Got an e-mail from Mary H., asking if Aline and I would do a "Grove's Emulsified Nose Drops" commercial in the show and of course, we happily agreed.
When it got to be almost five and Pat hadn't called yet, I called him. His verdict was fuel pump dead and the damage about three hundred. Hey, if I can get away with that, I'm happy.  I was told he should have it finished today "before lunch."  Asked Barb-Next-Door to take me, as Frank will be out.  I'll need to stop at the bank first, as Pat accepts only cash.  I'm not sure why, but I suspect his purpose is to cheat Uncle Sam out of taxes.
WIDER:  I was charmed by this comment on Common
Terrorism is an extraordinary business model. It is profitable like nothing else. Advertising is free, viral and compelling. Safety measures are gladly charged to the national credit card. Manufacturers gladly provide training and equipment to career-climbing personnel.
Concerns about encroachments on liberties are ridiculed thus keeping the markets wide open and societal cooperation high. It is also colorfully branded for easy recognition: "Al-Qaeda", "Saddam Hussein", "Iran". Would you like some ISIL today?


Jim Wetzel said...

Would I like some ISIL today? I dunno, I think the commercials for ISIS are cuter.

Yeah, I know, it ain't funny.

Mimi said...

Gr-o-o-a-n, Jim!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...