Friday, October 31, 2014

Entry Two: My Day

Eleanor Roosevelt used to write a column for a women's magazine called "My Day."  As I remember, it was as dreary and dull as a trip to Disneyland--about on a par with my day on Thursday.
Well, I'm exaggerating.  True, I was stuck at home not only because I didn't have a car (see accompanying post), but because I thought I had to wait by the phone all day for that lying weasel, Pat, to call. However, I did get a fair amount of creative work done.  Revised slightly two of the short, two-female plays I'm going to have my acting class perform, and wrote another from scratch.  Now I have three original sketches and want to come up with two more.  I'm toying with the idea of modifying Aline's and my parts in Tony and the Heiress so there's another comic one. May go with rhyming couplets for the fifth, but must think of a theme.
After the latest run-around from Pat last night, Frank invited me in for a glass of wine, which I readily accepted.  I enjoyed chatting with him and Barbara and it lightened my spirits.
Unfortunately, they darkened again when I got home and saw an e-mail from Desi.  "As you probably know...," it started, and informed me that Ellen V. and Tonya N. were rehearsing on Sunday at the community center.
No, I didn't know; how the hell would I know if nobody had told me?  This outfit is about as well-organized as a gang of Kindergarten kids at the beach.  I immediately e-mailed my cast, asking them to come. Let's hope most can make it.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...