Monday, October 13, 2014

Lunch and a Lousy Tooth

Had a fun day, aside from an unpleasant snag.  Got a bit more of the "Acting for Everyone" class assembled, although I'm still without a printer.
Went over to Susan's at 12:30 and was pleased to see again her daughter, Julie, and granddaughter, Sophia, 8, down from Connecticut.  Julie is a very attractive and bright young woman (well, 40 or so), with whom I have a good rapport.  She manages--does everything from hiring, ordering, overseeing the banquets, catering, and everyday food, to bookkeeping and, for all I know, cleaning the toilets--an exclusive and expensive country club near where they live.  I always enjoy talking to her.
Not so much Susan's cousin, Ann, who was there as well.   She's just not my type, I'm afraid, being very garrulous about nothing of interest.  Wouldn't you know, before long she started raving about some cockamamie television show she wouldn't miss. I instantly--and outrageously and shamefully and wrong-headedly, I know--place such non-conversationalists into the boob category and, I'm afraid, consigned Ann to it yesterday.
However, it was a nice afternoon and a pretty good lunch: Acme's sandwich tray, potato and green salad, a few sides, and spice cake for dessert. The wine and beer flowed freely and I did my share to stem the tide by indulging in both Chardonnay and Blue Moon. Stayed until almost four, then walked home across the street.
The snag?  Later in the day, I developed a toothache, darn it. It bothered me a lot and, of course, it was Sunday.  I used some home remedies and it died down by the time I went to bed, but hoo-boy, I need this like a hole in the head.  I've got a lot to finish for the class tomorrow and Bob is coming over this morning, so I can coach him on his acting skills (i.e., coax him to acquire some).  Think I'll stop at McDentist after and if possible, make an appointment for Wednesday.


Jim Wetzel said...

I assume that "McDentist" is one of those dental-emergency clinics? We have some around here.

You might give your regular dentist a try. Often, they'll do something heroic to accommodate a sudden-onset painful problem.

Hope it works out well!

Mimi said...

Thanks, Jim, and in fact, this is my regular dentist--I shouldn't have called him McD. Actually, the dentists are two brothers, newly established here in Little Egg. I went to them for cleaning and liked the setup. I had extensive dental work done two years ago--to the tune of 10 thou with root canals, fillings, extractions, "spikes," a plate, and every other procedure known. I hope this doesn't mean more of the same.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...