Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn't feel like going to lunch after.
The program was actually pretty good. I'm no animal lover and the theme was "Saving The Endangered Channel Island Fox" which didn't thrill me, but it turned out to be very interesting. One of the scientists presented a slide presentation and talk about this particular breed of fox, which lives only on the Channel Islands off the coast here. Here, she's holding up some fox furs (my mother had a fox fur coat!):
Below, her assistants are holding a cutout that illustrates the size of a golden eagle, which prey on the foxes. I never dreamed eagles could be that huge:
Anyway, it was a good program. I'll see both Julie and Regina on Saturday, when we go to the memorial luncheon for Lora's son.
Home, I had lunch, then put in a bleach wash. I had intended to continue clearing out and cleaning up my kitchen drawers, but did I? Well, uh, I was going to, but it wasn't my fault I just didn't get around...I was so busy with ah...I just couldn't... No, I didn't, damn it, and I'm not apologizing to myself, either, so there!
What I did do, on my ever-expanding chore list, was call Dr. Fixx (I'd go to her just for the name), my endocrinologist. Why? Because I had read in, of all places, "Hints From Heloise," that eating certain foods were not good for osteoporosis because they contain oxalates, which make it hard for calcium to be absorbed. There were several foods listed, including grapefruit, oranges, and spinach. Oh, great, I eat either a half-grapefruit or a Sumo orange every single day, and spinach probably several times a week. I had never been told this, by the way. Gave the message to her assistant and she said she or Dr. Fixx will get back to m.
Aside from that, I still have to make several calls on the list, including to the public guardian, re Jim's situation and Dr. Sui, my dermatologist--I know I have more spots on my nose.
1 comment:
Spinach being the only vegetable I really like I sauteéd it most days. Then I read you should only eat it 3 times/week because of the oxalates and they can lead to kidney stones. Never heard of grapefruit or oranges in that way. Love grapefruit but some of my meds preclude it. I’ll be looking to read what you find out. /PMR
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