Monday, March 03, 2025


Did the Sunday stuff--crossword was somewhat obscure, but I got most--then David Wappler called and we settled into a long talk. David is the ornithologist who lives in a building across the way and he's very much concerned with the tree-trimming and felling going on here. It's nesting season or almost, and his knowledge of, interest in, and love for birds goes without saying. David said he had asked at the office why this is being done and was told because the new owners were told by the insurance company it was required because limbs might fall off the trees and hit someone! Idiotic and stupid, sez I, and of course, David agrees. He's considering moving, but I don't think too seriously. Anyway, it was good to talk to him.

El came over at 1:00, as scheduled, bringing her lunch and we ate together, then took of to Oxnard to visit Jim. He was--again--in bed, but awake and alert and actually, we had a good visit. It was such a pleasure to have Ellen there, as she engaged Jim in lively conversation, plus showed him pictures of when he was at her place last New Year's Day. Mike, Paula, their girls, and Greg were there, too, and Jim enjoyed seeing the pics. Speaking of which, here we are: 

We stayed about an hour, then said goodbye. 

Stopped at Ralph's (supermarket) on the way home, where El got what she needed and so did I, prominently luscious Sumo oranges. She helped me in with my items, then departed about 4:00.

Julie called shortly after to ask if I wanted to go to the BCNN meeting on Wednesday. Yes, I do, and this time, I won't forget. She'll pick up Regina, too, and this time, I'll also remember the twenty bucks I owe her.

Soaring Spirits lunch today.

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...