A pretty good day. My brother, Larry, called from Florida and we had a good talk. I was concerned, though, when he said he had had some dizziness and that his balance had worsened. I know several other people my age and his age who have had vertigo, also. I don't know why that happens. Even so, Larry's in pretty good shape at the age of 92. He told me one of his daughter's may move in with him, which would be a help to him, but also, she had lost her lease. However, he doesn't want her 26-year-old son, who now lives with his mother, to come, too. The guy seems to have some problems going out; he works at home, doesn't drive, and will often ask his mother to pick him up from wherever. I'm surprised he doesn't see a a therapist, considering there are so many doctors and nurses in Larry's family.
After our talk, I made lunch and bused to Target to return a bra I had bought--it's too small and I couldn't find another. Went from there to town, where I happily strolled Main; it's been a long time--well, a few weeks, since I've been there and I greatly enjoyed it. Bought a purse, , some washcloths, and a nice little clock for my desk:
I then happily had my lunch at my spot across from the mission.
The weather was lovely at first, sunny and close to 70 with little wind. Later in the afternoon, though, it clouded over and got cooler, so I bused home. In at 4:00, I transferred my crapola from my old purse to the new.
Ellen called and we talked about whether I should go there or she come here today on our Sunday together. She'll come here, will bring her lunch, then we plan to go to Oxnard and see Jim. Annoying, when I tried to call where he lives now, I got a message saying, "You are not allowed to make dialed carrier calls." I can't understand what that's supposed to mean and why it would be, but I wonder if it involves my carrier from hell, Cricket Wireless. I guess we'll go anyway--I'll talk to El about it.
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