Saturday, March 01, 2025


Weight: Up a smidgen both at home (+.02 to 127.8) and at T.O.P.S. (+.03 to 128.7), but no prob. I tol that others that Lora and Todd will be back from Arizona shortly to host a memorial luncheon for their son, Seth. It will be on Saturday, March 8, and she put an invitation on Facebook; most of us from T.O.P.S. are going and Cheryl will pick me up.

Home at 10:00 and put in a color wash before breakfast, then ate, showered, and sat down to continue my infuriating contact with Cricket. I'm hoping against hope it's settled now, but I'm not confident. 

Considering I was having dinner with Suzanne and Vickie at 5:30, I probably shouldn't have, but by the time I got off the phone, I was hungry, so had a tuna sandwich. Interestingly, I had put this in the freezer a few weeks ago, when I changed my mind about what I wanted. Not sure if it would be any good at all--it was frozen solid--but thought I'd try, so I wrapped it in a dampened paper towel and microwaved it on "defrost" for six or so minutes. Surprisingly, it turned out quite good. 

After that, I just more or less futzed around  until it was time to stroll over to Vickie's at 5:30. Suzanne came shortly and we went to Danny's Deli for dinner. I had looked at the menu on-line earlier and decided on a breaded eggplant marinara. That's what I ordered and it was very good, plus I took some home for dinner tonight. Suzanne got beef stroganoff and Vickie--well, I don't remember what she got, but she shared some little games she had brought, including this: 

The idea is to pick a card, read one side, then turn the other side for the "answer." My first side was something like "The past is past" and the other was something to the effect that we must move on. For some reason and to my own surprise, I actually started to cry. I imagine it hit some usually-hidden deep phycological chord with me, but I was with such good friends, I wasn't embarrassed. 

Considering I didn't get my usual quota of exercise yesterday, I slept wonderfully well. Just got up at 6:15 and feel good. Think I'll go into town today.


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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...