Got the 6 bus to Telephone Road and the 11 from there, but darn it, I somehow missed my stop, so got off about a half mile after I should have and had to walk back. Actually, I shouldn't whine about it, as the exercise was good for me.
Enjoyed the time with my Soaring Spirits gang at Stone Fire Grille; Vera and Susan were there, of course, as well as Renee, Grendel, and ??. (The latter comes to both lunch and dinner, but I can never remember her name, which also starts with a "G" and is also unusual.) Anyway, we had a good time and some good talk, which ranged over abortion, religion, taking one's own life, and turtles. Yes, it's serious stuff and some had differing opinions, but none of us tout our own ideas as superior to others and we all listen respectfully.
Left a little after 2:00 and bused to the transit center, then home. I didn't feel like doing anything productive, so I actually turned on the television. I watched a 60 Minutes show from Australia about a woman who pretended to have a malignant brain tumor that was being cured by certain foods. She had thousands of Instagram followers and made money by selling a cookbook. Must watch the rest later.
After that, I cleaned out one of the kitchen drawers that hold my knives, potato mashers, peelers, scoops, and so on; I'll tackle the others today (maybe! 😁). I then cooked up the big kabocha squash I bought at Ralph's and had most of it for dinner--oh, so good.
Puzzles Note: Yesterday, I got Wordle in TWO tries (it was "spear"). Today, I got the word, but it took me all the way to six. Could my brain be spongier on Tuesdays or what?
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