Ho, ho, did I think I was going to have a second free day? Nah, that's no fun: Lora texted me at 10:30 to ask if I was available to play Bunco at 1:00. I had no idea what that was, but I was game. She picked me up at 12:30 and off we went to her clubhouse.
Bunco is pretty simple; it consists of rolling dice (three of them), hoping to get, in sequence, as many ones, twos, threes, and so on, as you can. If you roll three of a kind, you get Bunco. Anyway, the payoff is substantial, as each player kicks in five bucks and there are twenty playing, so a hundred.
So...it was mildly fun, but only mildly. This is an over 55 community, as my house in Jersey is, but for some reason, I found the women and the experience a little boring, maybe because I didn't know them. Lora invited me over after; she has a nice and surprisingly large house. I was interested to see there a lamp almost exactly like this one of mine:

I bought it in New Hope, PA, twenty or more years ago. I thought it had been made there, but Lora said she had bought hers in Turkey. As I've mentioned, Lora's a very successful travel agent and travels a lot; she's off to Spain and Portugal shortly. We visited for a time, then she drove me home. I'll see her again this morning at T.O.P.S.
Earlier, Noreen called to ask me for lunch; we decided on Saturday, so okay, tomorrow it is. I very much enjoy being with Noreen, as she's one of the most pleasant, friendly, and congenial people I know. Ellen called on her way home from work, finally finished with parent conferences and after today, will be off for a week--yay! Suzanne asked me over to show me her lemon tree, loaded with lemons and she gave me three. Good, I had the last of the salmon for dinner and it was enhanced.
There were some attractive cloud formations across from my complex and here's one:
Uninteresting to anyone but me note: Finally closed out the BMO account once and for all and also got in touch with the new management company for Sunrise Bay, where my house is. Still must set up the automatic payment for the monthly fee. Also, got the ConService bill. (Geez, will this damn financial/business stuff never end? Modern life can be a drag.)
Second Note: Now, this is really annoying: Last evening, I wrote most of this, as I always do (then top it off in the morning), but accidentally pressed "publish." When I saw my error, I went back to draft and thought nothing of it. However, when I pressed "publish" this morning, a message came up that it would be recorded as published at seven something pm or the 16th--yesterday! Okay, I'm just not going to spent any more time on it, so let it be known it's now 5:12 AM on November 17, NOT the 16th!