Thursday, November 30, 2023


I'm going to draw a curtain over the nightmare morning and part of the afternoon I had, trying to return the chair with arms Mike sent. It was finally resolved, though, and the upshot was Suzanne will take me to UPS today (again) to send it back and Amazon will credit my Amazon Prime account. Will reimburse Mike, if he'll let me. BTW, I went over to the office to ask about UPS picking it up, but Jasmine said I wouldn't get a tracking number, so I decided to just go with the earlier plan. Thanks to Pat R. for the suggestion, though.

After lunch, I headed off to bus to town, but while walking to the stop, decided it was just too chilly, so veered to Von's. Got some stuff, including a nice cauliflower, and went back home to call Amazon.  After the resolution, I went next door to tell Suzanne and we'll take the damn thing back today at 9:30.

Also called Pacific Physical Therapy to make an appointment for next Thursday, December 7. I'm not sure if I'm going to go every week, as there's a twenty dollar co-pay each time and we have a fitness room here, anyway. Also, I have Staci gave me the printout with the moves on it and I'll do them daily. However, I'll mull it over--maybe once or twice a month I'll check in.

BCNN dinner tonight at O-Sabi Japanese restaurant:

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Tuesday With Stella

I walked the three blocks to Pacific Physical Therapy for my 9:40 appointment to meet my therapist, Staci. She put through a variety of routines, many of which were familiar and it was actually pretty enjoyable. I think I'll go once a week, which is called for, I guess, and also do the exercises daily at home. 

I thought I'd go into town after and texted Stella to see if she was available for lunch. Didn't hear back from her, so decided to bus to the mall. I had no sooner gotten on the bus than she called and said she was at the dentist, but wanted to have lunch. Called me when her teeth cleaning was finished and by that time, I had bused to WinCo and bought a few things, so Stella and her son, Joshua, who lives in Spain, picked me up there. He's here because Stella is going to have surgery next Tuesday for a prolapsed uterus. 

I enjoyed talking to Joshua, who has lived in Menorca, Spain, for years, and is a yoga instructor there. He's handsome, articulate, and very personable. He didn't go with us for lunch, as he had another engagement, so we dropped him off, then drove to Cafe Nouveau. I had been here with Suzanne about six months ago and really like the decor. Prices are pretty steep: I had a hamburger and a beer, which totaled thirty-six dollars (that kind of money used to feed a family of six).

Anyway, we had a good time. Poor Stella is understandably worried about her upcoming operation, but her mother and Jesus have come to her to assure her all will be well. Regardless of my own belief--or lack thereof--I'm glad she has that conviction. Here are some shots of Cafe Nouveau:

(It was crowded when we arrived at 12:30, but we stayed so long talking, it had cleared out.)

After, we drove to WinCo (yes, I was there twice yesterday), then Stella took me home. We talked about her surgery and she told me she was okay about it, as her mother and Jesus had both come to her and assured her she would be fine. I'm glad for her she can cling to that.

Got in at 4:00 and picked up the mail, then cooked and seasoned the spinach and prepared some baked apples. Took an hour's nap and felt refreshed after. I had gotten some yummy chicken livers at WinCo, but was so full from lunch, I didn't feel like eating them yet, so just had the spinach for dinner. 

This morning, Suzanne will take me to UPS to return that chair with arms Mike sent. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Monday, Diane, And Harry

Early on, Diane texted me to alert me to high winds, thinking it might be hazardous for me to come to her place. However, I went and yes, it was windy, but not really a problem.

Got there at 11:00 and we ate shortly thereafter, much too early for me (my preferred lunch time is 1:00 or later), but it was good. She had made egg salad with rustic bread and sliced avocado. I had brought me beer and after, she served some wine.

We talked and talked, mostly about her interest in death and the afterlife (well, she thinks there's an afterlife; I ain't got no idea) and eastern beliefs, meditation (she attends three weekly groups), and similar topics, most of which bore me to--well, death. Anyway, we had a lively sessions, vehemently disagreed about some things, but parted friends, and I left about 2:30. 

I had intended to go to Smart 'n' Final to pick up milk and other things, but changed my mind and got on the bus. I then thought I'd stay on until the mall and go to Target, but impulsively got off at Hill Street and went to the library. I had experienced a sudden Stephen King urge and thought I'd pick up one of his books. Incredibly, they had none--guess I'll have to go to the main library in town. I then saw this:

...and I at down and started to read it. I have a lot of ideas and thoughts about Harry and Meghan and why I suspect their marriage might be something other then a match made in Heaven. I suspect "made in some public relations person brain" is more likely, but I'll save that for another post.

Suzanne stopped in after I got home to tell me Verizon is now available here. I knew that already and have been having my problems with them, but I won't elaborate. Anyway, I told her about the armed desk chair from Mike, she saw the big box, and offered to take me to UPS tomorrow--yay!  

My first P.T. session is at 9:40 today. Luckily, it's only three blocks away, next to the post office. I hope the balance thing can be improved, but frankly, I'm not too optimistic.

Monday, November 27, 2023


Crossword puzzle was good--not too hard, not too easy--and I got all but two. Emailed Diane and we made a date to meet for lunch at her place today, after I drop off some Goodwill donations. Showered, washed my hair, and dressed to go to my wrapper stint at Dudley House Victorian Holiday Boutique. The pics don't do justice to the artistic items--almost all hand-made--and beautifully arranged layout, upstairs and down:

As for me, I was downstairs wrapping and that wasn't as easy as it sounds. A lot of the items were porcelain, ceramic, or glass and very fragile. I was worried about breaking something, but happily, I got through the two hours without a problem...

...except, that is, for my partner person. The setup was: two checkout/wapping stations, with a person at each. My person was Sheila and the routine was for me to receive the items, remove the price tags, and put them in a bowl for Sheila to ring up while I wrapped. Sounds simple, but it wasn't. Sheila was  constantly giving advice, interfering with what I was doing, and generally acting obnoxious. It turned out that she's one of the vendors; she's a glass maker, and to be honest, some of her wind chimes were truly beautiful. Her persona, though I found anything but, and was glad to be there for only two hours. 

After, I went downstairs and bought a few items, including a tree ornament for the Soaring Spirit dinner next week. Saw Lynn, docent director, whom I've known since I started docenting six or so years ago, and we chatted. Home and I made my signature turkey stir-fry for dinner.   

Earlier, I had emailed the place where those chairs from Mike came from. Heard back and was told to just take the unwanted one to UPS. Oh, sure, easy, the box weighs only about forty pounds, is very large, and I can barely push it, let alone lift it, let alone--AAGH!!!                                            Okay, I'll think of something...

Sunday, November 26, 2023


Darned if I didn't get yet another box with a chair in it: 

There's no question that this one is armless, so good. There is a actual question, though: "what am I going to do about the other big box in my living room?"  Guess I'll see how to send it back.

I got an email from the director of The Church of Phil, asking me to report next Friday to be an extra in the movie. I'm having second thoughts. It's in Camarillo and starts at 6:00 pm. That's quite a distance and I don't like being out at night--who knows how late?--so I think I'll skip it. Scheduled and paid for the Airporter (shuttle to LAX) for my trip on December 15th and did a few other boring business chores. 

Got some other business stuff done, then walked to CVS to get a card from Mike, whose birthday is on December 5. Went from there to the P.O. to mail it, but I'm afraid it will get to Singapore too late. He and his family will be here on December 31st, so I'll give him his present then.

Bused from there to the mall. Went to Target for coffee and blueberries and to Trader Joe's for grapefruit (small mediocre), as Target was out. Home, I prepared as much as possible for today's stint at Dudley House and the Holiday Boutique. I'm going to try to be good and not buy anything, but fat chance, I'm afraid...

Saturday, November 25, 2023


It was back to school day on Friday, but first, Ellen, Greg, and I went to The Farmer and the Cook for breakfast. (This is one of those trendy California-with-a-capital-C places, with exclusively organic fare and sacred foodstuffs that used to be designated hippie city or whatever.) Before he left for work, Greg suggested that Jim and I come over for lunch sometime next week. I'll look at my calendar, then get in touch with Jim. 

After that, El and I packed up and went to her classroom where we spent several hours preparing for the coming school terms. I had a wonderful time correcting essays, cutting out arithmetic cards, and otherwise returning to third grade at St. James Grammar School. Actually, my nine-year-old self would have been amazed and thrilled at the wealth of colorful resources these kids have. Here's a taste of Ellen's classroom:

I got a kick out of this whimsical poster about herself; I assume the other teachers display them, too: 
When our chores were finished, El treated me to lunch at Spring Garden, the Chinese restaurant next to Trader Joe's. I had the Lo Mein and took home plenty enough for dinner tonight. We stopped at Von's, then went to my place and El stayed for a bit, then I walked her to her car. I had had a wonderful Thanksgiving and now I'm back to--well, back.

I had asked Diane if she wanted to go to a free (by a funeral home) lunch at Rincon Brewery on December 5 and she accepted. There's also a "Sip 'n' Shop" at the museum on the sixth--free champagne and you can buy over-priced artwork, too--think I'll see if Noreen wants to go.  

Friday, November 24, 2023

Thursday And Thanksgiving

Ellen scrambled eggs for breakfast, then she and I went to the meadow preserve and took a long walk. Here are some pics from that very enjoyable jaunt:

The pictures really don't do justice to the lovely area, with plenty of west coast foliage, streams and creeks, and, in the distance, the foothills and mountains that define the terrain.

When we got home, Greg suggested we go to Java Joe's for latte or whatever, take our books, and relax on their patio. We did so--I got a vanilla cold brew, so yum!--and stayed for a good hour, reading. Went back to El's, then I took a nap with Gwennie, while Greg and Ellen prepared our Thanksgiving dinner. (After fifty-two years of being the chief cook and bottle washer, it's such a luxury to be served!)

How was the turkey dinner? Dunno, because that's not what we had--why be bound by the conventional, anyway? We had one of Greg's absolutely superb salmon dishes, this one with puttanesca (tomato based) sauce; along with it came his salad, plus Ellen's yams and roasted Brussels sprouts. I accompanied mine with a good German beer and dessert was--a nod to tradition--pumpkin pie and whipped cream.    

Before all that, Ellen put out a cheese, grape, and cracker appetizers to enjoy with our Margaritas:  

While we were chowing down some of that, Mike Facetimed us from Singapore (the day after Thanksgiving for him) and El and I had a hilarious time with him. A few days ago, I had received a large box from him for my birthday, clearly marked with pictures of a desk chair. Great--I desperately need a replacement, but I want an armless one, so it will fit under the desk. We spared back and forth, me trying to get an answer, Mike being hilariously evasive. Okay, I'm pretty sure it's armless, but guess I'll have to wait a month to find out.    

It was Thanksgiving Day in the year two thousand and twenty-three. Am I thankful for all I have? Absolutely and I want more of it. 

Thursday, November 23, 2023


Darn, I missed my Quest appointment! I had it on my calendar, which is a flat, desk one, but the date was covered with papers. When I finally noticed, I had already had my coffee, but no problem there, right? Wrong, because I had put sweetner in it. I went over to Quest, which is in Von's, but the bloodletter wouldn't tell me if it was okay or not--said my doctor had to do it. So the hell with it, I just made another appointment for December.

Put in a color wash, dried, and put away; packed my small suitcase, and gathered a few other things. I had some roasted cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts leftover from the day before, and with a suitcase and laptop, couldn't bring them to Ellen's. I'm not sure how they'll turn out, but I thought of freezing them, and gave it a shot. 

Suzanne's sister is visiting from Massachusetts and S. asked to over to say hello. I had met her years ago and enjoyed seeing her again. Stayed for fifteen or so, then finished packing up my stuff, so I was ready for the Access Van. Surprisingly, Jim called while I was on my way, just to tell me happy Thanksgiving. Maybe he has some fellow feeling for me, after all. I was glad to hear he was going to his friend's--that is, friends', as there are two of them) today. 

Got to El's about 2:30 and helped her rake up leaves and with a few other chores. I always like her decorating style, a kind of mix of modern and traditional and she had added some lovely flowers: 

When Greg came in, we chatted, then he relaxed while El and I played Blokus. We went to Sea Fresh for a late dinner and after we ate, Greg bought what will we will have tonight. What, a turkey? Nope, some beautiful, wild-caught, very expensive salmon. Do I care? Not even a little bit. Actually, I'm quite happy about it; I like salmon better than turkey, anyway, and that fact that my daughter isn't bound by convention makes me proud. By the time we got back, it was almost bedtime for me. Turned in and slept well; got up at 5:00.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Tuesday And Twin Day

Lora picked me up at 11:00 and off we went to Santa Barbara. Got to Villa Alamar in good time to find Betty in the dining room awaited lunch. When she saw me, she said, "I love you," which nearly broke my heart. However, it wasn't evident that she knew who I was.

We went to Betty's room to wait for her to finish lunch; Carolyn came soon after and we chatted until Betty joined us. As for the cat, I asked if the facility might like to buy it, but I was told they already had one, plus a similar dog and, believe it or not, baby.

I would have bought the cat from Vickie and given it to Betty for our birthday, but she didn't seem particularly interested, even when it was on her lap. Carolyn held it, too:

Unfortunately, Betty doesn't seem particularly interested in anything anymore. She has deteriorated enormously since I saw her last--has become so passive, it's hard to get her to respond to anything. Here she is alone, with me, and with Carolyn and me:

After visiting with us for a time, Carolyn had to leave. Their second bathroom is being redone and the vanity had been moved into the sunroom, where Calvin was confined. The workers were cautioned not to go in the room or Calvin might take it amiss.  I know and actually like Calvin (as much as I like any dog), but I wouldn't dream of opening that door myself. (I'm convinced he'd tear my arm off--he would!! 😱)

Lora and I stayed for the pre-Thanksgiving party which turned out to be quite enjoyable. We were treated to a variety of desserts and two singers. Here are a few pics from the party:

We stayed until the last song, then said goodbye. By that time, it was too late for lunch, so Lora suggested we go to Transmission for pizza and I enthusiastically agreed. By the time we got there, it was almost five and we were both hungry enough to eat. Had a fine time talking frankly and freely with each other; Lora, who has a difficult family situation, is always very open. 

It was only 6:00 when I walked in the door, but what with the dark and the emotionally fraught day, it seemed like midnight. The Access Van will take me to Ellen's this afternoon and I'll stay over until Friday, when we're going to Ellen's classroom to prepare for the coming semester. I'm looking forward to that. 

Note: See the last photo above. I was intrigued by this couple, over toward the right,  who looked to me like Hollywood personified:
Tall, slim, dressed with quiet elegance, I imagined them as movers and shakers in the entertainment industry. Hmm...or maybe it was just the magnificent hair...

Additional note:  One of the (few, because men die first) male residents was wearing a tee shirt with "Saigon" on it. He was with a woman and I asked her about it, as I've been there. It turned out to be her husband (he lives in Alamar, she doesn't) and they spent a lot of time in Vietnam, as she's a doctor and was with Doctors Without Borders. I have the impression he was, too, not sure. Interestingly, she said she was born and brought up in Switzerland, but her father insisted she go to high school in the states, I'm not sure why. She had no accent at all, lives in Santa Barbara, and I enjoyed talking to her. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Monday, A Monster, And My Father

Packed my lunch and walked to Wal-Mart and The Market for oatmeal, a mouse pad, and a few other items. lunched at the tiny park between office buildings on Ralston Street, then bused to the mall. Went to Target for grapefruit, but horrors--they had none! Finally found one (but puny) at Trader Joe's; also bought a pomelo--maybe they're even better.

Heard from Lora; she'll pick me up at 11:00 today and we'll go to Santa Barbara to see Betty. Carolyn texted that Villa Alamar was having a before Thanksgiving party at 2:00 and did Lora and I want to go, maybe, instead of lunch, or after? Don't know--I don't think so, but we can decide when we get there.

Got home and found an intruder on the patio--this little monster was eating my ivy geranium! 

Maybe I'll try to find out how to get rid of squirrels--short of poisoning them, that is. 

Left for the Soaring Spirits dinner at 4:00, got to the area early, so spent some time in Barnes & Noble reading about the Zodiac killer. Crossed to Stone Fire Grille to see Vera already there. We chatted happily for some time, then new member, Debbie, came, and the three of us were all who attended. That was actually pretty good; much as I like others in the group, we were able to have a more intimate, in depth time with just the three of us. Debbie was a speech pathologist before she retired and lost her husband two years ago.  

Ellen called while I was there and asked me to get to her place about 2:00 or 3:00 tomorrow, stay over that night and on Thanksgiving, then go with her on Friday to help prepare her classroom. Great and I'm looking forward to it. She may or may not have turkey--I told her I didn't give a damn, I just want to be with her, she can have hot dogs for all I care. (Actually, I like hot dogs better than turkey.)

Home at 7:30 and it felt good to relax. Today, though, probably will be anything but relaxing in Santa Barbara. 

Ancestral Note: My father was born on this day: November 21, 1899. Here he is on a picnic with Mom, shortly before they were married. He founded a dysnasty that surely numbers more than a hundred now. Happy birthday, Daddy. (We always called  him "Daddy.")

Here he is on a picnic with Mom, shortly before they were married. Doesn't he look all playful and whimsical here? Believe me, he wasn't. 

Monday, November 20, 2023


The usual Sunday: wash sheets, remake bed, do crossword, and other do-si-do...

Took down a lot of Christmas decorations from the high cabinets, in order to weed out the ones I can live without and put them in my donation area. What a job! And why do I have so many? And why did I buy new ones? And why don't I want to part with more of them?  AAGH!

However, I shrugged all that off and prepared to go back to town. On Saturday, after Noreen, Gary, and I had lunch, I had stopped at the S.P.A.R.C. thrift store on my way to the bus. and saw a large container of what I thought was laundry detergent--only six bucks, what a bargain, and I snapped it up. Good thing I had my cart with me, as it was very heavy. Unfortunately, when I got it home, I saw it was laundry softener, which I can't use. I have the dryer balls, which do a good job, plus sometimes add a softener sheet. Anyway, I took it back and got a credit.

Ate my lunch at my place across from the mission on a beautiful, sunny day, temp about 70. Stopped at Von's on the way home for broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower.  Prepared the latter in my usual way, with mayo, parm, and garlic salt and popped it in the oven. That, with the lentil stew I had in the freezer (made a large batch to have it on hand) was a good meal. 

Sent these pics to Diane to see if she wanted them:


She said she did, so I won't add them to the donation pile. 
Dinner with Soaring Spirits tonight.

Sunday, November 19, 2023


Bussed to town to meet Noreen and Gary, but was early, as ever, so I stopped into GoodWill to see if there was anything interesting. Oh, goody, I found something I've been missing all my life (😉) a small, decorative pillow with a turkey on it, perfect for Thanksgiving: 

Yes, the turkey looks a little--well, a lot--cartoonish, but I thought that was okay. It's all made of sequins and if you stroke them upward, you get autumn leaves:
they're not autumn leaves, they represent a cow hide! And the pillow is upside down--turn it right side up and it depicts not a turkey, but a cow!
I thought it was pretty funny, so decided to buy it, anyway and when I got home, put it at Suzanne's and my front entrance. Cow, turkey, what's the dif?

Noreen, her friend, Gary (they play pinochle and Scrabble with others every week), and I met at Dargan's and we had a good time. I had Irish stew, which wasn't great, but the IPA was. We talked over a huge variety of subjects. I've met Gary before and didn't think we had much in common; he's from Oklahoma, was a kind of roustabout supervisor, I think, but somehow came into a lot of money. It may be that oil was found on his property, not sure. Anyway, I warmed up to him yesterday and will plan to have them over, along with Jim, sometime soon. 

We sat and talked for several hours, then said goodbye and headed off in opposite directions. I stopped at the museum to see if I could bring a guest to the members only "Sip 'n Shop."

 I'm a member, and I'll ask Diane if she wants to go. Talked to Friday (yes, that's her name!) and a girl on the desk who's name is Violet, just like my granddaughter's. I was told I can bring a guest with no prob, but I--not she--will be the only one who gets ten percent off. 

Got a Message from Mike to tell me a package is coming on Tuesday, but not to open it yet because it's for my birthday. Geez, a month early, that shows some planning. Nothing on the agenda today or tomorrow, so I think I'll go through some of my Christmas stuff to see what I can donate. 

Saturday, November 18, 2023


Weight: The insignificant changes continue: Yesterday, I showed a loss of .04 (to 127.2) at home and a magnificent .01 (to 128.3) at T.O.P.S. Okay, I can live with that. Lennie showed us her book, self-published--and we discussed it for a bit. I gave Sharon Suzanne's thank-you note and also told the group how wonderfully the shoes had gone over at Catholic Charities. No meeting the day after Thanksgiving, so it'll be two weeks before we're (officially) weighed in again. 

Didn't finish breakfast until 10:30 and was assembling some diet papers for Noreen when Diane texted to say her mediation session at The Townehouse was cancelled because they had thirty cases of COVID-- disconcerting, to say the least. I had planned to go to The Market and Wal-Mart, but immediately jettisoned that and asked if she could get to the Hill Street Cafe for lunch. It was already almost noon, but she could and she did. It takes me about twenty minutes to walk there over the footbridge, but we got there at the same time.    

We sat on the patio, Diane with a tuna melt (extra onions) and a Chardonnay, me with grilled cheese and a beer, and had a fine time. Talked and talked, of course, but in addition, an interesting happening took place on the library patio. Notice the setup: The patios of the library (a branch, not the main one) and the restaurant adjoin and on it were the four people behind Diane:

I cropped the scene, so it's a little fuzzy, but here's a closer view of the four:
This is what I gathered from witnessing the odd occurrence: The man in the chair was pretty clearly mentally handicapped since later, he began babbling incoherently. I have the idea the woman holding his head is his sister and the other woman behind him, his mother. The woman in front is holding a kind a lighted wand--maybe a small flashlight--which she was waving in front of his face in what seemed to be an intricate pattern. She did this for at least ten minutes, if not longer. Also, you can barely see it, but there's a kind of flat, spongy, yellowish object on his head. After the ceremony--or exorcism, or whatever it was--was over, it was removed. I was so intrigued by this that I think I'll stop into the library when I have a chance to ask if they had any idea what was happening. My best guess is that it was some kind of bizarre quasi-medical "treatment" for his condition. Incidentally, I've taken my lunch several times and eaten on the library patio while reading a book I selected there--very pleasant. 

Diane and I said goodbye about 3:30 and she took a bus home, while I bussed in the opposite direction to my Grapefruit Heaven, Target, at the mall. Home at 5:00 and I whipped up a good turnkey stir-fry for dinner. Finished putting together the diet info I'll give Noreen at lunch today.  

Additional note about the entry before this: It was published on the seventeenth and, of course, chronicles Thursday, the sixteenth, not the...oh, SKIP IT!!  

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thursday And This And That

Ho, ho, did I think I was going to have a second free day? Nah, that's no fun: Lora texted me at 10:30 to ask if I was available to play Bunco at 1:00. I had no idea what that was, but I was game. She picked me up at 12:30 and off we went to her clubhouse. 

Bunco is pretty simple; it consists of rolling dice (three of them), hoping to get, in sequence, as many ones, twos, threes, and so on, as you can. If you roll three of a kind, you get Bunco. Anyway, the payoff is substantial, as each player kicks in five bucks and there are twenty playing, so a hundred. was mildly fun, but only mildly. This is an over 55 community, as my house in Jersey is, but for some reason, I found the women and the experience a little boring, maybe because I didn't know them. Lora invited me over after; she has a nice and surprisingly large house. I was interested to see there a lamp almost exactly like this one of mine:


I bought it in New Hope, PA, twenty or more years ago. I thought it had been made there, but Lora  said she had bought hers in Turkey. As I've mentioned, Lora's a very successful travel agent and travels a lot; she's off to Spain and Portugal shortly. We visited for a time, then she drove me home. I'll see her again this morning at T.O.P.S. 

Earlier, Noreen called to ask me for lunch; we decided on Saturday, so okay, tomorrow it is. I very much enjoy being with Noreen, as she's one of the most pleasant, friendly, and congenial people I know. Ellen called on her way home from work, finally finished with parent conferences and after today, will be off for a week--yay! Suzanne asked me over to show me her lemon tree, loaded with lemons and she gave me three. Good, I had the last of the salmon for dinner and it was enhanced. 

There were some attractive cloud formations across from my complex and here's one:

Uninteresting to anyone but me note: Finally closed out the BMO account once and for all and also got in touch with the new management company for Sunrise Bay, where my house is. Still must set up the  automatic payment for the monthly fee. Also, got the ConService bill. (Geez, will this damn financial/business stuff never end?  Modern life can be a drag.)

Second Note: Now, this is really annoying: Last evening, I wrote most of this, as I always do (then top it off in the morning), but accidentally pressed "publish." When I saw my error, I went back to draft and thought nothing of it. However, when I pressed "publish" this morning, a message came up that it would be recorded as published at seven something pm or the 16th--yesterday! Okay, I'm just not going to spent any more time on it, so let it be known it's now 5:12 AM on November 17, NOT the 16th!

Wednesday With Not A Whole Hell Of A Lot

Talk about your slow day and that was just fine with  me. I've been going out a lot, and I love that, but once in awhile, it's good to just vegetate. The free days happened because I decided to skip the  BCNN Happy Hour yesterday. Would have greatly enjoyed the boat ride on Lake Casitas, scheduled for today, but it was cancelled.  It may have been because of the weather--it rained today, which throws the whole state into a tizzy (the sky is falling, the sky is falling!). Anyway, I hope it's rescheduled. 

So what did I do yesterday? Not much of any consequence, except for rearranging part of my closet to fit things in better--it's always a challenge with the limited space. Suzanne stopped over to give me a thank-you note for Sharon and Louis, re the shoes they donated to Catholic Charities. She stayed to chat for a bit, telling me her sister is coming on Monday and will stay for Thanksgiving. I said I'd have them over for Happy Hour one day; will invite Vickie, too.

I documented the intruder who's been sneaking on to my patio and stealing the bird food. I thought maybe the pretend kitty would deter him, but no--here, he's poised on top of the chair and, shortly after, brazenly came down and ate the rest of the seeds!

Aside from the above, I cut up and seasoned three apples, then zapped them in the microwave for a kind of cross between baked apples and applesauce. That was about the sum total of my chores for the day.

Got an invitation from The Townehouse for a holiday party and boutique on December ninth and immediately alerted my party pal, Diane, to put it on her calendar.  Aside from the slight activity mentioned, I did a lot of cryptograms, my current favorites when it comes to word games. Today? I think more of the same, although I have to go over to CVS to pick up my prescription. then, I may be tired of this stay-in/no activity gig... 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Tuesday And Good Times

Early on: More phone calls and frustration, but at long last, it looks as if the Little Egg Harbor MUA and the Verizon problems are cleared up--finally! After those on-going pains went away, I tidied up in preparation for niece Carolyn's arrival. Glanced out the window and was horrified to see this: 

The little rascal was eating the bird food!  I knocked on the window and he ran off, I hope for good, but I fear not.

Carolyn got here, as planned, at 11:30, and we sat and we spent an enjoyable hour talking and laughing over family matters. I showed her the mechanical cat, which she loved, but reluctantly said she doubted if Betty would have an interest in it. We talked about it and decided I'd take it to Villa Amamar when Lora and I go there on Tuesday and see if they might want to buy it. Some of the residents might still be capable of amusement, even if Betty may not be. 

We drove to the Regency to pick up my hat, then to Hill Street Cafe for hamburgers and, in my case,  beer, and in Carolyn's, hot tea. This was accompanied, of course, with much more talk and laughter. Got home and said goodbye to Carolyn at 3:00 (she had a 4:15 doctor's appointment in Santa Barbara). I'm always stunned and horrified when I see pictures of myself (who IS that raddled old hag?) and this was no exception, but oh, well:

(I spot-fixed it--very subtly, I hope!)

I had gotten a text yesterday from Amy that our cast of The Golden Age was invited to the Rincon Brewery at 6:30 for an impromptu gathering. Would I go? Well, shore, and I called good ol' Ken, who picked me up. We had an absolute blast and here's some of Rincon:

There were nine of us and we had a ball talking, laughing, drinking our craftsman beer and playing shuffleboard. This is an inside version of the outdoor kind that uses sticks to push the pocks (or whatever they're called). It substitutes round metal disks that you slide down a long, narrow, wooden base, the object being to get them to the end without having them slide over. I played first Lindsay (I won), then Matt (I won), then Spencer (honestly don't remember who won). Considering I had never seen the game before, let alone played it, it's amazing I did so well (dumb luck, that's a cinch). What fun it was to be with the gang and to be accepted, not as some kind of wise, but uninteresting matriarch, but just as a friend and fellow actor. 

For somebody who rails against ageism (the sneaky kind, in the guise of admiring comments), maybe I spend too much time looking for it.  Last night, I didn't, and relaxed entirely in the company of (aside from Ken, who's in his late seventies and left early, as usual), Matt and Amy (early fifties), Spencer, Caitlyn, and Anthony (forties), and in their thirties, Lindsay and Alphonse. All are younger than my children, but that doesn't matter with this group. My tribe. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Monday And A Dog

This will be a quickie, because I started it last night when I was tired and anyway, some of it involves  dreary nothings, especially the damned annoying Municipal Authority problem. That seems almost resolved--yes, the payment came in, but in the meantime, I paid it online and now the reimbursement is unclear. Will call again this morning to get clarity. As for Verizon, that still hasn't gone away, I'll try for a solution again today. 

As for the dog: I walked  to Telephone Road then bussed to the Regency Theatre and actually got there more than an hour early. That was okay, as I went to WinCo and two other stores for this and that. Met up with Diane at noon and we had our lunches outside, then went into the theatre and met the dog: Priscilla. Did I enjoy it? About as much as I would hanging by my thumbs for three days. Diane and I thought it was glacially slow and monumentally boring, not to mention badly written and badly cast.  

Oh,well, it was an experience and the Access Van picked us up at 5:30, so I was home at 6:00.

Niece Carolyn is coming today and we'll go out for lunch, so I'm looking forward to that. But darn, I somehow left my favorite hat at the Regency. Discovered it missing when I got home, called, and yes, they found it. I'll ask Carolyn to drive me over there before we go to lunch--I'm thinking the Hill Street Cafe--to pick it up. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...