Friday, November 30, 2018

Quantum Physics

It was another interesting day. When I set out to drive to Kimball at 7:00, I saw a portfolio lying on the grass. Picked it up and looked inside; found no name, just a lined tablet, the writing on it partly smeared because of the rain. I thought maybe someone would come looking for it, so just propped it against the stucco wall  of the small laundry building, which is sheltered from the rain.
Got home to find it still there, so took it to look more closely inside. The writing had a heading of "Wisdom" and, at a quick glance, seemed to concern the supernatural. I knew Fred S. was into this, so called his wife, Loretta. She said she'd ask Fred and I went about my business.
Dry dusted, then wet-mopped the hard floors; added the Velcro parts to the bath rugs and mats and took all to the laundry room. Came home after putting them in the washer and was cutting up carrots when the doorbell rang. It was Fred, saying it was not his portfolio.
Fred is kind of a woebegone, somber type who seems to have absolutely no sense of humor. I feel sorry for him, especially as Loretta is such a whiny pain in the ass, so I invited him in. After a few pleasantries, he mentioned he had purified the water in the apartment complex, using his aura. Before he did that, of course, it was full of not only chemicals, but greed.
Uh, huh--"greed." This led to an explanation of how he does it--I can't remember the ritual involved--after which he took a seashell on a string out of his pocket and demonstrated how the shell answers questions about the water purity by swinging in various configurations.
I told Fred I have a friend (Diane, of course) who believes that quantum physics is the entity that runs the universe. At this, Fred excitedly told me the whole water thing IS quantum physics. It's definitely true because there's a book on it he wants me to read by the esteemed scientist, Dr. So-and-So, and that's proof positive...
Now, how in the hell do these people find me? I finally got rid of Fred by having to go get the laundry; he said he'd take the portfolio to the office.  After lunch, I went to town, walked The Promanade (the ocean was roiling high; see pic below), and left for Main when it started to rain. Walked to The Coalition and who did I run into but Diane--additional proof that quantum physics runs the universe!
We chatted, agreed to get together soon, she left with her son, I did on the bus, and arrived home thoroughly soaked, but I didn't mind.
I had just gotten out of my wet shoes and hung up  my wet coat when Suzanne knocked on my door to tell me Sister Katie had died. She came in and we talked for a half hour or so. After hearing about the death, I told her about Fred. We laughed--wryly--about that.
Got up today with a sore throat, the first cold I've had since I moved here. Damn, I have T.O.P.S. and Dudley House scheduled today, lunch with El tomorrow, and the widder group on Monday. Oh, but wait: I'll just use my aura to rid of it--problem solved!


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Happy Hour and Rain

Walked Kimball and met up with Diane, who told me Irene had had an accident at The Home Depot; a gate had fallen on her head. She seems okay, but her back is bothering her. I texted her my concern and she wrote back she was improving.
After breakfast, I drove to the mall to get a present for Mike, whose birthday is December fifth; it may be late, darn it. However, he'll understand, I hope. I also bought some tree ornaments, which are so cute I had to have them. I won't keep them, but will send to family as pre-Christmas gifts.
I more or less completed unpacking (jewelry and cosmetics, mostly) and so on, had lunch, jumped in the shower, then left for the bus about 2:00. I got off at the library and walked to the P.O., mailed the package, then returned to the library. Picked up Art Garfunkel's auto-bio, read a bit of the new Agatha Christie bio, then went across the street at 4:00to Limon y Sal.
Nancy and Carolyn were already there (Diane couldn't join us, as she's moving into her new apartment). They were sitting at  the bar because you can't go upstairs for Happy Hour until 5:00. Anyway, I asked if we could sit at a booth, we did, but there was a big table of people getting progressively noisier and I asked if we could sit further away. We did, and finally were settled.
We had some good talk and some good sliders, staying until after 5:00. Got home a half or so later.
Texted El to see when we could meet and she came back with tomorrow, Saturday, for lunch--yay!  Lynne W. confirmed my stint as a greeter at the Dudley House Christmas boutique, which I'll do from 4 to 6 on Friday. 
The BIG NEWS is that it rained! I actually took an umbrella with me for Happy Hour. However, this was a California rain--sort of half-hearted and pokey, more like a few drips and a mist.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

California Life

Busy day, getting back to my California life. I didn't set the alarm and woke at 6:15; did the usual, then drove to Kimball.
What fun to meet up with my park pals! Ran into Ed and Lola (woof), then Irene and Diane came up, then Carolyn and Bob B., and their Hazel (arf). Later, I saw Sue and Todd, who are not a couple, but sometimes walk together. Sue is in her fifties, Todd apparently in his twenties and has cerebral palsty. They all welcomed me back, and expressed concern about the blizzards that seem to be battering the east coast, but you couldn't prove it by me. We all chatted for a bit, the continued our rounds.
After breakfast, I tackled the wash. Did two loads and while they dried, I dealt with the mail. Damn, the cloth bag I gave Suzanne was full; Mike and Paula had five different communications and there was lots of stuff for me. Betty called twice to tell me about her thrift store finds and other chatty info.
I e-mailed Diane, Nancy, and Carolyn B. about Happy Hour this afternoon; we'll meet at Lemon y sal, and I can't wait.
Once I got the wash finished, I went to WinCo and stocked up on what I consider staples: lettuce, tomatoes, onions, grapes, spinach, carrots, oranges, and a plethora of other stuff. Got home and delayed lunch in order to cut up and roast my tomatoes and onions for today's salad. making it for yesterday without tomatoes.
Lunched, then took off for town, via bus, of course. It  was a little cool and breezy and I decided to skip The Promenade; just walked Main Street. I didn't find the purse I was looking for, but got a pair of sandals and a kitchen rug.
Stopped at Suzanne's when I got home and we caught up with each other's news. She's had a cold and I didn't stay long--thanked her for getting my mail.
Had swordfish, cauliflower, and spinach for dinner--so good.
(See previous post for what we found on the beach on Sunday.)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

On The Beach


Back In The Land Of The Locusts

I'm home!
Yesterday, I said goodbye to my landlady with many thanks, then left for Jackson. We drove to Belmar after breakfast for a fairly short walk, which I was glad to get in. It was pretty cold and windy, so I opted to do the Main Street mile or so. Good thing we did it early, because the rain started a bit after lunch, just as we were getting ready to leave for Philly. It was just as heavy as it had been the day before, which made driving a hazard.
However, we reached there in plenty of time, said goodbye (sob!), and I checked my bag (furious because it was fifty bucks, not forty, because I had neglected to do so on-line) and so on. Got to my gate and went across the way to a Japanese place for teriyaki chicken and a Sapporo (beer).
Plane left on time and, for some reason, seemed to take fifty hours instead of five and a half.  Boy, was it tedious--my fault for not bringing anything to do or read--and, as usual--scary because of some bumpy parts.
However, I survived and caught a break: My plane was due in at 8:07 and the next shuttle didn't leave until 9:45, so I wouldn't have gotten home until close to midnight. However, it was early, so I was able to take the 7:45 shuttle.
I had planned to call Gold Coast Cab to get me home from the Sheraton once we reached Camarillo, but thought I'd ask if anyone on the shuttle might be interested in making fifteen bucks. It turned out, a nice young woman (well, about 40, I guess) said her husband was picking her up, and they would.
They did, and they turned out to be an interesting couple--video/film makers and she's a director. She had been in Amsterdam, of all places, introducing something, and we had a lively discussion after I told them I taught "Acting for Amateurs." They tried to refuse payment, but I insisted (actually, besides some twenties, I had only 13, not 15 dollars), and they finally took it.
I had a good time settling into my nice digs. I hate coming back to a messy place and always clean and tidy up before I go away, and that was good, especially as it wasn't enormously late. Set up the coffee for today, got a few things out of the suitcase, and fell into bed, happily only about 10:30, not one a.m. Now to dress and go to Kimball for my morning walk.
I had a wonderful time in Jersey, but am glad to be back.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Saturday And Sunday

(This is two entries in one, as I lost Wi-Fi for a bit on Saturday night and Sunday morning.)
Saturday: After breakfast, we set off for the trail around the Manasquan Reservoir. A few places were problematic--wet and muddy--but most of it was okay for walking. We did it all: 5.2 miles, which was more than I usually do, and gave me a great feeling of accomplishment.
Betty called to say she was on the way to some of the stores in Ventura, courtesy of daughter-in-law, Robyn. I had given her some tips on where to go and found out later she had gotten several items. After that and grocery shopping, we spent the rest of the day with the Bordentown Boys. Greatly enjoyed them, as ever; we played "Truth or Fiction," which provided lots of laughs.
The rain had held off until later afternoon, but came down in buckets and sheets then. It was a heavy, pounding rain that lasted for most of the day and into the night and early morning. What California wouldn't give to have such a rain!
Sunday: I woke up to find, as mentioned, that Wi-Fi was disabled. Was picked up at 9:00, given breakfast, then we headed over to Bordentown to pick up the boys.  Stopped at the cemetery first. I was happy to see that the two attractive bushes my older son provided (he paid, I planted) nine years ago, are full, healthy, and very attractive; Pat would have liked them.
Drove to Ventnor to Betty's house and found it's in very good shape; lots of boxes and other items need to be removed, though. We had a quick lunch there, then walked to the boardwalk. Went down the beach to walk on the sand, the 11-year-old even wading in the frigid water. On a beautiful sunny day, we then walked up to the Arts Building and small park to look for the brick with my late husband's and my names on it, which I had bought years ago. We couldn't find it, as many of the inscriptions were eroded and unreadable.
Went from there to Roseborough Avenue to see the house where I lived as a child and that I always consider home. Took a few pictures, then went back, packed up, and left Absecon Island. When we got the boys back to Bordentown, we were invited to dinner and stayed; had tacos with sausage and boy, were they good. We said goodbye and I got in about 7:00.
Today: back to the left coast, assuming the plane doesn't go down.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Another action-packed day.
Early on, we took T. to get his new glasses, then it was back to Bordentown for lunch, after which--we went bowling!
Well, I didn't, I just observed, cheered on everybody, and took baby off Mommy's hands for a time. It was fun, though, and while there, we took a group picture of our extended/blended family.
Back to Bordentown, then two of us took a walk of roughly three miles. By the time we got back, the rest of the ex/bl members had gathered and we ordered pizza, my grandson and I going out to pick it up, along with big liters of Coke and Sprite.
The twelve of us--thirteen, if you count baby--had our casual dinner, then sang Happy Birthday to the birthday girl and ate the birthday cake. We played Taboo, adopting all  kinds of variations on it., and didn't break up until after 9:00.
Not sure what we're doing today, but I heard it would be warmer. Around it, that means the ice on the rivers isn't quite as thick (ha!).

Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving, 2018

What a nice Thanksgiving!
I was picked up at 9:30 for breakfast and after that, we packed the edibles in the car and took off. Stopped in Allentown to get a walk in, after changing shoes and adding layers of clothing. We didn't go far, maybe a mile and a half, but in cold, cold, weather. It was 27 degrees and the winds, I swear, came direct from Antarctica.  It was invigorating, though, and I enjoyed it.
From there, we drove to Rancocos and arrived in time to help a bit with Thanksgiving preparations. Later, other relatives and friends came in; they totalled 14 for dinner and seven more for dessert. There were three boys, aged 16 to 11, plus adorable baby girl, 6 months. Lots of moving around, tnoise, and general hubbub, as always, so the day was a lot of fun, a kind of typical Thanksgiving in our big extended/blended family.
Betty called on their way to L.A. and we wished each other the greetings of the season. I called Ellen to say the same; she and Greg were on their way to Santa Barbara for dinner out with Greg's mother and nephew (I had Thanksgiving last year with those four).
There was an enormous amount of food I won't even list, except to say there two ice cream cakes and three pies, all made from scratch by our hostesses' mother. Good? Oh, Mama! I had a piece of each of the cakes and one of lemon meringue pie until I was almost bursting. Talked a lot with the baked goods maker and others and enjoyed the conversations. We left about 7:30 and got home fine.
Today is my darling daughter's birthday. She was born on Thanksgiving and I've been thankful for her ever since.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Sunrise Bay

More of my visits to the past:
We drove down to Little Egg Harbor and and arrived in Sunrise Bay about noon, where I was dropped off. I went first to see my dear friend, Marge D., and her husband, Fred.
Marge, who is ten years older than I am almost to the day, is sadly diminished now.  She's very frail, even shrunken, and seems just woebegone. Fred is her caregiver and, as so often happens, he seemed resentful and they both acted  frustrated and unhappy; in their situation, that's no wonder, I'm afraid.  I did, though, have some good talk with her after she pointedly asked Fred to leave. He stomped off angrily, but before I left, I saw him and hugged him goodbye.
I went next to Barb and Ray H. and we had a good visit for twenty minutes or so, until 2:00, when I had told my tenant, Eileen, to expect me. We went in and boy--if I was ever worried about the shape my house is in, I can put that to rest. Eileen had asked if she could have it painted at her own expense, I had agreed, and it's just lovely. Very soft colors in every room--pale, pale green, cream, beige, and so on. It goes perfectly with her furniture, which is outstanding. It's in early American, not my style, but this is less the homespun type, more like attractive, but sturdy, antiques and reproductions. Aside from how beautifully done that was, the whole place was immaculate. The ceramic floors in the kitchen, which I always found difficult to keep clean, were perfect, the wood in the hall shone, and the carpets were perfectly kept. Jeez, she has a cat--I don't know how she does it. Anyway, we loved it and had a nice tour around.
After that, I went across the street to see my good friend and former walking partner, Susan G. and her husband, Walter. That was such fun and I was delighted to hear she might visit her friend, Pat, in Carlsbad, then come up on the train and we could meet in L.A. I hope that happens.
We left about 3:30 and walked a fairly short distance in a neighborhood in Jackson. It was dreadfully cold, with fierce winds, so we didn't stay out too long. Today it's supposed to be about 27 degrees--UGH!
Happy Turkey Day!--let's go to the HSHS/ACHS game!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


What a neat day!
I was dropped off at the Rider library (front  of the campus) about 10:30. Stopped in there to see if I still knew anybody, but I didn't. Went downstairs to HR and no sooner walked in, than Lucia, the secretary, saw me and immediately said, "Rosemary!"
Now, I hadn't seen her for at least five years and I was down 52 pounds since then, so I was floored. Lucia J. had been a student helper before she graduated and had stayed on. Right away, Sue S. came out and we just fell on each other. She took me in to Linda K.'s office, then Mona came in, and we all hugged and laughed and talked and talked. Mona's two sons have both graduated from college, Linda has two grandchildren and one on the way, courtesy of her son, who also works at Rider, and Sue also has grandchildren. Wow!
Anyway, we visited for a time, then I moved on. I was sorry to hear Kathy B., whom I had known well, had died shortly after retiring. Several others of my old colleagues did, too--died or retired or both. I found that Anna R., director of Disbursements in my time, had retired some time ago. So had Julie K., the v.p. for Financial Affairs and Elaine R., who was in public relations.
I stopped into Jim C.'s office. He's  an attorney among other things, who told me he was moving to L.A., where his daughter lives, to turn his full attention to writing (law subjects). We had a long talk and I mentioned my nephew, a writer whose specialty is horror.  He was very interested, as his daughter and son-in-law are involved in horror and scripts. Later, Jim sent me contact information on the daughter, which I forwarded to Steve.
Next, I went to the Fine Arts Building to see my former secretary, Terry M. During the time and after she was in my office, she got her bachelor's, then her master's, and she's now a counselor in Liberal Arts. We had a great time filling each other in on our lives since we saw each other last.
I stopped in a few other offices ("died," "retired") then we walked around campus a bit before driving to Ewing to take a look at my old house. We had lived there 41 years and I had two of my four children there. It looks pretty good--it's now a group home--and I took a picture, but we didn't linger.
Back to Jackson amid horrid traffic (geez, D.C. was bad enough), then to Bordentown. My ex-daughter-in-law was there and I was stunned when she mentioned she was pregnant with my older great-grandson then--good grief, he's now sixteen! No wonder not everybody at Rider was present and accounted for, but I was happy to see those who were.
Today: Sunrise Bay. I called Marge, whom I'll see about 1:30; Aline, who, unfortunately, has tickets for the Met in Manhattan for today, but we had a nice chat; Susan (I left a message); and Barb and Ray H., whom I'll see before or after Marge.
What a day and I slept, as ever, well.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Virginia Jim

Went to Arlington, Virginia to see my big bro, Jim, who's 92, and his wife, Therese. They have a nifty and very stylish apartment within communing distance of D.C., so rent is big bucks. After an almost-four-hour trip, we got there about 1:16. Brought lunch and all shared it. Had a fine time visiting, but stayed only about three hours.  We visitors took a walk about the neighborhood--everything you could want within walking distance--then stopped at Whole Foods for some things to eat on or off the road for dinner.
We managed to get in the middle of practically every traffic jam and tie-up on the eastern seaboard. Finally stopped at Maryland House to eat what we had brought and didn't get in until after 10:00. It was a lovely day, though, and I found out a remarkable thing: In Delaware, gas is two dollars and twenty cents a gallon!
Today: To Rider and Ewing, to see my old haunts.
Here we are at Lisa's: great-grandmother, great-great grandmother (that's me!), baby and Mommy, and grandmother. As I put on Facebook: This is an extended/blended family and it's beautiful.

Image may contain: 5 people, including Alison Baker, people smiling, people sitting, eyeglasses and indoor

Monday, November 19, 2018

Brunch With A Bunch

Another fun day in the frigid east.
We went to brunch in Rancocas with extended/blended family, including an adorable little six-month-old, to whom I'm--at least nominally and in a manner of speaking--great-great-grandmother. Stayed until after 3:00, then three of us drove to Smithville to walk a bit; I believe we made a bit more than three miles.
Called brother Jim to say we'd be there to his place in Arlington about 1:00 today and will bring lunch. We then went for dinner at Villa Italia--yummy good. Off to Shop-Rite to get lunch meat, salad, and fruit, then back to my nice room. I put the fireplace on before I took a shower because it wasn't very warm.
Speaking of warm: Jersey feels like Antarctica to me. It's been in the low forties a lot of the time and boy, how I miss that California warmth! However, it's worth being chilly to be here.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Here In Jersey

Well, I'm having a fine time in God's country! Took an Access van to the Sheraton, the shuttle to the airport, and I then persuaded the driver (for a bill) to take me to my hotel. The next day, I took their shuttle to the airport, boarded the plane (ugh! but it was no more terrifying than usual), and was picked up and taken to my AirBnB.
From the ridiculous to the sublime: The "hotel"--it was actually a motel--was a real dump, but this place is great. It's in a very large house and the room is gigantic. It has a king-sized bed, plus a very large sofa, two love seats, various tables and a working fireplace. Incredibly, it also has a refrigerator and a microwave!  My bathroom is down a hall, but I don't share it and it has all the amenities, including a whirlpool tub.
After I dropped off my stuff, I was taken to Bordentown, where we had dinner with J. and J. Greatly enjoyed it and I even made friends with Lily, the gigantic mastiff, who must weigh close to a hundred.
I slept like a log that night--didn't even get up for the usual--and the next day was even more fun. We walked maybe two miles at the beach--from Belmar to Ocean Grove--on a beautiful sunny--but cold--day. Went to Whole Foods and Shop-Rite for dinner fixings and brought it to Bordentown. There were seven of us then and we had an absolute ball playing "Taboo"--great fun!
Now it's close to 9:00 on Sunday and we'll be off soon to brunch at another place, with more extended family.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

DMV, AirBnB, and Happy Hour Harpies

Happy day--I walked Kimball for the first time in weeks. Saw my park pals, Irene and Diane, who gave me big hugs and wanted to know the saga of my license loss and regaining. Carolyn and Bob also came up, with Hazel (woof), of course, and it was great to be back.
After breakfast, I took a load of clothes to the laundry place, added things I'll probably never need to my suitcase, and did all the other chores you have to in order to prepare for a trip. I called the Access van and made arrangements for it to take me to the Sheraton to get the shuttle.
Suzanne had left me a note asking that I let her have the DMV book, as she has to be re-tested. However, I had thrown it away, so I drove (drove!) over to get another one. I was surprised to see a table with material from Jehovah's Witnesses next to the entrance.  I asked a manager about it. She explained that it's legal; any group, religious or otherwise, can ask for a permit to display their information and allow people to receive it. The stipulation is that they can't solicit or ask people to take a pamphlet. I was absolutely floored. The building and grounds are certainly maintained by taxpayer money and I thought we had a separation of church and state. Unbelievable and I wonder if they allow this in Jersey. Think I'll look into it.
I called the AirBnB in Jackson, and spoke to the woman where I'll be staying. She was very nice, but I wouldn't care is she was Typhoid Mary, since she told me there's a coffee maker in my room.
Got to Cafe Fiore and met up with the Happy Hour Harpies (only kidding!), Diane, Nancy, and Carolyn, and we had our usual good time. The cheese platter is great there and so is the Stone ale, of which I partook. It was dark before I got home (on the bus, of course), although it was only 6:00.
Called Ellen to say goodbye and we had a nice chat. I'll miss her, but I'll love being with my other girl and her boys.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


After my walk and breakfast, I did a lot of paperwork, then made arrangements for the shuttle to take me to and from LAX. I called to ask if they'd take me to my hotel tomorrow, instead, but annoyingly, they said no. I called the hotel to see if I could ride back on their LAX shuttle, but no--damn! Well, it's only a mile and a half away, so guess I'll just get a cab. Getting back from the Sheraton when I return is more problematic. My plane doesn't get in until 8:07 pm, which means I have to take the 9:45 shuttle, so I won't be back until close to midnight. I'll work on that.
Niece Joan from NY called, concerned about the new outbreak  of fires, but they aren't near here and we had a nice chat. Betty called for the same reason and we talked.
Gordon took me to the DMV and I didn't have to wait at all. The young woman who had me drive was brisk and businesslike, but that was fine by me; I wasn't there to socialize. She had me drive for about a half hour, in different areas of Ventura and even on the freeway.* I was nervous, but happy day, I made it through.
Home just for lunch, then I took off for town--on the bus, of course, which will continue to be my usual mode of transportation for everyday excursions. Took a book back to the library, walked Main, then left earlier than usual--about 3:30--because I wanted to get some things at Wal-Mart. I actually drove my car there and it felt great to be behind the wheel!
* I rarely drive the freeway, so I was a little tense about it, but came out okay.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Turning Point

Walked the uphill and did the other morning stuff.  After computer time, I walked over to Von's for a few items. Lunched, then hopped on the bus for town, as usual. I just happened to walk along Thompson Street, which I usually don't when I go to The Promenade. Saw a place with a sign, "The Turning Point," in the window and wondered what it was, so I walked in.
It turns out it's a refuge for the homeless, which abound in Ventura. Here, they can have a meal, take a shower, get counseling on resources, and--under certain circumstances--sleep for the night. For some reason, I was intrigued, and the woman I spoke to gave me some cards and a flyer on services. After I finished my usual on the beach and walked up to Main, I gave the cards to several of the homeless I happened to meet. I hope they can take advantage of The Turning Point.
Home, I was cooking my salmon for dinner when the olive oil set off the smoke alarm--I had to wave a magazine under it and it finally stopped. Suzanne rang my bell, having heard the alarm, and I invited her in. She just got back from Sacramento (retreat, then a visit with friends) and we had a long talk covering several topics, including The Turning Point. We talked until 7:00, an hour past my regular dinner time, but I was perfectly okay with that, as I much prefer to talk to Suzanne, anyway.  (Or, as I've heard some people say, "anyways.")

Monday, November 12, 2018

Heritage Square

I'm just embracing decadence, I guess: I skipped both the morning and afternoon walks--too busy having fun.
Showered and dressed after coffee, then sat down to do the Sunday crossword until Ellen came, as promised, at ten. We drove to Hill Street Cafe for breakfast, but it was jammed, with many waiting, so we left and tried Marie Callendar's. That wasn't jammed, and no wonder, as the brunch buffet was $18.95. I wanted to treat and with tip, the tab would be over forty bucks, so screw that. We went to Mimi's and third time was the charm, as we had to wait only about fifteen minutes.
It was fun, as it always is with my girl, but the Access van was coming for me between 12:56 and 12:59, so I had to get home and change. Did so while El put on my new license plates. We said goodbye and I went out front to wait for the van. It came, Diane on it, and off we went to Oxnard.
Got there in plenty of time for the program and, in fact, had front row seats, which my friend, Connie, had reserved for us.
Connie was superb as Sarah Josepha Hale, the woman who actually conceived and promoted the idea of Thanksgiving as an annual national holiday.
Here's Connie in her incredibly full and impressive hoop-skirted glory. (I've been at her large house in Oxnard; the first floor is a guest suite and the closets are full of costumes she owns.) We enjoyed the program immensely, then went along with the tour of Heritage Square (historic houses, most brought from the Oxnard outskirts), then were picked up by the Access van to go back to Ventura for a bite and a sip.
I suggested the Cafe Fiore, Diane agreed, and we went there. We sat on the patio and topped off our day with the yummy cheese plates, D. with chardonnay, I a brisk ale.
Parted at 5:30--it was already dark--and I hopped the bus. Also boarding was my friend, Marie M., who now lives in a tiny house on Ashwood Avenue. We chatted amiably until she got off.
I got home close to 7:00 after yet another fun day.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Walking And Gordon

Walked the uphill, breakfasted, then I decided to walk to Wal-Mart. Did so, and stopped on the way at the bank to get fives and ones. Got some cleaning wipes, then walked halfway back before I caught a bus the rest of the way. That's a little more than two miles and I was glad to do it.
Called the Access van to pick up Diane and me today, take us to Connie's Thanksgiving program in Oxnard, then ferry us back to Diane's. We'll have an early dinner in town, then I'll hop a bus back.
Called my neighbor, Gordon, who will take me for my road test on Tuesday; I asked if I could come down and see his garden. He said sure and I told him I'd ring his bell after I got home. After lunch, I went to town; walked The Promenade, then back to Main. Stopped at a shop and bought a white blouse.
After I got home about 4:30, I went to Gordon's, two doors away. I greatly enjoyed seeing his "fairy garden," which includes a number of little house he made himself, and has lights and even a kind of waterfall. He said his little granddaughters, who are 3 and 1, love to play out there. Gordon also has two large fish tanks on the patio, and some lovely plants, including a jasmine, one of my favorites.
Said goodbye and walked the few yards home.
Swept up Suzanne's and my front walk, clearing it of the leaves and plant debris blown there by the ferocious Santa Ana winds.

Saturday, November 10, 2018


When Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S., there was a brown smudge across the whole southward sky. This was smoke, lightly tinted with pink, from the fires in Thousand Oaks and Westlake Village, Ventura County. They're about 30 miles from me. Betty called twice to be sure I was okay.
My weight was up a bit to 129.5, but I'm okay with that, as it's in my (self-dictated) range of  125 to 130. Home for breakfast, then I looked at Von's e-mail and put digital coupons on my phone. Walked over there and was delighted to  find all I have to do at the cash register is give the cashier my Von's card and the discounts automatically come off my bill.
Had lunch, then caught a bus for town. After a few miles, who should I see but Diane on the street. I jumped out to greet her, then re-boarded and we rode to town together. I was happy for her when she told me she had gotten into Silverlake Apartments. I know someone else who lives there and it will be a delightful change from her present small studio.
We parted in town and, though I had planned to walk The Promenade, the wind was so strong, I stayed on the avenue. Walked here and there, stopped to get a few items at the 99-Cent store, then went home on yet another bus. Chopped up two big onions, added frozen mixed veggies and ground turkey, and made stir-fry for dinner.
Betty called yet again and we talked for a bit.

Friday, November 09, 2018

Varied And Lively

Much as I enjoyed Santa Barbara, I was glad to get back to my routine. Did the uphill walk, and after breakfast, retrieved my little cart from my car trunk and took the bus (actually, two buses) to WinCo. Got lots of goodies, including fresh spinach, grapes, and pickled beets.
I e-mailed Diane to see if she wanted to got to the Thanksgiving program my friend, Connie, is doing at Heritage Square on Sunday. That's in Oxnard, and we can get the Access van to take us. She wrote back that she did, so I'll make the arrangements.
After lunch, I went to town. Walked from Main to The Promenade, then to Santa Clara Street, preparing to go back to Main. I was outside The Blue Agave when Stella called. It turned out she was right next door at The Clock Tower Inn, I met her, and we decided to have a bite at the Agave. Did so and talked for some time, then I walked her back to her car a few blocks away. I refused her offer to drive me home, as it was almost dark and she lives up in Ojai.  I just had her drop me off at Main, where I walked a few blocks to the libaray, then sat down to wait for the bus.
Two young women (I thought they were in their thirties, but later, found out they're ten  years older) struck up a conversation with me, which continued on the bus. I greatly enjoy these chance encounters and had a fine time chatting about this and that (Okinawa pearls and Peru were two of our topics). We parted at the mall where the bus stopped and I hopped on the number 10, which lets me off right in front of Ventura Del Sol.
Went in to drop my purse, then rang Suzanne's bell. She invited me in and we discussed the dreadful nightclub shooting in Thousand Oaks, plus the fire now raging near the Channel Islands. It has closed part of the freeway and may jeopardize Suzanne's planned trip to San Francisco this morning. Hope not.
Anyway,  it was a varied and lively day and I enjoyed it.

Thursday, November 08, 2018

The Big Blue Bus, Santa Barbara, And Betty's

What a fun day! The Access van picked me up at 6:50, much too early for the 8:07 bus to Santa Barbara, but that's how they do it. It was chilly waiting at the transit center (which is really just at the mall), so I was happy to see The Big Blue Bus (that's what they call it) about twenty minutes after I got there. Got on, paid ($1.50, not 1.75, as I had thought) and settled into the seemingly brand-new, very comfortable and clean bus. It turned out this wasn't the 8:07, but the 7:29, but no prob, I just called Carolyn and told her I'd be earlier. She and Betty picked me up and we went to Carolyn's, where I gave Betty a few "congratulations on your new home" presents.  We then drove to Rancho Francisco to see her new digs. 
This is a very beautifully landscaped and well-kept complex, in the quintessential California style--the grounds are just lovely.  I think Betty's apartment is just right for her, although quite small. The kitchen appliances are brand new and it's freshly painted, and has a small balcony; she's on the second floor, but there's an elevator. The only downside, it seems to me, is the cost--it's three hundred smackers more than I pay for a much larger apartment--but that's Santa Barbara, I guess.
When we got there, her bed frame and mattress were outside the door. We took them in, unpacked and assembled the little it needed, and added the mattress cover. Aside from that, she has three small end tables and three folding chairs. She won't be moving in until she buys more furniture.
Carolyn left and Betty and I sat on the balcony and chatted, then walked to The Natural Cafe for lunch. After, I slyly got her to walk to the major cross street (State Street) and back, which by my reckoning, totals a mile. Hey, it's a start, anyway.
Carolyn and her friend then came and we all went back to Carolyn's. Stayed for a bit, then C. drove me to the bus stop and shortly, I caught the bus back. Called Nancy to see if she wanted to go to the program at Heritage House in Oxnard on Sunday, but she's feeling tired again, as she's due for another transfusion. I'll see if Diane wants to go.
Got  home about 5:15 (dark already--damn!) after a very enjoyable day.

Wednesday, November 07, 2018


Kind of a frustrating day. After my walk and breakfast, I took the bus to Wal-Mart to look for a gift for Betty. Got a modest one and added another I had already made.
After that, it was all the calling Bank of America for hours--literally. Well, at least an hour and a half,. I can't get into my on-line banking, as it won't take my passcode and even when I changed it about a dozen times, it still wouldn't.  I kept asking them to text me a temp one, they did--nine times--but when I tried to use it, it wouldn't work. Talked to three different people, as the first one suddenly lost the connection.
I just decided to skip it until tomorrow (I'm going to Santa Barbara today). It was after 3:30 when I got on the bus for town, so when I reached the mall, I just thought the hell with it. Disembarked there and immediately took another bus back.
Had a vegetarian dinner, which I like to do every once in a while: the carrots and tangerines I simmered in the slow cooker and broccoli. Felt better and more relaxed after dinner. The Access van is picking me up between 6:49 and 7:09 (they always give you these odd pick-up times) and will take me to the mall where I get the SB bus. I'm looking forward to seeing Betty's new apartment.

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Walking And LDS

Did the uphill and down, ate breakfast, then looked on-line at my mortgage statement.  There, I had an unpleasant surprise: My mortgage is going up by more than a hundred a month. Has to do with higher taxes and higher homeowners insurance, which both influence that pesky escrow thing. Combined with the eighty dollars rent rise and the increase for AAA all at the same time, it increases my expenses considerably.  Oh, well, I can handle it, I guess.
Received a text from niece Carolyn; called her, and we decided I'd go to Santa Barbara tomorrow. E-mailed my Happy Hour friends to say I couldn't be there this week.
Started off for the widder lunch at Stone Fire Grille and thought I'd walk Victoria, then get the bus. However, I just kept going and before I knew it, I had covered the 2.4 miles.
What a feeling of liberation that gives me!  The fact that I can walk distances I rarely did when I was younger is exhilarating. That isn't to say I don't want to drive again, but I'll continue to walk and take the bus when I can.
As ever, I had a great time with the Soaring Spirits group. There were nine of us, including Nancy and Carolyn, and we talked and laughed and enjoyed each other. After, I went to Sprouts for grapes and apples, took the buses (two of them) home to put away the fruit, then took off again.
This time, I took a city bus to go the the "Coastal Bus" office and pick up two more flyers about that route for Betty and Carolyn. Walked down to the 99 cent store to pick up a few things, then got the bus home. Stella called on the way to see if I was going to walk in town, but I told her no. (I think I got plenty of walking in, anyway.)
By the time I got home, it was after 4:00 and (sob!) already dusk. Ate dinner and at about 6:30, there was a light tap on my door. I opened to see two young women, in dresses, with a book in each of their hands. I knew immediately who they were: yes, indeed, Mormons, spreading the word.
I actually talked to them for about twenty minutes, making it clear I'm not religious, which they understood. They were surprised to hear I know quite a bit about LDS, including the Joseph Smith saga--truly weird, but no more than the backgrounds of other religions.
One noticed the tee-shirt I had on, which reads "World Without War." I said I was a pacifist, they asked about it, and listened respectfully. They asked me to read a certain short scripture from the Book of Mormon--I did, with touches of histrionics--then gave me book. I also did (why not?). In fact, I enjoyed talking to them, with their fresh young faces and earnest beliefs.
So, it was a full and enjoyable day.

Monday, November 05, 2018

Standard Time and Stella

I can't believe it: I knew DST was over and I was to turn the clocks back, but I completely forgot it. Got up at my usual 5:30--I thought--and aagh!  It was 4:30!
Oh, well. I did my morning stuff, then took a longer than usual walk--uphill, too. Breakfast, crossword, then I roasted some chicken drumsticks I had bought the other day. Had three for lunch, along with salad, then took  off for town, earlier than usual.
Walked The Promenade, then went to the library; darn, it was still only quarter of three. But at that point, Stella called to say she was at The Promenade and did I want to walk? Why, sure, and I retraced my steps for the four blocks to meet her outside the Crown Plaza.
We walked to the pier (one of the longest in California), then all the way to the end of it. While we were there, Betty called to say some things were moved into her new apartment and when was I coming to see it? This week, I said, and asked her to have Carolyn call me.
Stella and I then went to the Aloha for nibbles and for me, an Aloha stout. I don't usually like darker beers, but this was good. We ate and chatted and by the time we were ready to leave, it was dusk. Stella insisted on driving me home, which wasn't really necessary, but she did. Got in at 6:15 and aagh! it was dark! Straightened up a bit, then rang Suzanne's bell. She invited me in and we chatted for a bit.
Guess I survived another back-to-standard-time switch, but I sure don't like it.

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Alzheimer's Program

When I went out to get the paper about 7:00, Suzanne was on our mutual front walk, watering her spider plant. We gabbed about this and that for a good twenty minutes. I told her I was going to the Alzheimer Caregivers program; she was going back to St. John's to see how her--well, her sister sister--was doing.
Cut my walk short, then had breakfast, showered, and dressed. I was out front by 10:54 and the Access van came shortly after. I was pleased to see the driver was Anthony, who drove me during my first trip. Got to Oxnard and Family Circle before 11:00.
I came in about the middle of the second talk (about meditation, which I found interesting), then listened to the owner of a home health care service. After that, we were treated to a box lunch and in the lunchroom, I ran into Margaret A., who is a nutritionist. She worked at SCAN when I had my acting group there and we were thrilled to see each other. She oohed and aahed over how I looked, which puzzled me until I realized the last time she saw me, I was 52 pounds heavier.
The other speakers were also good, especially a pharmacist, who talked about medications for dementia. Unfortunately, there isn't very good news on that front, as none are known to do much more than possibly slow the progress of the disease for a time for some people and the success of the treatment is temporary. In addition, many suffer unpleasant side effects, including nightmares and hallucinations. Dismal news, but at least a lot more research is being done.
The program was over at 2:00, but incredibly, I didn't get home until almost 5:00. Driving, the trip from Oxnard would take roughly twenty minutes, but I had various buses to take, plus I looked around in a few, and so on.
Stopped in Von's before I went home for grapes and frozen fruit. Suzanne had her door open and came  out to ask me about the seminar. I told her how good it was and we talked on our doorsteps for a half hour.
So-o-o, I didn't get the afternoon walk in, but no prob if I miss now and then. 

Saturday, November 03, 2018

T.O.P.S. And A Talk

I had a fairly interesting experience yesterday afternoon--interesting and somewhat weird.
Did the uphill walk, changed, then waited out front for Cheryl to pick me up for T.O.P.S.  I was pleased to weigh in at 128.3, staying within my desired range. The meeting was actually pretty good; at least, there wasn't as much extraneous talk.
Had breakfast at 10:00, then walked over to Von's for chicken and oranges. Requested the Access van to pick me up today to go to the the caregivers program in Oxnard. Called brother Larry in Florida and we had a long talk. I learned brother Frank will go to the Christmas gathering there and I'm actually flirting with the idea of going. By the time I did a few little household chores, it was lunchtime, after which I left for town.
Walked The Promenade--yesterday, the ocean was as serene and placid as its name suggests--then walked up to Main and the library. I happened to see a typed-up notice on the door of the program room that there was a speech on "respect" going on. Oh, hell, I thought, I'll slip in the back and check it out--don't want to disturb the audience.
Except there was no audience. The room was set up with fifty or so chairs and I was the only person to occupy one. There was a man of about 60 at the podium orating away and a much older man in the back operating video and sound equipment. Weird? Yes. Incredibly, yet, I sat there and listened for a full hour.  I didn't really have anything else to do and I kept thinking he'd say something intelligent, but it was not to be.  His theme? How the democrats and liberals and women and blacks and gays--yeah, I got the picture--are maligning Trump unfairly, etc. He referred to past presidents, also, admiringly for the repubs and disparagingly for the dems.  He even trotted out the old charge of Obama being a Muslim and I wasn't the least bit surprised when he equated military worship with "patriotism."
I'm not sure why I sat there so long; just too lazy to get up, I guess, and I actually felt sorry for him. I didn't want to hurt his feelings by leaving--after all, he was speaking solely to me. Oddly, he never looked at me, but into the back of the room where the camera was running.
Anyway, I talked to him after, but didn't lambaste him. For one thing, I agree that dem politicians are the scum of the earth; of course, so are repubs. Plus, I wouldn't even know where to start. I did mention I've been Vietnam, since he had referred to our invasion there--approvingly, of course, with great disdain for anti-war activists. Anyway, his name is Jack Remington and he gave me his phone number and e-mail. Gawd, does he think we'll settle into an intellectual relationship or something?

Friday, November 02, 2018


Took a somewhat shortened walk, but made up for it later. Rolling my trusty little cart, I took the bus down Victoria and visited three different stores for Romaine, tomatoes, ome-something (Wal-mart's Equate knockoff of Prevacid), raspberries, and blackberries.
Home, I chunked the three pounds of tomatoes, sliced a big onion and green pepper, added my olive oil, vinegar, and seasonings, and popped it in the oven.  Cut, cored, and softened a nice butternut squash and pre-cooked it in the microwave. Got my last piece of sea bass out of the freezer, had lunch, then took off for the town bus.
As I was leaving, I ran into Gordon, a guy who lives here I had met briefly before and we started chatting. I was surprised to hear he had to have dialysis three times a week; he certainly doesn't look old or feeble; I'd say he's in his early fifties. Anyway, I mentioned about my road test and he offered to take me to DMV on the thirteenth. Yes, indeed, I'll take him up on it and I hope to get to know him better. Gordon was carrying some nice succulents he had bought. I asked if he knew Suzanne and he doesn't, but when I said she was my next-door neighbor, he said how much he admired her patio garden. Great, I'll introduce them and maybe have both over for dinner some time.
Walked The Promenade, then stopped in the library and took out a new Marilyn Monroe bio. I'm a sucker for books like that, although you'd wonder how there could be anything new about her. Hmm. I've read a few chapters now and it seems there isn't. I may or may not continue.

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Walking And Talking

I did plenty of walking yesterday: the uphill before breakfast, then two miles down Victoria, plus almost two more to WinCo. This took awhile because every now and then, I stopped to sit at a bus stop and use the phone.
Called my brother, Jim, in Virginia and made initial arrangements to visit Therese and him when I go east for Thanksgiving. Talked back and forth with Betty and niece Carolyn about me going to see Betty's new apartment next week; not sure what day yet.
Got my favorite, Dave's Killer Bread, and fresh blueberries at WinCo, hopped a bus to Sprouts for swordfish and salmon, then home. After lunch, I took off for town and walked The Promenade for maybe one and a half--the ocean was excitingly wild again--before meeting Diane at Casa Bella.
We had an enjoyable time, probably partly because we avoided the quantum physics topic.  Diane's son drove her to Santa Barbara the other day, because the universe (or Zeus or The Great God Woozoo or something) told her she should live there.  She has the idea she can live free in an SB hotel if she uses its facility to conduct her mindfulness class there. Yeah.
Diane also  received a call from Silvercrest, an over-65. lower-income apartment complex run by the Salvation Army. I've been there and it's very nice; I think it would be ideal for Diane, as she now has a very small studio. I hope she doesn't let the idea of SB deter her from considering it.
We stayed more than an hour and it was getting to be dusk before we parted. I walked down to the store where I had seen a very nice corner shelf unit I thought would be great for Betty's new apartment. Well, yes, it would be, but how could I get it home? Decided to skip it, and left.
It was 7:00 and full dark by the time I got home. I rang Suzanne's bell, she invited me in to see her pictures of San Luis Obispo and also told me the long saga of Sister Katie's hospital stay (she has a clot in her lungs).  While we talked, the doorbell rang and there were Batman, a unicorn, and two cartoon characters; all were surely under ten.  Suzanne gave each a tangerine and they all said "thank you." They live in our apartment complex and we chatted for a minute with the two mothers accompanying them.  What adorable kids and how good it was to see them!
Was at Suzanne's for a full hour talking, but enjoyed it. Annoyingly, walks or no, I had a restless night and was wakeful, but feel okay now.
Diane and me at the museum last Saturday:
Rosemary Molloy_DSC_730W1.jpg


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...