Thursday, September 19, 2024


After breakfast (and my cryptograms and crosswords), I walked down Victoria to Telephone to go to that poor-excuse-for-a-mercantile-establishment, Wal-Mart. I just wanted  shoelaces which, incredibly, I can't seem to find anywhere else. At Wal-Mart, they're actually under lock and key, so you have to ring a buzzer and wait an age before somebody comes. Anyway, I got them and also picked up some nice tangerines. 

While I was in the neighborhood, I stopped at BOA; son Mike had gotten a sizable check from Bank of Hawaii (he has some of his mail sent here) and I deposited it for him. Also, I had been told by his Dad that recently-turned-eleven Mr. K. was interested in coins, specifically American ones. I want to send him metal dollars (no longer silver, of course), plus a fifty-cent piece. It occurred to med he might like a two-dollar bill, also. I was surprised they actually had one--nice and crisp, too--so I'll send that, too. 

Home, I had lunch, then set up my pill regime for the two weeks I'll be in Jersey. I want to try to get as much as possible done packing for my trip before it gets too close. Cleaned up a bit, then left to take the 6 bus back to Telephone Road and the 11 to the Barnes & Nobel shopping center. I was there before 5:00, Ellen and Greg came later, and we perused the books for a half hour or so, then left for Stephen's Greek.

I hadn't been there for several months and it was, of course, so good to be with Ellen and Greg. They are sorta, kinda no longer a couple, but are good friends and Greg will be caring for her when she has her knee operation. I had a lamb burger and a good IPA and, of course, we talked and laughed over the evening. I was driven home and got in at 8:00 after a good, good outing. 

Because I leave at 6:00 am on Tuesday to start my trip, I want to train myself to get up earlier again. Annoyingly, I had been successful in staying up until 10 and getting up at 6:30, but now I want to reverse the process. Got up with the re-set alarm at 5:30 and will try to for 5:00.


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...