Monday, September 16, 2024

Sunday With Stella And Frida

I believe I hold the title of "World's Worst Procrastinator," but yesterday, I actually got some things done that had been hanging for an age. I separated and filed a depressingly high pile of papers and put away the family pictures and papers I had gone over with Larry. I also. took almost all the magazines out of the living room (large) basket, separated them into Time, TOPS, Sunset, and a few others, obliterated the mailing information on them, and carted them to the trash enclosure.*

After the chores, I packed lunch and bused to town, eating in my favorite spot across from the mission. Just as I was finishing, who do I see but Stella, taking a stroll after mass at the mission. She invited me to go with her to the Blue Agave, which is nearby and I happily accepted. Stella had enchiladas and insisted on giving me one; she also treated me to a glass of Chardonnay. I hadn't been to the Blue Agave for at least a year and was charmed by the new picture on the wall of Frida Kahlo, the Mexican artist and political activist. Here she is with Stella:

We said goodbye about 3:00 and I bused home. I was so full from lunch I had only a bowl of Brussel sprouts for dinner. Lorraine called--I'll meet her outside at 1:15 today and we'll go to the Victoria Care Center. I hope Jim has improved, but am not too optimistic.  

*The fact is, I never open any of them. I just find them boring--all of them--and Time if, of course, a propaganda vehicle for dems. The TOPS mag is one of the perks (?) for being a member of that weight-loss group, but having found what works for me, I don't find it useful (also seems a bit sophomoric, I'm afraid). As for the glossy mags, I like the way the covers look in the basket, but just can't seem to make myself interested in looking at them. I'm a book person, that's all.

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