Tuesday, September 03, 2024


Darn, I tested myself with the new test kit and got a positive again, so I guess I'm rebounding as Suzanne did. Spent the day hanging around and not doing much. Back and forth on the phone with Ellen, Suzanne, and Vickie; took a nap after lunch. 

I was awakened by a call from the doctor at VC to give me the latest on Jim. She said he has some problems besides COVID. His electrolytes are too low and he has muscle loss resulting in kidney malfunction. Worst, he developed sores from lying immobile the floor for so long, they became infected and the infection entered his bloodstream. Doc said the social worker will call me today and will discuss placement.

I was pleased when Shannon, of Fractured Actors, called me in the late afternoon. She and her husband, Jeff, are the founders of, and run, the theatre group. She was concerned when she found out that I had gotten COVID and wanted to check up. We then launched into a warm, half-hour conversation about teenage angst (they have a 15-year-old son), the problems in marriage, religion (we both more-or-less ags) , and other pithy topics. She and Jeff were, of course, devastated by the spread of COVID to cast and crew at the show, not to mention the audience. She, Jeff, and their two children got it, plus 15 other cast and crew members, and a number of those in the audience, too. She suggested that once we're both free of the plague, we meet for lunch, say a week or two. Great and I'm looking forward to it.

Called Jim in the evening, but he didn't pick up. Talked to the nurse and was glad to know he seems to be improving, so said I'd call today.


"Iconic" is one of those damn clichΓ© words that people love to use, thinking they sound as if they went to Harvard, but I have to label this picture--ICONIC! I've always been fascinated by it--with a combination of amazement and horror in equal parts:



Anonymous said...

Rosemary, please share how you are able to get health info on Jim. And from the Doctor, no less. I’m baffled. At any rate, his condition doesn’t sound promising from what you write. Hopefully, I’m wrong./PMR

Mimi said...

That's a good question, Pat! I just assumed it was because I called to check on his condition after he was admitted, but come to think of it, that may not be so. I guess it's possible that they told Jim I had called and asked if I was the one they should notify, but I just don't know for sure.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...