Sunday, September 01, 2024

Saturday And Jim

It was a phone-y day: Sharon and Diane called in the morning to check up on my condition. Doing okay, I told them, and they were congratulatory. Sharon then talked my ear off, naturally, headlining her grandson's college careen, her husband's cataracts, and her own UTI. That was all right--we all understand Sharon. Diane asked if I was available on Thursday for the four-dollar lunch deal at Mc Donald's. I was charmed--I haven't been to Mc D.'s for at least fifteen years, so never in California; I'll be interested to know if the fare has improved. Of course, Diane and I will bring our own libations, incorrigible law breakers that we are.

Lorraine called and commiserated about my malady, but also filled me in on how incompetent everybody in the universe is. I thought Jim was negative, but he's the soul of optimism compared to her. 

Noreen called and we had a nice, convivial chat. We'll get together some time soon. 

Mike called in the middle of his morning bike ride of--get this--sixty miles. We had a good talk and he filled me in on his and V. and V.'s doings.

I looked up how long one is contagious with COVID and it looks like five days. I tested positive last Sunday, so decided to chance a trip to Von's. I had my mask, of course, just bought a few items, and used the self-checkout, so didn't come near anyone else. I've been isolated so long, it felt like an adventure-got there and back home with no problem.  

I felt so much better yesterday that I stripped the bed, washed and re-made, then jumped in the shower and washed my hair. I think part of my fatigue may have been just the result of boredom--I'm not used to being confined inside, I guess. 

The alarming calls: Ellen called and we compared notes--both recovering okay. I told her I had called Jim and still got no response. She said she would call him and if the same, would ask the police to do a wellness check. I understand they then notify to fire department. After dinner, though, we still hadn't heard and I called one hospital and she the other. Bingo: Jim was admitted to Community Memorial after he was found unconscious on the floor.  Ellen talked to the admitting doctor, who then called me. She asked what medications Jim took, which I don't know. I did mention that he was being treated for some kind of heart problem. If I test negative today, I'll go see him. 


Anonymous said...

Shocked to read about Jim. I wonder now what the discharge planners have in mind for him. So sad. He’ll be pleased to see’ve been not only a good friend to him but also a guardian angel. Good to hear how you’re progressing. As the cliché goes 'one day at a time' and the medicine for it is ‘tincture of time'.
/your friend from AC/Ventnor and Margate of long ago.

Mimi said...

Actually, as you'll see, I changed my mind about seeing Jim on Sunday. Will go on Monday before or after Soaring Spirits lunch. I want to get in touch with the social worker there to see what else can be done for him.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...