Monday, September 23, 2024


After the usual Sunday morning stuff (crossword was so-so) and breakfast, I peeled the six tangerines I had left, separated the segments, and put them in the freezer, keeping one out for breakfast this morning. Did some packing, swept the patio, took the trash to the trash place, then took off about noon to visit Jim.

I could have walked, but it's almost two miles and I just didn't feel like it. Good thing, as I got off on Victoria and still had to walk about a mile to Victoria Care Center. I got to Jim's room just as he was finishing lunch and I was pleased to see he had eaten every scrap. I was doubly pleased to find him considerably better than he had been. 

Of course, I have to qualify that statement: He was much better compared to the last time I saw him, but that doesn't mean he's well. However, we talked and even had a pretty normal conversation. He was disturbed, and rightly so, because he doesn't have his wallet, his keys, or anything else from his apartment. He couldn't remember the name of the owners, to whom he's paid rent these last many years, so I said I'd look it up. I said I'd also get in touch with the social worker, which I will today to get a progress report. Anyway, we had a nice visit for half an hour or so. 

I went from there to Telephone, where I got the 11 bus to the mall. It was already 3:00 by the time I sat down in the middle to have my lunch, but that was okay. After, I picked up a few things at Target, then bused home. 

Spent quite some time on this laptop, trying to find the info for Jim's apartment. I was able to uncover--I think--the names of the owners through various look-up websites.. Jim had said the man, Austin Coe, had died and left them (he owns more than one) to his wife and son. I was able to find his obituary, which included the name of survivors, Mary Jo Coe (it rhymes 😀!) and Austin, Jr. I'll call the housing authority or today to see if I can get in touch with them. Settled down to watch my daily Frasier, then had scrambled eggs for dinner. 

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Ellen and Greg got here about 11:30 and while Greg went to Peets for coffee, El reported on her doctor visit; happily, things are going well...