Saturday, September 07, 2024


Uber took me to Miramar Eye for my 9:00 appointment and I saw Dr. Trotter. He finds the changes in my macular degeneration "concerning" and advised me to see a retina specialist. I made an appointment for September 17 with Dr. Teel in Camarillo. I'm nervous about it, but determined not to obsess until I get more information and some kind of  direction.

I packed a lunch, Ellen came over with hers, and off we went to the pool at 1:30. We were there until after 5:00 and it felt glorious in the cool pool considering the temp in Ventura was  was 98 degrees. At 7:00 pm, it was still 80 here, but that was practically glacial compared to Ojai where El lives--the high yesterday was 111. 

Most of the day, only another couple was at the pool until late afternoon when a family with a few kids came. It was wonderful to be there, especially with my darling daughter; we talked and talked and talked. Greg will be back from Colorado on Monday and it looks as if he'll be here for El when she gets her knee surgery on the thirtieth, so that's good. Brother Larry and niece Terry will arrive on Monday and El's birthday is Wednesday--lots going on.  

After quite some time in the big pool, we actually felt a little cool and went in the hot tub, which felt great, too. We finally left, then chatted for a while back at my place. El left, then I showered and washed my hair.

Note: Jim is now recuperating at Victorian Care Center. I talked to the people there and have agreed to be his emergency contact. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...