Friday, September 13, 2024


About 7:00 am, I was busily Facebooking when my phone omitted a horrendous siren blast and announced an earthquake. I was advised to take cover, etc. and AAGH! However, I didn't feel anything. Diane texted me that she had seen her medicine cabinet shake and ran into the closet to hide, although I'm not quite sure that's protective. 


Terry and Larry came at noon and we first spent two hours talking and talking, then looked over a very small part of the early Byrne family pictures and artifacts I have. That was a lot of fun and Larry enjoyed it immensely. Here's one on the Ventnor beach, circa 1940, Larry and Frank next to Dad,  Betty and me in front:

And the one below is from the party for Mom's eightieth in 1982 at Betty's big house on Atlantic Avenue. From left, yours truly (clearly in one of my chubbier periods), Jimmy, Gene,* Frank, Betty, and Larry. (It boggles the mind to realize I'm now seven years older than Mom is here).  As Terry remarked, Frank and Larry look like Mafia drug lords.  

At one point, we started talking about the sudden and horrific accident that took my father's life on June 2, 1950. To my amazement, Larry began to cry; then so did I. He was never at all emotional as a boy or even later in life and it was somehow refreshing to see and feel honest emotion from both of us. 

We cheered up and went to the Stone Fire Grille for lunch. Larry and I both had personal pizzas with sides, Terry a vegetable platter and we chatted happily. After, we drove to town, parked at the museum,  and strolled Main Street, stopping into various stores and shops. It was very quiet, I guess because by that time, it was late in the afternoon. 

Walked back to the museum and off we went back to Telegraph Drive to said our goodbyes. What fun it was to have them here! There's a bare possibility I might go to the big Byrne Christmas gathering in December, but who knows?

Called Cheryl to ask her to pick me up for T.O.P.S. today, which she will. So now I guess I'm back into my normal life. It's a good life and the way I want it, but when visitors I love leave, I have to adjust.  

* My mother was given the middle name of "Eugene," not the feminine vesion of "Eugenia,"as that was the name of the doctor who delivered. My sister was named after her and we always called her "Gene." When she got older, it embarrassed her to have a man's name (and presumably, she constantly had to correct other's spelling), so she started spelling it "Jean." However, it's my blog, I knew her as Gene, she's not around to contradict, and I'm going with the RIGHT one! 😁


Anonymous said...

Rosemary, Sounds like a wonderful visit for all of you. I think Gene closely resembles your Mother. Did she?

Anonymous said...

BTW….it’s me from AC

Mimi said...

Actually, she was more on the Irish side, as was I. Betty was more like mother, I think, and Frank, except for his coloring, greatly resembled our German grandfather.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...