Monday, September 02, 2024


Did the Sunday things, plus a color wash, stopped over at Suzanne's to tell her about Jim, and called Vickie for same. Talked to Ellen several times during the day. 

I called the hospital and spoke to Jose, the nurse on Jim's floor--yes, male, which I think isn't too unusual nowadays. He was very cordial and forthcoming, and I got some information on what had happened. I told him about Jim's cardiology doctor, then he switched me over to Jim's room. Jim sounded pretty fuzzy and confused, which didn't surprise me, but we talked for twenty minutes or so. Poor guy, he has nothing to read, doesn't know how to use the television (he doesn't watch, anyway), and, of course, has no cell phone, so is just kind of isolated. 

I did, indeed, test negative, but decided against going to see Jim. I was still feeling a little tired, so I'll go today after lunch at Stone Fire Grille. I walked to CVS for another test kit, as I want to be sure I'm free of it. Also stopped at Von's for grapefruit. 

Called Jim in the evening and he seemed pretty much the same, but not worse, at least.. Told him I'd stop in tomorrow. Also spoke to the nurse and she suggested I call at 6:00 am today when her shift is almost over, otherwise wait until 8:00 or so. (Well, I didn't wake up until the alarm rang at 6:30, so I guess I'll wait.) All the staff have been very pleasant and accommodating. 

Vickie called to suggest Jim might be able to use the services of a caretaker she knows. I get the impression the woman works under the table, but I wonder if Vickie understands how low on funds Jim actually is. What I hope to do is talk to a social worker at the hospital to find out what services are available. Actually, that will probably have to wait until tomorrow, as I doubt if they work on Labor Day. 

On a cheerier note, here's a pic of my beautiful, blue-eyed, baby boy yesterday. He was at the halfway mark of his sixty-mile bike ride on the island state of Singapore:


Anonymous said...

Very much surprised that the hospital staff would give you any information unless he signed a statement naming someone who could receive info. HIPPA laws. I used to tell friends and families whatever they asked but that’s a bit no, no now. Hope the Social Worker is on top of his discharge plans.

Anonymous said...

That anonymous is me Rosemary….PMR from AC


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...