Sunday, June 30, 2024


Left at 9:30, bused to the mall, then walked the mile to the hospital to meet Diane at 11:00 for early lunch at the hospital. We settled into a table, she bought her meal (but accompanied it with her apple juice bottle of white wine, of course) and I unpacked mine. We remarked on how strange it was that this large dining/lunch room was so sparsely filled; I'm not sure where all the employees eat. Anyway, we settled in and were there for three hours--we never seem to run out of discussion topics. We walked back together to the transit center and caught our respective buses home. I'll see her again on Wednesday when she, Ellen, and I meet at the Urban CafĂ©.  

I didn't feel like doing much when I got home, so guiltily watched the rest of Loving Elvis on Prime. That made me sleepy and I lay down for a half-hour nap. Little else of note went on, aside from cooking up a pound of broccoli, having some for dinner, and stowing the rest in the freezer for later. 

I forgot to mention yesterday that, while I was at T.O.P.S., I got a (AI spoken) text message from Suzanne, sent to Vickie and me that, she has COVID. (These messages come through my hearing aids.) Of course, V. and I texted her back, asking if we can do anything. I hope it's a mild case. 

The debate: I still haven't steeled enough myself to watch a re-run, so haven't seen it. Maybe I will today. The thought crossed my mind that there may be some kind of collusion between the two parties. Maybe they made deals or trade off or something. How could that possibly be so? Because politics is show biz, folks and there's a lot going on behind the curtain.   

No particular plans for today; maybe I'll stick my nose to the grindstone and do some cleaning. 

Or maybe not. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...