Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Monday And Soaring Spirits

Enjoyable day. I bused to the Stone Fire Grille to meet the Soaring Spirits gang for lunch at noon. We had a good crowd--ten, including four guys, which is a lot for us. I had the yummy miniature pizza and, of course, a good cold IPA, along with lots of good talk and laughs. I was able to more or less privately ask Vera about the situation among the Fractured Actors group. As I suspected, there are some undercurrents going on and, to some extent, that has influenced my decision not to audition for the next show.*

The other reason: Auditions are scheduled for the end of next week on the ninth, tenth, and eleventh and the show will open in August. That means rehearsals over the summer months and coming up, I have the graduation barbeque at niece, Carolyn's; my cousins' visit from June 21st to 24th; my brothers' children and the "traveling memorial in July; and Violet arriving for camp, also in July. Mike might get here, too, and I will certainly be visiting Jersey, maybe for an extended stay. In other words, I already have a pretty crowded calendar and I don't want to miss what else might be coming up. At the same time, I don't want to audition, be cast, then have to withdraw.

Went over to Von's for coffee and stuff, and ran into Lorraine on the way back. She was her usual kooky self, but I kind of enjoyed her chatter. Got home and sat down to complete my dispute email to Verizon and sent it off with a sign of relief. I'm not hopeful at all it will get them off my back, but if not, I'm going to pursue further steps, i.e., contacting whatever government agency is appropriate. 

Noreen called and we'll meet at Lure at 12:30. As ever, I'm looking forward to seeing her.

*Note to You-Know-Who: I asked Vera, Susan, and Gayle, my closest S.S. pals, how they pronounced "lilacs" and yes, they all said "li-lacks," not "li-locks." V. was born and brought up in Oregon, S. and G. are native Californians. 


iloveac said...

Hmmmm. Maybe it’s a So. Jersey thing. At any rate, I love them.

Mimi said...



I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...