Wednesday, June 05, 2024


Left at 10:30 and bused first to the mall and good ol' Target for--what else? Blueberries. Ran into Amy Brooks, Ken's daughter-in-law (Fractured Actors), but we said only a quick hello, as she was "on duty"; along with another person, she was accompanying a mentally-challenged group. I then re-boarded the bus and rode to town. I couldn't quite remember which street Lure is on, but asked somebody and was directed a few blocks away. As I walked there, who did I see by Brigitte and we greeted each other with hugs.

Brigitte is a friend of Julie's and an acquaintance of mine. She was born and brought up in Germany and came here as an adult; Julie usually picks her up for the BCNN meetings, as she does me. She's 79, quite attractive, and dresses very stylishly. She has some kind a eye condition, and is a bit of a character, but I enjoyed talking to her or rather, listening to her. Like so many others I know, she never stops talking. She accompanied me as I walked toward Lure, then I went to meet Noreen.

We sat outside as, happily, it had gotten warm, although it was still overcast. I go to Lure fairly often and keep getting the sand dabs, which I really like, but I was determined to try something else this time. Chose the trout almandine, which was very good, but I still like the sand dabs better. Of course, we both had our drinks of choice: an IPA for yours truly and for Noreen, champagne.

We talked and talked for two hours on  a number of topics, including, as ever, family and present activities which in Noreen's case, includes interest in the supernatural. She belongs to something called the Emerging Spirits Church, which I guess follows a variety of new-age-y philosophy. Unlike Diane, however, she doesn't insist that I take it seriously.  

We said goodbye about 3:00, going in opposite directions and I stroll down Main. Stopped at a shop and bought a light top, then walked up Ventura Avenue and got the bus home. As I walked in the front gate, I met up with Vickie and her friend, Katie. Poor Vick--she's now using a cane, as the problem with her hip (nebula or something?) has worsened, along with her other ills. Considering she's still in her sixties, she's really had the book thrown at her. Once Suzanne is back from her trip, I'll have them over for one of our social sessions. 

Emailed Diane to see if she could meet for a "park lunch" across from her place, as I have some errands in that area. She's booked today, so we'll do it tomorrow. 

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...