Thursday, June 20, 2024


Since Capote and I are over (for now, anyway), I returned In Cold Blood before meeting Diane at our Lib Lunch spot at noon. We had our usual enjoyable gabfest, filling each other in on how superior the two of us are to the rest of the world 😁. 

Diane leaves tomorrow for Santa Monica and I have to say how much I admire her. With the fast-advancing neuropathy always a concern, she'll be taking Uber to the train station, disembarking in Burbank, boarding another train, then walking to her hotel. I was alarmed to hear she plans to leave her rollator (a kind of elongated walker) home and just use a cane. I think that's dangerous, but I know how self-conscious she is about her looks; appearances are very important to her. Anyway, we had a good time.

I bused from there to the mall, went to Target to replenish my supply of blueberries and was horrified to discover they had only the six-ounce size--heavens!  I had to break out my last sixteen-ounce and let's hope they get more in soon.

I had planned to put together one of my turkey stir-fries when I got home, but instead gave in to temptation and continued watching a documentary on the Kitty Genovese murder of sixty years ago.  It was made in 2015 and follows her brother, who is a double amputee (Vietnam), as he tries to unravel what really happened. It seems a lot of the newspaper and T.V. coverage was skewed, not on the basic facts, but other items. The NY Times, in particular, was instrumental in shading and embellishment, which is, of course, what they do with political "news" even more blatantly today. On that very topic, here's a fascinating piece about how we're manipulated by the "news" industry. It's by one of my favorites, the Australians journalist, Caitlin Johnstone, read by her American husband:

Took a nap, then went over to Von's for this and that. Today, I have no lunch dates or other obligations, which is just as well. Think I'll get some office-type stuff done and complete gathering family lore for cousin Kevin, whom I'll see tomorrow.

I saw this on Facebook and thought it very funny when read properly:


1 comment:

iloveac said...

I give up….do tell.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...