Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Yesterday was just a round of business crapola, plus housework, which I'll skim over:

1. Email from FCC, asking if besides my "formal complaint" about Verizon, did I want to submit an informal one? Sure, why not, so I more or less duplicated my formal one and sent it off;

2. Called Yondoo about the "no signal" signal on the T.V., followed instructions, they didn't work, and somebody will come out this morning between 8:00 am and noon;

3. I'm almost out of the turmeric curcumin the doctor said to take (I think for my bones) and couldn't remember where I had gotten it. Finally ordered some via Amazon;

4. I got an email from my tenant, Lori, about the electric bill she got, which is just ridiculous, since there are solar panels on the house. There must be some mistake and I'll call them today.  

5. Got a letter from Groendyke Insurance to the effect that the policy on my house will expire on August 3, so a new policy must be written. I'll soon get a replacement quote. This is puzzling and I'll call Maureen at Groendyke today for an explanation.

5. Scrubbed the tub and installed the new tub mat. It's a little shorter than the other one, so I may boy another and use both.

Aside from all that, I went out to get the mail, saw a package at Suzanne's door and rang her bell to give it to her. She invited me in to see what the package contained. wonderful old family photos from her cousin, including her grandparents' wedding pictures. Interestingly, Suzanne's father and his brother married sisters, so she's sort of double-related to her cousin.  

Niece Carolyn invited Ellen and me to Finn's UCSB graduation, which is the day after tomorrow. We're already going to the party for him on Sunday and I'd love to go to the graduation, but I'm not so sure Ellen would want to. Maybe I'll look up the bus schedule, but then they'd have to pick me up, etc.  Hmm... We'll see. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...