Sunday, June 02, 2024


The Access Van was late picking me up and what's more, I'm going to file a complaint about the driver when the place opens this morning at 8:00. He was incredibly rude and actually asked me if I knew how to get to Karyn's! I didn't and he must have a GPS, as I pointed out. Anyway, I won't go into details now, but stayed tuned.

I hadn't been sure if I wanted to go to the party, but then decided I would, as I wanted to see my fellow members of Fractured Actors. The party was supposed to run from noon to 6:00, but when I got there about 1:15, only Martha White was there from F.A., along with other friends of the Murphys, whom I didn't know. Bryan, wasn't there and I didn't have a chance to ask why. I got myself a meal (with lemonade, no alcohol was served) and chatted with a few people. Later, Spence and Caitlin came and, just as I was leaving, Meredith and Kevin walked in. I thought it was odd that Jeff and Shannon weren't there, nor were Ben, Alphonse and Lindsay, and others from F.A. Tomorrow, I'll see Vera at the Soaring Spirits lunch and will ask is there's some back story there. I did enjoy hearing Spence and Karyn discuss their Shakespearian experiences--both have been in several of the plays, as has Mike--and I asked Spence which were his favorite roles. He mentioned several, including Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream--I'll bet he was perfect in that one--and others. 

I decided not to wait for the Access Van to go home, as it was supposed to come at 3:30. I cancelled, then said my goodbyes to Mike and Karyn, who are moving back to Sacramento, where they were born and brought up.  Here they are, two bright young people with little Logan--glad I got to know them:                                                               

I had to ask somebody how to get out of the large complex, then walked the mile or so to Telephone Road, and took the 11 bus home. Decided to make cabbage fritters, but was out of eggs, so walked over to Von's. Ran into Lorraine on the way and she asked me what I was doing today. Told her Dudley House and she said she might go. Made the fritters and had three for dinner. 

Today is the seventy-fourth anniversary of my father's death, the day that changed my life forever. 

 Note: What I didn't mention on Friday is that incredibly, a collection agency called me regarding the Verizon thing. They still say I owe them $251.50--unbelievable. After I screamed and cursed, he gave me the email address for filing disputes. I haven't gotten to them yet, but will try to get to it today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...