Thursday, June 27, 2024


My brother, Larry, called from Florida in the morning and it was fun talking to him. Here's a pic of some of his children, grands, and great-grands on one of their many excursions. Where are they this time? In Peru: 

Having been alerted to a good buy for fresh salmon at Smart 'n' Final (as I've mentioned before, the dumbest name for a supermarket ever), I walked the mile and a quarter there and found the shippers are in strike, so the fish didn't come in. Damn, I then walked the mile and a quarter back, fuming. However, it then occurred to me that the exercise is good for me, so it was stupid to be annoyed and I got over it. 

Home, I did little of consequence until Ellen came about 4:00. We sat and talked and talked girl talk until we went over to Chili Basil, the Thai restaurant right across the street and when we approached it, we ran into my old walking buddy from Kimball Park, Diane, and we introduced our daughters and chatted for a bit. Ellen and I then went in and I treated her to celebrate her retirement. We continued our chatter while we had our Pad Something, of course. 
Ellen suggested I ask Diane if we three could meet next Wednesday; she'll treat for lunch. That's the day before the fourth and El thought she could then drive back to her place and I could stay over. Sounds good to me and I'll check with Diane when I see her today for our Lib Lunch.

So the beat goes...It would probably bore anybody else, but it's my beat and I'm comfortable living with the rhythm.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...