Monday, June 03, 2024

Sunday At Dudley House

Did the crossword (it was good) and took my pill, but didn't feel like changing the bed, so I'll do it tomorrow. Started my dispute email to Verizon and it seems pretty strong, as I'm writing chapter and verse, detailing the whole saga, and adding copies of documents. Called the Access Van manager and left a message asking him or her to call me so I can register my complaint about Saturday's driver. 

I wasn't really looking forward to my docent stint at Dudley House, but since I had promised Lynne I would, I went. Was picked up at noon, which meant I got there forty-five minutes early--damn! Even Lynne wasn't there yet, but luckily, Charlie was. He's the horticulturist, who was setting up for the talk he does on the grounds on various--well, horticulture. Yesterday, it was growing plumeria, which I would have liked to attend myself, if I hadn't been tour-guiding.  

I wasn't looking forward to it, being in a bit of an enthusiasm slump, but it turned out to be a good day. We had a lot of people, so I wasn't just sitting on the porch chatting with the greeter, Deb. I took the first group, Lynne the next, and we were both busy the whole day. I do only the first floor and some day, as I told Lynne, I'd like to actually take the second floor tour--I haven't been up there for several years. As ever, thanks to Jan, the place was neat and clean:

And here's Lynne as we were leaving:
She took me home and I got in about 5:00. Had a quick bite and took a half-hour nap. Woke up to find several calls and texts from Ellen--oops, I had forgotten to turn my phone back on. Called her and we had a nice catch-up talk. She had dinner with Greg again on Saturday night and, coming into the retirement homestretch, she's continuing to ready things in the classroom. 

I started watching a documentary last night called Take Me Out Feet First. It was made by the daughter in a family in Marin Count (California) and concerns the decision by her elderly mother to end her life (terminal cancer). I didn't know how one actually does that legally and was fascinated. It showed how the family gathered around and helped by taking the meds out of containers and so on. It did not show the actual act--I think that legally, it isn't permitted. Marin County is a wealthy (average income $188,770) area up near San Francisco and clearly, the woman, her husband, and the family fit right in. Would those of more modest income have a similar experience? Maybe not. More to the point, if I was in intractable pain and there was no possibility of effective treatment, would I pursue the same path? I'll watch the rest of the program and provide the answer after.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...