Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Nothing much of note going on: Getting back to the usual, I packed my lunch and bused to the mall and Target to replenish my blueberry and grapefruit supply. Ate in the middle there, went in a few stores, then bused back. I've had trouble sleeping--staying asleep, that is--so took a short nap. I then stripped the bed and washed and re-made it. Dead-headed the geraniums (they're thriving) and otherwise neatened up the patio a bit. My garden, though, can't hold a candle to Suzanne's. When I stand in a certain place in my kitchen, here's the view I get of some of her roses:

And here are the backs of Suzanne's and my adjoining patios: 

Hers is on the left and note how ugly management's trimming of her big fiscus tree turned out. Mine looks great, I think, and that's thanks to Suzanne. She has a hose connected to the water supply (I don't) and she waters my fiscus when she does her own. Ellen gave me the tree as a apartment-warming gift when I moved here eight years ago.   

The social calendar: E-mailed Diane and we made a date for a lib lunch tomorrow. Talked to Ellen and we'll meet at the Thai place for dinner on Thursday. Suzanne is home from her trip to Denver to attend her cousin's sixtieth anniversary party. Lora texted me that she's back from Portugal. Unfortunately, she had to leave earlier than planned, as the aunt for whom she has power of attorney, was sinking. Lora got home in time to see her for a last time, though. 

I Messaged Mike to tell him he has a second cousin who works in the same place he does, but here in California. He sent her a text or something, but so far, hasn't heard back.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...