Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Called Linda, my cousin's wife, in the morning and we had a pleasant conversation. This was our first voice-to-voice contact (we've texted and Messaged), and so far, she seem to be of the quiet, retiring type.  I know she and Kevin are orthodox Catholics, so we may not exactly be soulmates, but I like to know people with a variety of ideas and beliefs, and I'm looking forward to seeing them on Friday. They'll pick me up at noon, I'll take them to The Greek restaurant at the harbor, then maybe we'll stroll around there. To fill out the weekend, I suggested we go into town on Saturday and see the Mission, City Hall, and other areas of interest, then lunch at Ellen's on Sunday.

Bused to the transit center, then walked to Yolanda's to meet Noreen for her eighty-ninth birthday lunch. She had been to the doctor about her tachycardia and was told that he could do a surgical procedure that would--I think I got this right--"burn off" the area that causes the fast heartbeat. Curiously, he had prescribed medication for it, too, so why not just go with that? Noreen mentioned that the operation might be a good option, because if you died during it, you would go without pain or fear. That seemed a bit of an odd way to look at it, but each to her own.

I'm not a big fan of Mexican food, but I like burritos and had a gigantic "wet" one, along with all the trimmings. Could barely eat half and took the rest home for dinner. I accompanied it with an IPA  and Noreen had a chicken salad and champagne. We sat and talked, naturally, for almost three hours, then said goodbye. She drove back to west Ventura and her three large dogs(!) and I walked back to the transit center and the 6 bus home.

Lib lunch with Diane today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...