Saturday, June 22, 2024


I was out front waiting when Linda drove up a bit after twelve. Kevin jumped out of the front seat and ushered me in and off we went. With me as tour guide, we got to the harbor, found The Greek and went in for lunch. We were there for more than two hours and I got to know my cousin and his wife.  I like them both and here's a quick sketch: Kevin is 80, Linda 74; they had two sons and a daughter, lost one son, the other is going through a divorce and has their only grandchild; daughter unmarried, but lives with her boyfriend; they have a big house in Turlock. I had mistakenly believed they were old-time Catholics, which is why I had scheduled the Mission for today, but I was mistaken. Linda was brought up Baptist; not sure if they still attend anything. Kevin has a variety of ailments, including glaucoma and, as is unfortunately evident, Parkinson's. 

Because Kevin had forgotten his eye medication, I took them to Kaiser after we left the harbor and Linda went in to get a replacement. That isn't far from my place and I invited them in. We shared pictures and talked and talked. 

I had copied a number of pictures of our grandparents and other antecedents for Kevin and showed him my ancestry book. This isn't what you get from a business, but something one of our other cousins worked up several years ago. Kevin spent a lot of time reading it and asked if he could get a copy. We had planned to go to the mission today, then have lunch in town, so I suggested we stop at Office Max first.  Ellen called and we'll be seeing her at her place tomorrow. Naughty me, I'm looking forward to  bringing up the subject of Trump, as they're both absolutely positive he's the devil incarnate.   

My company didn't leave until 7:00 and I'll see them two more days. Not knowing them in person before, I had misjudged them--there's a moral in there somewhere--and I enjoyed their company. Looking forward to seeing them again today and tomorrow. 

Ellen called to say a high of 93 was predicted for Ojai tomorrow, so maybe we should re-think the idea of going to the Kristimurdi Center.  Bobbi texted to ask about the T.O.P.S. meeting, but since I didn't go, couldn't tell her anything. 

Note: Missed T.O.P.S., but at home, weighed in at 124.2 for an insignificant .04 gain.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...