Saturday, June 08, 2024


Weight: 124.4 at home, a gain of 1.4, but at T.O.P.S., I recorded 125.3, which according to my records, is a loss of 1.4. I don't think that's accurate, though; either weight recorder Cheryl made a mistake or I did, but the hell with it; I'm still in my comfort zone. Sharon called me at 7:00 am to say she wasn't going and neither was Bobbi; S. is having problems after her recent surgery, and with her broken leg, B.'s husband has to drive her and he' ailing himself and she doesn't want him to have to get up that early. So only Cheryl, Lennie, and I were there for the meeting, as members. Who else? Cheryl brought her visiting sister to the meeting, too. Lennie will be gone the next two weeks and asked me to do the program. I said I would, but maybe I can foist the second one off on somebody else.

No breakfast until 10-:30 and after that, I forced myself to do my increasingly problematic paperwork or business work--whatever. I had received a notice from management to the effect I needed to renew my rental insurance. It was actually sent in error--I just renewed in May, but it necessitated me going over to the office, then calling the damn company--what a pain./

After that, I tackled the FCC complaint about Verizon. I was able to lay it out pretty clearly, I think, although I didn't make it as long as what I sent to the collection agency. Emailed it off and we'll see what happens.

I had a sudden urge to feed one of my addictions (cauliflower), so I went over to Von's and got one, along with a bumpy tangerine, came back home and did the roasted with mayo and parm covering. Had some for dinner and it was yum.

Suzanne is back from her latest sojourn to Idaho and said somebody had given her tickets to an improv show in Santa Paula for last night. She invited Vickie and me to go and what a terrific evening! This was way, way beyond the kind of "pick a topic out of the box and talk about it for one minute" improv I do in my acting classes. It was complete improvisation, with topics thrown out by the audience, resulting in little playlets by two to five of the players. They ran for four or five minutes and there were variations that were absolutely hilarious. The players were clearly experienced actors and have surely appeared on the regular stage. The venue was comfortable, but like Fractured Actors, is in a kind of a remodeled office suite. All the seats (it's very small) were taken, but I took these during intermission, so it doesn't look like it.  We were in the second row and unfortunately, there was a tall person in front of me, so these pics are not very good, but oh, well:

Below, that's Vickie in the second row:

Incredibly for me, we didn't get home until close to eleven, but I slept pretty well and didn't get up until noon...well, my noon, meaning 6:30.

Meeting Diane for lunch again today. We'll bring our lunches, of course, and eat on the hospital veranda.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...