Monday, June 10, 2024


 Did the Sunday things (crossword was annoyingly obscure), then packed lunch, walked to Telephone Road, then bused to the WinCo shopping center. I didn't go in there, but went to some smaller stores nearby. Got Fathers Day cards for the three of my descendent who are fathers. I ate on a bench in a little nook near the movie theatre, which was pleasant. 

Bused from there to the mall (I'm beginning to think I should buy stock in Target) and got produce,  frozen salmon, and low-cal popsicles. Finally got a tub mat--hope it's the right size. My left knee has been bothering me (it's that mean guy, Arthur, of course), but only sporadically and I didn't take anything. 

I t was only 5:00 when I got home, but for some reason, I was famished. Got my jumbo shrimp (raw and plain, of course, I never buy the  cooked or breaded) out of the freezer, defrosted and fried it up. Rounded out my meal with a small amount of leftover pasta and two cabbage fritters. I was already finished by 6:00, which is when I usually start to think about dinner. 

My T.V. still says "no signal" and I haven't heard back from Yandoo. Will call again, but in the meantime, I've been looking at YouTube stuff.  Must walk over to Hallmark for birthday and graduation cards. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...