Monday, July 01, 2024


Slow day. I followed the Sunday routine: took my osteo pill; stripped bed, washed sheets, re-made; enjoyed the crossword, and stayed in for lunch. I then walked to Wal-Mart for citrus and several other  items, including turkey franks, which I had for dinner and were good. Not much else went on except:

1. Lorraine, dizzy neighbor called at 7:00 am to talk about our even dizzier neighbor, Michelle. 

2. I steeled myself and viewed about eight minutes of the "debate." First of all, the set was incredibly tacky, looking like a D-level movie or something. Second, the performances were incredible. How anybody could vote for either of the low-class jerks is beyond me. Trump wore his usual street corner gang persona and Biden was obviously reciting some crapola he had been force-fed. He's so clearly incompetent to be mayor of Upper Japip, Alabama, let alone.... I just couldn't stand watching any more, but I wonder if Julian Assange was mentioned. I'll see if I can look that up. The overall impression I took away was a conviction that the empire is crumbling, as all empires do.

3. Showered and washed my hair.

4. Watched a documentary on the Bamber murders (U.K.) and after that...

5 Slept well, which is my best news.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...