Saturday, July 20, 2024


T.O.P.S.: Gained 1.6 at home and 1.7 at T.O.P.S. for respective weights of 125.6 and 126.2. Both are well within my comfort zone, so no prob. The meeting was of the therapy sessions genre, with Leader Lennie injecting both political and religious notes, all very predictable. (Trump is a monster, so you have to vote for Biden.) Attendees then offered the usual third-grade clichés about how to live your life. Of course, these are all offered with great seriousness and soulful expressions. Boring.

However, something interesting happened. Cheryl, who is our weight recorder (and my chauffer) found a notebook of stats (names and weights) from years ago, which started in 2015. She asked if I wanted it, I took it and found my own info--at my first meeting in May, 2016, I weighed  187.6! That means I've lost 61.4 pounds with T.O.P.S. and first reached what I call my "comfort zone" (125 to 130 lbs.) almost exactly four years ago--on July 24, 2020.  

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30 and after that, dealt with the home insurance thing. I was hoping I could electronically sign the documents, but unfortunately, when I called Maureen at the agency, she said I couldn't. Annoyingly, my scanner doesn't seem to be working, so I'm just going to sign, and send her the hard copy.

Walked over to Von's for veggies and pretzels, had lunch late, then did this and that--nothing very interesting. What was interesting and a big source of relief is that Ellen called to say she had had her new doctor appointment, already was x-rayed and was referred to an orthopedist. That was so good to hear, as she had a terrible time getting her new insurance--Kaiser--to kick in. She and Greg are seeing a fair amount of each other--as friends--had dinner last night and had planned to play cards last night. Unfortunately, she texted later that he's tested positive for the big bugaboo; hope he recovers soon.  

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