Sunday, July 07, 2024


Lots of annoyances early on, but things improved later. No newspaper, so I had to have my oatmeal and cereal with just the cryptograms. Then my laptop screen suddenly went black and the whole computer would do nothing. After trying the few--very few--remedies I could think of, I put it in the carrying case and walked over to Asurion ("UbreakIfix") right across the street in the Von's shopping center. The guy there thought it was the charger, tried his and it worked, but I hadn't brought mine, so needed to walk  back to my place, got my it, and return. Yup, it worked and I'm sure the darn plug had fallen out of the wall. When I got home, I put it in another outlet and it works fine. 

I know it's weird, but I'm interested in the Laci Peterson murder, so went off to the library to get the book by Amber Frey, who was the murdering Scott Peterson's illicit romance. Prepared my lunch and walked out to get the bus to town and just missed the 6 and the 21, so had to wait fifteen for the 10. Got the the library and found the book was out, although that wasn't indicted when I looked it up on-line. Took out Laci-'s mother's book, instead.

A major annoyance: My right hearing aid suddenly seems not to work; this may be something I did, but am not sure. Audiologist and HEARX isn't open on Saturday, so I called and left a message that I'll come in tomorrow. 

Things improved after that. I ate at my usual across from the mission place and it was very pleasant. Lots of people in town, but not oppressively, just enough to be festive. Took the 6 bus home, stopping at Von's first to add to my IPA supply. 

Lib lunch (lunch at the library) today with Diane.


iloveac said...

Rosemary, what do you mean when you say lib lunch?

Mimi said...

Sorry, Pat! Diane and I frequently meet for lunch, bringing our own, at a kind of small park between the Hill Street branch of the library and some office buildings. It's a grassy area with trees, tables, chairs, and umbrellas, and it's pretty private, but not isolated. With Diane's neuropathy, it's easy for her to take the 11 bus to get there and I just walk the mile and a bit via the footbridge over the freeway.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...