Wednesday, July 31, 2024


My neighbor, Lorraine, called me at 7:00 am, as she has before (good thing I get up early) and we had a chat. We'll meet for lunch some time soon in the middle of the complex. Washed and changed the bedclothes after breakfast. 

Packed lunch and walked the footbridge to the library. I was early, returned two books, and read for a bit. Went out at quarter of twelve and a few minutes later, Diane came up. As ever, we ate, talked, laughed, talked some more, and generally enjoyed ourselves for three hours--a marathon session, even for us.

Finally parted and Diane bused one way, I the other. I went from there to the mall and Target for grapefruit, bread, and an IPA six pack. Didn't do much else except watch some of a murder case in the U.K., then heated up some turkey stir-fry for dinner.

Ellen called. She'll get her blood test tomorrow, then will pick me up and we'll go to lunch. We also had a long talk about my damn homeowners insurance. It's imbelievable that I srent it registered mail on July 20 and it still hasn't gotten to Jersey. El suggested we go to Office Depot today, have it scanned, and send it that way. Will do.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...