Thursday, July 25, 2024


Jeanne Painter texted me some more about her new great-grandbaby and other things. I suggested she call me, she did, and we had a twenty-minute talk. Notably, her long-time paramour, John, is now 95, but no dementia, although he needs care of other kinds. 

 After breakfast, I called Ellen and we caught up with each other. Also called Stella to see if she was available for lunch, but she had planned to do some volunteer work for Family to Family. 

I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do with my day, aside from getting some walking in. Finally, I packed a lunch and walked the mile and a half to Wal-Mart. Got Stevia and crackers, then ate in the area between the office buildings on Ralston Avenue. I was surprised to see the decorative fountain wasn't operating, but it was still a nice place to lunch: 

After, I stopped into the rental place to say hello to Dominique, my acquaintance, LaVonne's granddaughter. Had a nice chat and one of these days, I'll call LaVonne. 

Bused to the transit center, then took another bus home, stopping at Von's for a few staples. I was a little tired when I got home, so took a half hour--nap.  

Here's a pic of the roses on my patio. I'm just amazed at how lovely they are--little credit to me, as I don't pay them much attention, but I'm glad they're here. I hadn't even realized before it's one plant with two different colored flowers: 

1 comment:

iloveac said...

I like POSSLQ better than ‘paramour’. The Census bureau invented it for Persons of the Opposite Sharing Living Quarters. Rich and I used it.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...