Tuesday, July 02, 2024


Yesterday made up for poky Sunday. I left at 10:30 for the Soaring Spirits lunch at the Stone Fire Grille. I usually walk Telephone Road and bus the rest of the way, but a bus wasn't due for a while, so I walked the whole way. That totaled 2.1 miles. Once I reached the shopping center where it's located, I deviated to Kohl's, where I have a gift card. Didn't see anything I wanted to buy and traversed to the other end to Barnes & Noble. I was there a good 45 minutes, trying to find an address book, as my current one is filled. Finally had a manager help me, but it was difficult for her, too. I then stopped at Sprout's and bought two big containers of blueberries. By that time, it was noon and I went to the lunch. 

As ever, I had a good time. Most of the regulars were there: Vera, Susan, Roice (a man), Renee, and the English woman  with the unusual name I can never remember. Gayle wasn't, as she was on one of her perpetual cruises. We were there until 2:00, then I bused to the transit center. Got off at the post office, as I needed overseas stamps. I then walked to the Von's shopping center, stopping into CVS to pick up my meds. Suzanne had texted me, asking if I'd get her RX at Von's (I might switch there), so I stopped there next and picked it up. 

Vickie had texted that she'd leave some homegrown lettuce (from a friend of hers) at my door, but I stopped over there and picked it up. By that time it was 4:00 and I was ready to relax. Did so by re-watching Fatal Attraction on Netflix. Yoicks, that was some movie. It's 37 years old, but still packs a wallop. 

I saw an ad for Shameless Snacks on Facebook and ordered some to the tune of thirty-seven dollars (am I nuts?). They're gummies and don't contain sugar, so I'll give them a try.

No plans for today; maybe I'll call Stella. Or maybe not.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...