Monday, July 22, 2024


Sunday crossword was so-so and I lost interest in it early on. Just putzed around until 11:15, when I left to walk around to Vickie's and off we went to Cliff House. I like this place so much and hadn't been there since Lora and Julie took me for my birthday in December. The weather was just superb and we had a great time. Darn, I wish I had remembered to ask the server to take a picture of both of us, but I didn't.  I took a mediocre on of Vickie, then she took me; I'm sorry we didn't get one together:


Here's the other side, with a pier in the background:
Seagull in the pool:

Vickie and I talked and talked, ranging over our backgrounds, sexual orientations, religion, likes and dislikes, and a multitude of other topics. We had already been open and frank with each other, but yesterday we happily enjoyed a new level. BTW, Vickie has a thing about the number seven: She was born on the seventeenth day of the seventh month in 1957, so she's sixty-seven, and there are a lot of other "sevens" in her life. Also, since I'm twenty years older than she is, that includes me. We smiled over the fact that she finds this highly significant and I find it a coincidence.  

We lingered over brunch for two hours, then at my request, drove to Office Max so I could exchange the printer ink I had bought the other day (got the wrong number). Home after that and for some reason, I was sleepy, so took an hour nap. I then roused myself long enough to do a little trimming of my ailing geranium, taking trash to the receptacle, and a few other items. Felt up to par after that and walked over to Von's for coffee filters, apples, and fifteen-calorie ice pops. 

Late (1:30) lunch today with Diane at the hospital.

Happy day--I slept pretty well and just got up at 5:45--YAY!     

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