Friday, July 26, 2024


Lots of extended family goings-on: For openers, niece Carolyn called early and I'm so glad she did. I had put down that my brother, Frank's, children (two sons, two daughters) were coming on the twenty-ninth for the "traveling memorial" for their Dad, but in fact, it's the twenty-sixth--today!  They're staying at the Pierpont Inn in Ventura, then on tomorrow, we'll all go to Carolyn's in Santa Barbara and have Sacco Subs. Carolyn and I also had a long talk about various family situations. 

And more on visitors: I talked to my 92-year-old brother, Larry, who said he'll be here from the ninth to the thirteenth of September, with his daughter, Terry. They'll stay in Ventura, but we'll all go up to Santa Barbara, too, to Carolyn's and to see Betty. I texted Carolyn's brother, Wes, in Chicago, with the dates, as he had said he'd like to see Larry, too. He hopes he can get here.

After that, I spent time going over my family pictures and documents to show Frank's gang. Will take them tomorrow to Santa Barbara, maybe both.

Called my neighbor, Lorraine, to see if she could bring her lunch and meet in the middle of the complex, but she said she had to wait for the cable guy. I took my lunch and my book (The Body, by Bill Bryson, which is enthralling). I had just finished my sandwich and beer when Lorraine came up; she had left the cable guy a note. We had a nice time in the beautiful sunshine chatting; I'm getting to know Lorraine better and, while we're not exactly on the same wave length, I enjoy talking to her. She got a phone call from nutty Michelle, told her she'd talk to her late, but as soon as she hung up, she got another and told her the same thing. The third call she didn't answer and darned if Michelle didn't come up to us. I excused myself about two minutes later, lying in my teeth by by saying I had to go, but I just can't stand listening to Michelle. 

Earlier, I had washed the bathroom and hall rugs and dusted and washed the hard floors. Did a color wash and a few other chores. Called Cheryl to tell her I won't be going to T.O.P.S. today. as I'll be with family. Ellen called and will pick me up at noon. She suggested I stay over at her house, then we'll go to Santa Barbara from there; will do. 

Jim called to tell me he was getting some kind of procedure on his heart on Tuesday. A stent, maybe? He thought so, but it's being done in the doctor's office, which seems odd. The problem is, he was told not to drive after and he doesn't know how to get there. I'll see if I can help.

I got a kick out of this, which came up on Facebook. I'm one of the tyrant's subjects, all right.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...